Anyone have any odd childhood fears?

Comment your childhood fears. Mine was vampires. I was scared they'd bite me, turning me immortal, then trap me in a small cage where I couldn't move or die, so I'd be there forever. Stupid and unjustified, but aren't all childhood fears? These thoughts disappeared by the time I was 12 or 13. I'm curious about everyone else's.

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Comments ( 44 )
  • I thought the government has invisible floating cameras that followed me around. I also thought they had them installed in my house in the light fixtures and air ducts. I used to take thinks apart looking for the cameras.

    I also thought there were extra dimensional demonic monsters on the other side of the world that would travel light speed to catch me when ever I started to go up a stair case so I would run up the stairs before they got to me.

    I thought that aliens would get me if I left doors open so I would flip out if a door wasn't closed. I don't know why I thought they could travel through space but not open a door.

    I was a very paranoid kid.

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    • DumBelle

      Aliens! I guess aliens are rational, I always thought they would be standing there... watching through my window... with those big eyes.

      Probably my worst childhood fear.

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    • TrustMeImLying

      given the first fear, The Truman Show must've been a horror movie for you

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      • Dulse.

        That movie scared the crap outta me. I was forced to watch it for high school, that was the worst part...

        Odd childhood fear:

        I wasn't totally convinced my dog was real, thought it was a robot dog because I wasn't nice enough to be around a real dog. Felt like everyone was keeping that secret from me somehow.

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        • Shackleford96

          Poor dog! Lol

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      • I thought those things way before that movie.

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        • TrustMeImLying

          I didnt doubt that one bit before

          But now your unprovoked defensive post makes me quite suspicious *squints eyes*

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          • If you really think about it, it's possible for the government to actually spy on us at any time, and even if they don't have the technology yet, they will eventually have x-ray satillites in the future that can watch you through your roof.

            The good news is that there are so many people that they have no actual reason to spy on just anybody unless they are doing something worth watching. Just because they can doesn't mean they will.

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  • charli.m

    There was an Alice in Wonderland telemovie with Carol Channing as the White Queen. I was terrified of walking past my grandmother's bedroom after having a dream that the Queen was in there, called me in, and ate all my fingers.

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  • ZeHD

    I was terrified of ET, like the alien from the movie. I would have vivid dreams of him stabbing me, and right as the knife entered me I would wake up and be paralyzed, and the dream would come to life and ET would be stabbing me in real life. He would then run out of the room. I thought my whole childhood that real aliens were coming into my room and I would sleep with my parents for years. I later found out that I have something called sleep paralysis, which means that I wake up and my body is still dreaming, so Im frozen and my dreams come to life. kinda scary, but I learned to control it so now whenever I dream of ET I can force myself to wake up

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    The myth of Bloody Mary. I slept right in front of a huge mirror that my parents couldn't remove, and I always thought she'd appear just by thinking about her.

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    • DumBelle

      Did you ever perform the chant in the bathroom, with the lights off?

      "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Marry had a baby" whatever. When you turn the lights on, she was supposed to appear in the mirror... Although ridiculous, my friend's began to prank unexpected victims, by sneaking a mask on in the dark, once turning the light back on; screaming "give her back!", it scared the shish out of whomever they targeted!

      My cousin was disturbed. She did things like this, a lot.

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    • JonCrowley

      I to slept in front of a mirror. I was scared that when I moved, my reflection would keep staring at me.

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  • (.)(.)boobies

    I lived in the forest and would spend most of my days outside because my mother wouldn't allow me inside as long as the sun was up. On my walks through the woods, I would noticed large mushrooms that had been wedged in the fork of a spindly branches in several trees. They didn't grow there, they were picked from the ground and placed there, whole, with a scuff of dirt at their root.

    The branches were too thin for a squirrel or a chipmunk to have brought the weight of themselves as well as a large mushroom along. A bird might have been able to stuff it just so onto those branches, but there would have been beak or claw marks on the mushroom if that were the case. Mushrooms damage so easily, yet there was never a single mark on any of them.

    To this day, I don't know how the mushrooms got there but I'm sure there's a logical explanation. When I was a child, I believed they were put there by a sasquatch or possibly a ghost, maybe as a gift. I always felt like someone was watching me in the woods and seeing those mushrooms in the trees frightened me.

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    • This is the most interesting comment here yet, I've been waiting for a good story like this one. A few others were good and interesting, but this had such a unique feel to it.

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      • (.)(.)boobies

        I'm glad you liked it. It gave me the willies, even though I was very at home in the woods on my own.

        Are you skilled at creative writing? (I'm not.) If so, maybe you could write a short story using it as a theme.

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        • That's exactly what I was thinking. If I do eventually write something on the topic I'll message you. Don't expect anything though.

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          • (.)(.)boobies

            I assure you, I am free of expectations. It was only an idea. I probably let your complimentary comment go to my head.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Did you ever receive any more mysterious gifts?

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      • (.)(.)boobies

        I left my childhood home as soon as I graduated from high school but I have returned a few times since then. When i spent time in the woods during my return visits, I didn't see any more mushrooms in the trees. Maybe they were there and I didn't notice. But I think I would have noticed.

        When I lived there, I spent most of my time in the forest and I knew every part of it well. I would even sleep there when I felt tired and I knew all of the edible plants if I was hungry. I grew up in an abusive home and the forest was where I felt safe and protected. I'm sure my mother sometimes hoped I wouldn't return home at the end of the day and then she could be rid of me with damaging her conscience. With all of the time I would spend out there, I knew every tree, stump, and bush; so, when anything changed, I would notice it immediately (including the mushrooms).

        I have hiked a lot of other forests and I haven't seen mushrooms stuck in any tree branches. I think it was specific to the hundred or so acres of property I grew up on.

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  • DumBelle

    Mine were not odd and pretty rational, for a child. I was definitely petrified of "strangers", as a child. This was a mixture of watching too much "Unsolved Mysteries" and being traumatized by a BOLO/man-hunt for a "crazy man" on the run in my town. He had made his way to my neighborhood (where he was ultimately detained) it was on the news, so I panicked when I saw where he was.

    I began to run from all strangers that were in my neighborhood after that and feared everyone new; which was hilarious when my brother and I tried to run away from a person walking to a neighbor's house, in our rollerblades and basically falling the entire time, crying and scrambling away, he just stopped in his tracks, perplexed. I'm pretty sure we offended him.

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  • CameraGirl20

    I was afraid that someone would always be in my vents.

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  • ocdpride

    one I still have to this day:
    mascots or fur-suits, all because when I was little my uncle got me a talking cat in the hat toy for Christmas.

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  • noid

    I lived in the country. I was afraid of encountering a rabid skunk.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I can't say that I don't blame you.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Dear god, there were way to many too list. About three pages long at least. Some of them were reasonable fears like Fire and heights, while others (most of them) were completely irrational and bizarre.

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    • Tell us a few of the bizarre and irrational ones.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Um…. Okay.

        - Werewolf legs (These still actually freak me out!)
        - Thick black squiggly lines (I still have it…)
        - Fear that God was going to kill me if I acknowledged the fact that I no longer believed in him.
        - Fear that God was always watching me even when I was sleeping or naked/bathing.
        - Fearing that the floor would collapse down into the next level while I was standing on it. (This especially would happen when I was taking a shower)
        - Fearing that the planet would flip upside down causing everyone to fall into the sky.
        - fearing/being completely disgusted by White socks and underwear (I still have this.)
        - Nova (You know the acclaimed show on Public Television?)
        - Black Holes (Could you blame me?)
        - Being adducted by aliens
        - Courage The Cowardly Dog Show (I absolutely adore it now.)
        - Mayonnaise
        - Velvet (I have Hayptodysphroia.)
        - Straight men
        - The Nightmare Before Christmas

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  • JonCrowley

    I read somewhere about a monster that only would exist in the periphery of your vision, so as a kid I always was checking the corner of my eyes.

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  • lolol555

    Oh. Quite a few. I went through really high bouts of paranoia with my parents when I was very young. Learned to use a chair to get into the cupboard at 4 and get my drinks because I feared they'd poison it for whatever reason. Scared to be left alone in the car because our old babysitter did it for hours (while she was at another babysitting job) and I guess I got sweaty and uncomfortable. So, eh, some rationality to it.

    My mum couldn't deal with close contact a lot so she'd literally growl or bark at me to go away. I remember something she liked to say was "you look so sweet I could eat you up" and I came to the conclusion she was a monster who wanted to kill me. It scared me enough to make me hide somewhere for the rest of the day. Eventually thought (for a time) my parents were either monsters or vampires and, when they kissed me, they were draining my blood. Meh. Sort of strange, I guess.

    I'm actually not sure what they are, but we have these things up in the corner of the ceiling which used to flash a red dot in them (funny, thinking back, just realised they don't anymore) and I though those were demon's eyes watching me. I remember trying to get to them to cover it up but never could.

    When I was a bit older, an especially odd one I had was after I read some creepypasta on an obscure website I haven't found since (back when we first got internet, crappy dial up 'n all). In all honestly, the fear was related to the monster in it, by the way I dealt with that wasn't. I'd think that, somehow, it was draining my blood and the only way to deal with that was hugging close to my dad or mum. I used to have, like, body parts of theirs that would somehow regenerate it. Like, their back would count for 500 pints and their head 1500. My dad used to get pretty annoyed and wonder why I seemed to be patting his head in the middle of the night (mum always slept like a log so didn't mind).

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  • TheGrownCapybaras

    I was scared that ants were everything that made up earth... Like I thought my body was made and controlled by ants, basically in my mind ants were matter

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    • In a book titled The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon there are parts that remind me of your comment, but with wasps instead of ants and on a smaller scale. Not everything was wasps, just some things. A good short read if you're interested.

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  • Pika-girl

    Strangers, speaking to others, whales, monsters, butterflies, other stuff...

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  • teltrum

    I feared that mob rule would prevail and outdated modes of being like wit, intelligence and charm would die out. I am, of course, being facetious.

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  • myownopinions

    I once thought that there was evil lurking in the middle of the night and that my blanket could somehow protect me from it. So, when I went to sleep I made sure that not a single piece of my body was outside of the covers. I also did this with my stuffed animals. I was definitely the kind of kid who believed in monsters under the bed and things that go bump in the night.

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  • almondy_love

    That is not normal. I bet you never dressed up as a vampire for Holloween lol

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  • Shrunk

    I don't know it counts as fears or paranoia but I used to think that people from school would spy through my bedroom window at night, I used to be afraid of becoming insane or my parents finding out my thoughts and thinking I was in insane, I was also afraid of the wind cause I guess a tree almost fell on me once and my mom saved me, whenever I was in the woods and heard the wind blow I would be scared, also in the woods we would hear a lot of gunshots (hunters) and I was afraid we would get mistaken for deer and shot. And I thought there were landmines everywhere.. Somewhat more normal I was afraid of the dark, toilet flushing, railroad crossings, and the sound of coyotes howling

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  • Fall_leaves

    The creatures off of Labyrinth, the devil off of Storm of the Century, anything related to the xfiles.

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  • FruityGoofyFaggot

    My friends dad used to have a bunch of chickens. One of the roosters kicked my ankle using his spur and it bled for a long time. I had a fear of birds for most of my childhood because of it.

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  • dom180

    I was always scared of getting ill. My parents had a poster in the kitchen detailing the symptoms of meningitis in children, which I took as assurance that my chance of coming down with meningitis were very high. I lived in fear of it. I was also terrified of cancer, after my dogs died of it and my I learned that's how my grandfather died.

    I was scared of the dark too. I had quite a few gory dreams I still remember about mad axe murderers breaking into the house at night and lurking around in the dark.

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  • kennag123

    Knives, even butter knives horrified me. Still do

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  • mountain-man82

    I had no fears as a child.

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    • Jeaneathean

      Great contribution to thread.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Mountain men never do!

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