Apple or android?

I think most people own Apple devices because of the brand name/ social status. Do you think that's true? I can't afford Apple. :(

Apple 31
Android 59
Prefer Apple but own android 4
Prefer android but own Apple 3
Own both/like both 5
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Comments ( 32 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Android. I'll never own an apple product. Eventually I plan on ditching the android too. I'm reverting back to carrier pigeons, smoke signals, Morse code and the good ol fashioned soup cans and string.

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    • wigz

      I mean, there's still the old landline inbetween cell phone and smoke signals. I have a landline. Or even a beeper! I keep thinking about bringing the 'ol pager back.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Right you are, but if my hopes and dreams come to fruition in the next few years my house will have wheels and I'll be a wanderer. Ya, a wanderer. I'll roam around around around...

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        • wigz

          Oh! Yay! OK then, that's a different story!

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        • Aaaaaaand he's back

          Then you'll be a...a... a gypsy driver !

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    • Legion

      Buy today and automatically recieve our upgrade! Soup Can 2.0!

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  • BlackyHancock

    I was looking for a new phone recently. I looked at Apple (around $950.00) and Android (Motorola $235.00). I just couldn't see why I should pay over $700 more for a phone that doesn't do much more than my $230 phone.

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    • Aaaaaaand he's back

      The apple one is usually made better, better materials like glass steel etc, higher resolution, fewer OS issues, fewer crashes, theyre just higher quality products that last longer

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      • BlackyHancock

        I'm sick of hearing how the iPhone is made of better materials etc.

        That's mostly marketing spin mixed with bullshit and I say that as someone who has been a die-hard supporter and user of Apple products since 1990. I call a spade a spade.

        Yes the iPhone is a good product, but for me its not worth paying an extra $750+ for a phone that doesn't do much more.

        Ergonomically, the iPhone is poorly designed and slips out of ones hands extremely easily.

        A good buddy bought the 6S the same day I bought my Motorola. He smashed the screen on the first day because the stupid thing was so slippery! The Motorola on the other hand has a lot of curves and a grippy finish.

        Apple has gone downhill fast since the demise of Steve Jobs.

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        • Aaaaaaand he's back

          Thats why you need an iphone case so its easier to hold and doesnt break as easily if you drop it. I have one, its a little rubbery and nice

          I also call a spade a spade and a libtard a libtard. The iphone IS made of higher quality materials and i can tell the whole thing inside and out is just designed more efficiently and ergonomically. The other brands just fuck things up like too many buttons, too thick of a screen, annoying menus, etc etc.

          I got my iphone for $100 with a sprint contract. I think nowadays you can get the iphone practically for free with some contracts... Good deal!

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          • Legion

            those Contracts cost an average of $320/Month. by the time you have gone two years, you would have bought that iphone 6 times, but then again, if you use an iphone, that is the best way to go, after all, you will go through 6 of them in those two years, I guarantee it!

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          • Legion

            please tell me you are joking! the iPhone is the biggest piece of shit phone ever made!
            the fact that you are required to buy a $150 phone case so that it wont break into a million pieces when you look at it wrong is dumb, and in many cases (as my sister learned the hard way), even the uber Expensive case doesn't always protect the phone. that phone is as durable as wet toilet paper!

            now that she is no longer on AT&Ts contract plan, she plans on getting rid of her iPhone.

            Your'e starting to sound like an iSheep.

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      • Legion

        the resolution is about average, and rather poor for a phone in its price range, especially considering it's the most expensive phone in its range! in fact, its the most expensive phone built! HTC, Samsung, and LG all have phones with much better resolution, a faster clock speed, larger size, a more durable screen (my mother's Galaxy dropped 20 ft onto asphalt and landed on its corner, only one small hairline crack!) longer battery life, less slippery design, oh, and they are all cheaper! and plus, if you really tech savvy and want an alternative to android, you can root them and install one of the many alternitives

        Also, Nokia Lumia, if you like windows, it even has a camera to rival that of a $200 Digital Camera!

        Here are some Android alternatives: Windows 10 Mobile, Samsung Tizen, Ubuntu Mobile, FirefoxOS, CynaogenMod, ETC.

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  • IMissMary

    I never understood why Apple-Heads like having icons all over their home screen on their phones. I mean whats the use of having a background pic if you have icons blocking everything.

    Ever heard of an Icon drawer?

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Android. I like not having to jailbreak my phone to play it like a gameboy for free. The apps available to android are freaking awesome.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Android, I want to actually be able to use third party shit

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  • KittyKat93

    My problem with Apple is that you're paying for the brand name. For most of the products, you can get a comparable (or better) Windows (or other) product for far less money.

    Personally, I just don't like the iPhone. I had the iPhone 4 and hated it. Been with HTC Ones ever since.

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    • Aaaaaaand he's back

      Apple products are often better value if you consider what you are getting for your money. On a per dollar basis you get more from apple sometimes

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  • Couman

    iThings have two notable disadvantages, and one big advantage compared to Android. They're more expensive, and Apple tries to control what software you can install on your own device. But on the other hand, they're consistently high quality products. With an Android, you can get a phone which is just as good, for half the price and be able to run whatever apps you want... or if you haven't done your research you could end up with a piece of crap.

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    • Aaaaaaand he's back

      Apple products are often better value if you consider what you are getting for your money. On a per dollar basis you get more from apple sometimes

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      • Legion

        yeah, an overpriced piece of junk with bad signal, no battery life, no Sd card Storage, limited space (considering its shared with apps and media), very little freedom in what can be installed, sluggish performance, constantly updated to the point of uselessness, (a new build of iOS is made every year, and the old build is quickly made unusable, plus you have to buy the update, which usually means buying the newest model because it wont work on your old phone), oh, and the phones shatter when you sneeze! If you call that a quality product, then you have really low expectations!

        (Ok, the last one is a bit of an exaggeration, but they do have the disturbing tendency to shatter when dropped from 2 foot onto carpet, or even just sitting in your pocket!)

        Considering my Sister is on her sixth one (in less than 2 years), and none of them have lasted longer than 2 weeks before she cracked the screen on them!

        Seriously, Cheapo $30 Chinese phones are better built than Apple Garbage!

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  • Treklover11376

    My iPhone was a piece of shit. My mac book on the other hand is great.

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  • Legion

    I'm an Android user, and I like it way better. its easier to use, (I tried to use my sisters phone before, and I couldn't make heads or tails of anything on it! I mastered my android on the first day! ) more customizable, has more selection, and I don't have to upgrade to the latest and greatest version every month! Not to mention, my phone didn't cost me $700!

    If i'm gonna pay $700+ for a phone (which I wouldn't), it better be the largest, most durable, fastest, longest-lasting , have the best camera,and have the most space of any phone out there!

    and the iPhone is none of these!

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  • Mytwin295

    I wish Apple made an I phone that was the quality of a samsung phone. I had the HTC evo shift when it came out and it was decient but had too many problems (dropped calls, ZERO signal in the loop of chicago, not super user friendly( maybe I was just dumb) Ect...) I have an Iphone now.

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  • dinz


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    • Short4Words

      Hey. Couldn't manage to find you anywhere else.

      How've you been keeping?

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  • Android always

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  • wigz

    Android and Samsung only for me!

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  • thegypsysailor

    I couldn't give a crap. It's a fucking phone. You use it to talk to other people. Who cares who makes it if it does what it is supposed to do fairly reliably? Every other piece of tech we own does everything these fancy phones do except make phone calls.
    However, when my wife was in the states last November, she picked up some super fancy unlocked high tech phone to replace our cheapo Chinese double sim one (which works fine, by the way), but there is something wrong and it won't receive calls. A us$500.00+ dollar phone that doesn't receive phone calls! Ain't that somethin? So she uses it as ANOTHER tablet. That makes 4 tablets on the boat, if you consider the Ipod Touch a tablet, which it seems to be.

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    • wigz

      Hey, she's gotta do something while you're on IIN all day.

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  • Aliceee93

    Apple. Had my iphone 4s 5 years.

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    • Legion

      I call bullshit

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