Anyone tech savvy please, headphone problems

I bought a new headphones by the brand Sony and they worked great but all of a sudden after using them only a few times they wont work with my Samsung phone. My phone can sense the headphones still as if im playing music and I plug them in the music pauses and vice versa but the music still keeps playing out of the speakers when I push play. Its not my music app as its the same with youtube. My phone will play the music through my headphones if I push the cable in with a lot of force into the phone and hold it in like that but as soon as I let go it plays through the speakers again. So it works if I push my cable really hard into the outlet. Why ? Is there something wrong with phone sensor inside the phone I dont know how outlets in phones work but something is damaged ? The headphones work perfectly with my laptop but it really doesnt matter because I bought them so I can listen to music outside. Inside I prefer speakers. -Sigh-
My phone is a little old for a smartphone. I bought it autumn 2018. It crashed in spring 2019 already and has crashed twice more but it works well just not the best ever model I guess but there was never any issue with my old headphones which were Urban Ears.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • StrayKat

    Did you try them on some thing else to make sure the head phones aren't goin bad? If they got bent it could of broke the wire in them or There may be dirt or lint in the port you plug them in on the phone

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    • Somenormie


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    • RoseIsabella

      Yes, do troubleshoot the headphones, and determine whether the issue is with the headphones, or the headphone jack by means of a process of elimination.

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    • Like I said they are completely new AND they work perfectly with the laptop. Its right there in the post

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      • StrayKat

        It does say you tried on your lap top now since you updated the post lol but some thing can be new but still break

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        • I havent updated my post it was there from the start but aight. I wrote it then I left my computer for like 2 hours came back just looked at the replies... Anyways theyre not broken

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          • ZREBELX

            You did update it. No nee to lie. Haha.

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        • ZREBELX

          Haha, I noticed they updated it, too, I came back to read the other answers. At least they did though, more informative answers can be posted now.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Try taking them out of your butt first.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It sounds like the headphone port on your phone is going out if the headphones work on your laptop. You should listen to powers and buy some bluetooth headphones.

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  • Those headphones are not connecting properly with ur phone. Buy a new one or a bluetooth headset.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Try not using sony

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    • I am poor atm

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  • RoseIsabella

    Try a different set of headphones in the headphone jack on the phone.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Try deleting them in your phone then reconecting

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