Anyone following whats going in on poland

Anybody here following the whole migrant fiasco on the border of Belarus and Poland? Its complete insanity.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • bigbudchonger

    Ye, man, good on the Polish for keeping them out.

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    • I hate this new globalism narrative. If they dont want to take them I dont get why people from the other side of europe care. Its not their country. They can take or not take whoever they want.

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  • olderdude-xx

    No; my household is far more concerned with what is going on in Ukraine due to Russia.

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    • Yeah thats not looking good either. Yikes.

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      • olderdude-xx

        My wife is from Ukraine, and still owns property there in a city that Russia wants because it used to build almost all the missiles for the Soviet Union and Russia before Russia invaded Crimea.

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        • If major conflict starts in Taiwan with US and China I bet overnight Russia invades Ukraine and starts WW3

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  • Boojum

    You're right: it is an insane mess.

    The conservative, nationalist government of Poland is far from a shining example of what an enlightened, humane government should be, and Alexander Lukashenko is an autocratic thug whose only concern is clinging to power. It's transparently obvious that Lukashenko has manufactured this crisis as a way of putting pressure on the EU to ease sanctions imposed on Belarus after an obviously fraudulent election and the repression that followed it. Putin is also obviously sticking his oar in as a part of his continued efforts to weaken and divide the EU. And the Polish government feels the need to flex and show that they're going to do everything they can to maintain the purity of Poland and repel the godless heathens from their border.

    It's all thoroughly disgusting and actually looks like that particular corner of Europe has reverted to a mediaeval mindset.

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    • As far as I know he did not ask Belarus to ship migrants to the border of Poland or ask Belarus in assisting migrants in breaking into Poland by shining lasers and lights at Polish border officers. It is up to Poland whether or not they want to take the migrants. I dont understand why other European countries want to dump these migrants in Poland so bad if Poland doesnt want them.

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      • Boojum

        I take it the "he" in your comment is your esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich?

        Yes, of course, dear gospodin Putin is as pure as the snow that falls upon the domes of the Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed. He is as noble as the mighty stallions of the steppes. He is as kind and pure of heart as His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.

        Believe all that crap if you choose, but the fact remains that Putin just about the only friend the disgusting Lukashenko still has. Maybe Putin hasn't actually been telling the asshole what to do, but there's sure as hell no signs that he's trying to talk him out of bringing refugees into Belarus and then pointing them at the Polish border.

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        • The angry ex girlfriend attacks on his character doesnt mean squat in the grand scheme of things. You may well be right about his moral compass. But thats irrelevant to this. It certainly doesnt mean he should take in the migrants. I dont know what you mean by "believe that crap". Are you suggesting he told the Belarusian government to fly them and to put the migrants at the border?

          My opinion is I think it's wrong to try to force another country to take migrants that that country does not want to take. Hardly a controversial stance to a reasonable person. Whether or not he's right wing or left wing or putins friend or bidens friend doesnt really add much to it.

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