Anyone remember liquid sex drug in london in the 90s?

I just remembered this liquid sex drug sold in London sex shops back in the late 90s. I don't remember the name of it but one time I bought a bottle of it and tried it, I wanted to see how much stronger it would make my sex drive. And when I tried it, I did feel a bit more in the mood for a short time, but then I started feeling really sick, I felt weak like I was about to faint, and then nauseous, and I then threw up several times, and still felt a bit dizzy abd queazy even for a while after that. But any feeling of being in the mood completely ended as soon as the first faintness and sickness started. All in all, it was totally not worth it. The feeling of raised sex drive was much shorter and milder than how sick it made me.

But anyway, it was a liquid in a small bottle sold in a sex shop in London's red light district. The guy at the register said it really worked for him, and he said it was the only thing there that did work. Maybe it worked for him, but not for me.
Anyone else remember this awful stuff? Any UK or London natives reading this may also remember it. Also, I do remember hearing about them taking some risky sex drug off the market in Europe in the 2000s, I'm wondering if it was this. I sure hope so, it was horrible. Take Viagra instead any day.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • ospry

    Dizziness, faintness, extreme vomiting. It sounds to me like you ate a standard full English

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