Anyone else not have a cell phone?

I used to have one and when I had it, I thought I NEEDED it. I got rid of it and I learned that all those reasons I thought I 'needed' it for weren't needs. Sometimes it came in handy, but then I think maybe I missed out on a little adventure due to going straight for the cell for convenience (instead of waiting/looking/walking/asking around, etc), maybe I missed out on meeting someone interesting because I had to wait 5 minutes longer or actually physically go find you in the mall or whatever. It allows you to take an easy way out of a situation you could have learned from, like perhaps changing your own flat tire or something like that.

I also realized how much power over me that it gave to others, and took from me. Anyone could get ahold of me anytime. That's NOT a good thing. People could annoy me around the clock. Work could call and I'd have no excuse for not getting the call. Everyone knows when you're purposely ignoring them on your cell, so you're stuck hearing it ring, ignoring whoever it is, and then having to lie constantly as to why you didn't answer. That's no way to live!

Fuck all that! It's fun seeing people not know how to react when you say you have no cell phone! They don't know what to do!

is it normal to not have a cell phone?

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 136 votes (78 yes)
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Comments ( 46 )
  • Corleone

    I have one, but I try not to text or call in public. If I'm one on one with someone at a bar, my cell phone goes off.

    Yeah, that's right. I'm chivalrous, bitches!

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  • My uncle still doesn't have a cell phone and it boggles my mind. He takes 2 hour trips from town to town every weekend so the fact that he wouldn't carry some kind of device to contact the outside world in case something happens to him almost seems like a death wish to me.

    Regardless, not normal. Not having a cell phone in this age is the equivalent of not having a toga during the Roman period.

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  • A cell phone is pretty much essential these days(unless you're a hermit)

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  • I've never owned a cellphone. I just don't need one; mainly because I have no one to talk to.

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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

      aww lol

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  • bristexai

    *clap clap clap* Want a cookie?

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    • junglejuice123

      ur rude. wanna cookie

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  • dappled

    I have one that I barely use. I charged it at the weekend for the first time in a month. One text message and it was spam. People know that if they want me, they should email me. Not phone, not text message, not Facebook. I've always got a device with me (even in bed - last night I had three). All of them read email, not all of them are phones.

    I feel better not being tied to a phone. Nobody has ever got anything that I need to hear instantly anyway. If you want to ask me to come to your party in two weeks, just email.

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      Yeah, same here. But for me that moment when I recharge my phone after some months and I only missed some spam feels kind of sad.
      But it is because most of my freinds don't now my number. I don't know it either. I'd have to look it up somewhere.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Nice book
    *powermanures his shorts

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  • michaels4p5

    i do this with my main email address". i like having my cell phone but don't like the bill. on top of other bills to pay. but hay i have good credit.

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  • dodongos

    I don't have one. Never have.

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  • CollegeIsNotAsAwesomeAsIImagin

    I used to have one, i was an idiot for paying like 8 months for the unlimited plan when I had a crappy phone. One day while working it got soaked and I did not charge my account for that month, the last time i used a phone. I could text, access the web and talk forever; but i did not becuase the only people that called where my parents, I never texted anyone so it was useless, the internet acces was crappy and slow with the phone. Now i thinking to jst get the simples phone, i really wanted a galaxy or an iphone, but i figured i wait until i have more me time( im trapped with school and my nagging mom that would not let me out to go somewhere with friends. I willing to pay no more than 20 a month, or even 30 for just calls. I figured if people really wanted to contact me, they would call or leave fb message, end of the story

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  • kelili

    I don't have a cellphone too. I was absent from job monday and tuesday and the bastards didn't know how to reach me. I used to have one though but I don't really need one now

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  • PapzBSlim

    Lol I have a cell phone and am addicted to it. At first, I did not need one because who ever I am with is usually the only person who needs to be in touch with me. A lot of my friends and especially my mother hated me not having a cell phone so she went and got me one and pays for it. I have always had one in the past but sometimes I just stop paying for it. Now it is mandatory that I have one because my girlfriend needs to contact me and just in case job offers contact me.

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  • CheyChey

    I have a cellphone but it's main use is so I can access the internet on the go, I hardly make phone calls it's mainly texting but I would survive without it but I'd feel so empty, never underestimate the joy of internet on the go how would I survive bus journeys home besides how would I go on Is it normal when bored and far away form my laptop.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I have a cell phone, but I might as well say I don't considering that I hardly use it. I hate texting!

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    A lot of people say they have a phone but they only use it for calls and texts.
    I only use mine as a clock.

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    Best Move Ever!!!

    I do have a mobile phone and I find it necessary but I have forgotten the times when I had a meeting with a friend in the city that we arranged through the telephone and then I could travel to the meeting place at the proposed time and if someone was late or for serious reasons he couldn't make it, I wouldn't be able to call him and know. I mean, I can't imagine how I met with friends in the past (I forgot), but during times we didn't have mobile phones life was still possible.

    Other than that I unsigned from my facebook account since a long and I already enjoy their faces when I tell them I don't have a facebook account.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Nope, not me. I own one. I am out of the house most of the day though and I have people that I need to keep in contact with calling me, like my boss or family members. That and I drive a lot and sometimes for longer distances then walking or bus distance and my car is 18 years old. I have had to call to get it towed before and well, walking on the highway to try to find a gas station in an unfamiliar area isn't smart and having a cell-phone also enables me to call my boss and tell him that I have to be late.

    I have also used my cell-phone to call 911 (I witnessed a man have a seizure and wreck his car), which in and of itself is a good reason to own a phone, in my opinion. But if you don't have any use for it, you don't go out much or you are usually close to civilization and other people and you don't have a needy job or you don't find yourself out for long distances or traveling... then it is just a waste of money.

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  • hasty

    I use a cellphone because of all the features they have other than texting or making calls.

    Gps, maps, ebooks, etc. All that's pretty useful, imo.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    I just got two new phones lol


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  • dom180

    I feel less distracted having one with me. Knowing that people can contact me if they need me urgently even if I'm outside the house stops me having to worry about that. I understand why you'd feel happier not having one though :P I never use it myself to start or get involved in random conversations - I probably only send 4 or 5 texts a week and only 1 or 2 calls - I only use it if I need to tell someone something or they need to say something to me.

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  • my mobile phone is broke but i am going crazy its not that i used if for calls or texts i used it as an alarm to get up when i need to in the morning, so now i am depending on others to get me up when i need to, i have a landline but its not the same, i am glad you feel better without one but it comes in handy when you not one.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    I have one but I find your reasons for not having on interesting and understandable. In any case, I keep mine on silent most of the time, I hate to have it as a constant distraction.

    I do find my phone useful to have on me though, I use it as an MP3 player and sometimes for games if I'm bored waiting around somewhere. Also, mobile internet is great when I'm too lazy to go upstairs and switch my PC on just to Google one thing.

    I think those who are constantly glued to their phone are missing out, not to mention pissing me off with their constant ringtones or screen flashing every 5 minutes. The worst is when you're trying to talk to someone and they're just standing there texting. Or worse still when you're watching a movie, especially in the cinema.

    Yay ranting.

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  • I have many, but I never used them. Recent one I have somewhere is one this girl gave me for no reason.

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  • DarkBlue

    I am sooo proud of you!! :D :D I totally agree with you about how annoying it is! I hate this idea too that anyone can find you anytime..Yes! Yes! It gives others much power (which they don't deserve ;P) over us! And it's not healthy too..Oh and it's becoming too "fashionable" :P Don't be part of the flock :D For me, I hate cell phones too a lot! I was only forced to get one after my graduation because everyone, mostly my family, wanted to have some means to check on me :S But after reading your post, I might throw it into the ocean :D ;)

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  • Moonbow

    Ever since the local undertaker told me how many young people he has buried who died of brain cancer located on the sides of their heads where they kept their cellphones to their ears, I have kept mine in the car and the only number on speed dial is AAA. I also know two people in their 30s who have brain cancer now and for the past five years, you never saw them without that damn cellphone up to their ears.

    People do not need cellphones for anything other than emergencies. Ever walked along a sidewalk and heard the ridiculous conversations of people on their cellphones? Nothing they say is worth saying or worth hearing and it's certainly not worth risking brain cancer -- which is a painful and horrible way to die!

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  • howaminotmyself

    My cell phone is mostly used to check the bus schedule and this silly site. Otherwise I barely use it for phone purposes. I don't take it with me everywhere I go, just to work.

    It's good to hear that not everyone has an electronic leash.

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  • VioletTrees

    I don't have a cell phone! Well, I sort of do. I have an iPhone, because my fiancé gave it to me when he got a newer model, but it doesn't actually have cell service. I use it as an iPod Touch, basically, and I can call 911 with it if I need to. I stay at home, so I can make calls with our home phone. My fiancé has a cell phone, so when we're out, people can just call him and ask to talk to me if they need to.

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  • My cell phone is my home phone so I need it. I don't like using it for much other than that, however I do text old friends every once in awhile which is better than going on Facebook. Also if I'm in the car on a long way home (not driving :P) I go on the Internet. :) Another thing is if my car breaks down or there's an emergency/someone needs help or to use it I have it.

    I have a bad habit of not checking my phone for days or leaving it behind. People always get mad at me. :x

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    • "I have a bad habit of not checking my phone for days or leaving it behind. People always get mad at me. :x"

      It's true, they do! If you think about it, what right on Earth do they think they have to be mad at you, just because THEY couldn't bother you at their whim?

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      • True. Usually it's because they want something. I never get mad when someone doesn't call me back or reply to me. They'll get back to me when they can. Having a text conversation is different though. I'll end it when I know I'm not going to text them back for a while, it would be rude otherwise. ^^ And I guess I understand that a message/call could be urgent so I try to listen to voicemails but still I forget sometimes/don't want to be bothered. Lol.

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  • Thepilotofepic

    I have one cuz I'm awesomer

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  • Imsupernormal

    Cellphones are a MUST in today's world any dumbass who says you don't need one is an idiot and stupid!

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    • dinz

      Excuse me? Mankind has survived millions of years without the need of a portable communication device. You probably one of those little twats who would sell poor little granny on the street corner because you need credit for your phone.

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      • Imsupernormal

        I said "in today's world" NOT millions of years ago! Idiot. Learn to read dumbass!

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        • dinz

          It includes Today's world. Can't you live life without one or are you that dependent on it?

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      • AbnormallyAwesome

        I sure hope so. Cause I really want to see the guy that buys her.

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    • dappled

      I'm an idiot and stupid and my donkey can't speak due to congenital deafness. :)

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    • michaels4p5

      not really i can drop mine anytime i want then i'll no longer have one.

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    • junglejuice123

      well if this comment isnt the biggest fuckin joke ive ever read. then i dont know what is. Youre probably between your teens to mid twenties, who has an outragious amount of friends, and social life, who lives off there parents, but could never keep up with all the friends you have because you're to busy texting the multiple guys hitting up your phone. Get real. Not everyone has a phone, and some ppl just cant afford it. so your the idiot for being completely uneducated on this subject, better yet just think and clearly research before you type.

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      • Imsupernormal

        First of all idiot I don't have any friends or social life, otherwise I would not be here on IIN idiot. Secondly I am a guy NOT a girl. Thanks for playing the assumptions game bitch!

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        • michaels4p5

          oh kind of like me.

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        • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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        • junglejuice123

          well thanks for the complement, i hear it more then you probably hear your name get called. So names dont faze me. Obviously something i said struck a nerve otherwise you wouldnt be TRYING to insult me. Uneducated is definately the one im leaning towards striking a nerve. and just because im the assumption game BITCH, ill also assume living off your parents is the other. So, thanks for letting my comment bother you so much you chose to message me!!!

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