Anyone know any theist religions that are supported with any evidence?

I don't care if you believe in it. I know atheism is supported with evidence, but I'm curious about other beliefs supported by evidence, or at least not disproven by it. Christianity has too many holes and flaws for me, but I respect those who believe in it all the same. I'm not here to insult anyone, just look at some options for my own faith. Not looking to start arguments, just standalone answers.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • AppleMind

    Since you mentioned Atheism as a religion I didn't think you'd be oppossed to Secular humanism, Agnosticism and Deism.

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    • Deism seems the best due to our evidence. Something needed to start everything, but may not interfere with it's creations. Even The Big Band needed to be caused by something, perhaps a god content with just watching us. Then again The Big Bang could have been the start, as to not ignore atheist. Agnosticism is very similar to apatheism, I see the difference, but very similar. It's more of an excuse than an answer to me. Secular humanism is a philosophy that could exist alongside theism, deism, or atheism. Again not an answer, but an addition to one. Deism was an answer, and a good one. Nothing disproves it, it's not governed by strict laws, and it makes sense. If a creator had such a vast universe as his sandbox, why spend time intervening with Earth?

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      • AppleMind

        Although I do believe the cosmological argument has a valid point--the big bang had to have a cause, I see its conclusion as disingenuous.

        You can argue that every cause has a cause. Thus the big bang had a cause. Because the big bang created time, space, and matter as we currently perceive them, the cause had to be an immaterial, timeless, and transcendental entity. Therefore, God exists.

        I find this argument dishonest because it clearly tries to prove something it already believes is true. It deceitfully claims that the postulates lead naturally to the conclusion. They do not.

        The most we can gain from this argument is that prior to the big bang time, space, and matter were not the same. This effectively makes any knowledge prior to the event unknowable because the scientific method is only applicable to the post big bang universe.

        Even if something had caused the big bang there is no good argument for why it had to be God. It could just have easily been an autistic fairy that shat the universe into existence. This is why Deism is not viable. It is also why I am an Agnostic Atheist.

        Although I acknowledge that the existence of God is unknowable, I find the belief in one wholly unreasonable.

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        • You make some good points, rare on a religious story. Thank you for your contribution. But just to let you know, I think deists use god as a metaphor for what did cause the bang. They don't say a dude with a beard did it, just something, and to refer to it they needed to title it. Gods as fitting as anything else, no? Your point on the scientific method may or may not disprove this, so I guess that's why your agnostic.

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  • LadyOfDecay♡

    In my opinion, I don't think there are any religions that are backed up by cold, hard evidence, and not just faith.

    I'm not sure atheism is a religion though. Isn't atheism believing in no god or religion whatsoever?

    I believe in no god, no religion, and nothing that I cannot feel, see, or hear. Nothing that has not been proven by science and has facts to back it up. I call myself an atheist.

    Anyway, I don't believe in things like karma either, because as one of the above commenters mentioned, there are a lot of innocent kids out there being raped and they never did a damn thing to deserve it.

    Also, their rapists don't really ever seem to have anything bad happen to them as a result of karma.

    I have questioned christians many times on their religion, simple questions they should be able to answer and yet they always respond by saying 'god works in mysterious ways' or 'if you have faith and truly believe...' And I won't say it annoys me, but is amuses me because it further confirms my point of how illogical and unlikely religion is to be true.

    Also, almost every religion I've read up on contradicts itself horribly. It makes me wonder why people are still primitive enough to believe in this stuff, but hey, its their right I guess, don't mean it isn't utterly stupid, though.

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  • green_boogers

    I have always disliked religion because it encourages confirmation bias. Whenever, I test for randomness in the universe, it indeed is random. (using Chi Square).

    That said, I have found nothing in the stories of any religion that explain life and the universe as well as science does. There may be a grand rationality to the universe. Or, perhaps God is merely cosmological processes. But I am afraid that the surviving religions of the world are simply effective ways of controlling populations that have survived from antiquity to the present.

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  • Outsider21

    Atheism isn't really supported by evidence. Who is to say that the universe itself is not God. maybe all of us are god, maybe the dresser, the lamp, the cars outside, and all that is around us is a manifestation of God. Just google the term "ego death" and that pretty much sums up my religion. I am not inherently opposed to anybody's beliefs or anything though I will say that the writers of the bible did seem to hit on a lot of accurate stuff. The respect for others and all is very accurate and good advice. Also, many of the other principles definitely seem like good things to live by. There are few things in the bible I can say I truly disagree with. Since consuming different herbs, chemicals, plants, fungi, and stuff most people probably haven't even heard of during my years on this Earth, I have realized that the universe is essentially all one living organism and that we are all one consciousness and that God manifests himself in this oneness. We do not exist, yet all of us do. This is my philosophy but when you read religious texts in the manner that a spiritually evolved person would you realize that they all knew the same thing I do and that they too have connected themselves to this greater reality

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  • anti-hero

    Religions who believe in Karma could claim evidence. Because usually when you do shitty things, shitty things happen to you.

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    • AppleMind

      People can only believe this with every day typical cuntiness. If you do something shitty, something shitty is bound to happen to you soon. Not out of karma or luck, but by chance. It's confirmation bias.

      Try applying this to serial rapists, serial killers, mass murderers, warlords, and politicians. Many of them live long happy lives--not mass murderers, though they tend to choose the time of their deaths and are therefore never karma-ized.

      Inversely try applying this to all the innocent children that are raped, tortured, murdered, made-to-kill, or simply born meth-babies.

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      • anti-hero

        Everyone gets fucked at the end of the day. I didn't say I believed. I say they could argue. Also depends on a person's definition of good and bad.

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