Are all the weird fetish posts written by the same person?

'cause they need to watch porn or do something that doesn't involve trying to get other people to validate obviously abnormal fetishes or kinks

Definitely yes 3
Most likely yes 5
Hard to say 0
Most likely no 2
Definitely no 1
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Iambillythemenacetosociety


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    • it you?

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        The answer is obviously no.

        Is it you?

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I like this idea, one weirdo gleefully riding his never ending carousel of fetishes.

    I have noticed that wannabe subtle perverts across the internet rarely differ in their writing style so I suspect we have a small cluster here.

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    • Tinybird

      Why do you assume it's a he?

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      • ospry

        Men on the internet are generally far more sexually degenerate than women. It's a stereotype, but a stereotype that holds true

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      • SkullsNRoses

        The way they write women is lamentable. One particularly egregious example was when they described a group of women walking down a staircase at a formal event where for some reason the men at the bottom could see their underwear and were calling out the colours of it. Of course in OP’s brain the women “all laughed at were good sports about it” because they just love being sexually harassed and degraded at formal events.

        The fantasies also focus heavily on the physical whereas fantasies written by women tend to have more emotional elements included.

        A lot of them also mention that OP is a man and his wife is a dominatrix.

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        • Tinybird

          I was just wondering what fetish posts they were referring to because I'm gonna be pissed if they are referring to my posts about being attracted to songs/tornadoes/liminal spaces. (Which are all true btw.) I do not consider them as fetishes, but as attractions. And I have written a lot about them recently on here.

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          • They're the posts that ask a fake question that gives them an "excuse" to describe their penis or sexual fantasies in detail. Or the ones that claim to be women but are written in a way that just feels like a guy who gets off on roleplaying. Maybe that's judgmental or unfair of me. That's honestly how it comes off though

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            • Tinybird

              Oh. Cause I wrote a true post describing something that I did with hailstones and some people thought I was a guy in the post even though I am a girl. And one even claimed it was not true, when it literally happened exactly as I wrote it. Sometimes I just get bored and feel like writing about the weird things I find attractive, anonymously, you know?

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  • Tommythecaty

    Doubtful anybody bothers to pay enough attention to them to decipher that.

    Most would just skim through it, type some stupid shit and move on.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Probably all different, obviously some people repeat posts about the same fetish (guilty) but I’d say each new fetish is a different person

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    • ospry

      That's...surprisingly touching. I'm going to get something like that embroidered and hang it on my wall.

      "Every new fetish begins with an individual"

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  • Somenormie

    Hard to tell tbh.

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  • jackstormwater

    With such a wide range of sometimes conflicting fetishes, I’ve always assumed it’s a bunch of different people. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches


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  • Tinybird

    What fetish posts?

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