Anyone else not have a cell phone?
I used to have one and when I had it, I thought I NEEDED it. I got rid of it and I learned that all those reasons I thought I 'needed' it for weren't needs. Sometimes it came in handy, but then I think maybe I missed out on a little adventure due to going straight for the cell for convenience (instead of waiting/looking/walking/asking around, etc), maybe I missed out on meeting someone interesting because I had to wait 5 minutes longer or actually physically go find you in the mall or whatever. It allows you to take an easy way out of a situation you could have learned from, like perhaps changing your own flat tire or something like that.
I also realized how much power over me that it gave to others, and took from me. Anyone could get ahold of me anytime. That's NOT a good thing. People could annoy me around the clock. Work could call and I'd have no excuse for not getting the call. Everyone knows when you're purposely ignoring them on your cell, so you're stuck hearing it ring, ignoring whoever it is, and then having to lie constantly as to why you didn't answer. That's no way to live!
Fuck all that! It's fun seeing people not know how to react when you say you have no cell phone! They don't know what to do!
is it normal to not have a cell phone?