Are all the wild animals caught in the polar vortex pretty much dead?

I imagine any of them that are wandering around out there must be popsicles by now. Even the ones hibernating.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Most wild animals that live in cold climates have methods for adapting to severe cold the region may experience periodically.

    Most strays die in extreme cold unless they find shelter in a site that has some form of protection.

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  • If they are, the cold temperatures will help preserve the meat so I might go up there and get some fresh deer for breakfast.

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  • Only pets really, wild animals are tough as shit. They know that if they like, burrow and dig into snow they can keep warm.

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    • Alvex

      I agree. Wolves that live up in the Yukon and Alaska live outside in temperatures in the -30s and -40s in the winter months and they survive, but a domesticated dog would die for sure left outside in temperatures that frigid. Wolves and dogs are both from the same Canine family, but wolves are tougher because they have grown up and adapted to the elements while domestic dogs have grown up living in the warmth and comfort of their owner's home. It's all about adaption. If a breed of dog that's normally domestic grew up around the wolves and learned to live out in the elements like the wolves, I believe that the dog would do just as well. It's environment over hereditary.

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  • ThirdTesticle

    The animals are adapted to the climate of the area. In the places where it gets down to -40, the animals are able to handle it without a problem

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  • LloydAsher

    Wild animals ain’t pampered like human pets, they can tough it out, if they can’t natural selection.

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  • chuy

    Frozen not dead

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  • RoseIsabella

    I kinda want to invite the local, neighborhood squirrels to relax in my home.

    I say kinda, because although I certainly feel for squirrels, I always must think of whether, or not something might annoy my feline companion.

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    • raisinbran

      He'd be fine with a bunch of squirrels hopping around.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I dunno, they might disturb his napping.

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        • leggs91200

          Your poor cat's nervous system would disintegrate.

          Squirrels are cute but I do not believe a cat would enjoy their company.

          Having them around your home would be nuttier than a squirrel turd. HUUUUUUUUU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU

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          • RoseIsabella

            Yeah, my cat is all about chillin.

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        • Alvex

          If they burrowed deep enough underground, it wouldn't be as cold. But with that in thought, would a tunnel too deep underground and too far from the surface be lacking in oxygen and the animal would suffocate?

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  • mauzi

    I thought the same thing, I'm in the midwest now, not one of the worst parts but still, wind chill warning in effect, saw a squirrel outside today sitting in a tree eating like normal, idk why / how !? as for the rest of animals hopefully their nests are warm enough but some probably did die, especially stray or lost pets :(

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    • Alvex

      I used to see cats running around outside in my old apartment complex on winter mornings when it was 5 and 10 above zero. I seriously wanted to find the owners of those cats and press charges on them for animal cruelty. You know how much domesticated house cats would've suffered out in those temperatures? They couldn't be fit to handle it

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      • mauzi

        I would let them in my own house if i saw any. i also had to check on that squirrel to make sure it was ok because i saw a vid earlier of a guy that found a nearly frozen bird and warmed it up in his house. but the squirrel was acting totally fine even though it was about -2 that day. also, heard of at least 2 people on the news who died in the weather.

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    • Alvex

      Yes, I'm in Kansas city where the low got to 5 above Tuesday morning, -4 Wednesday morning, and the high was 11 on Tuesday and 7 on Wednesday. To me, that was freakin cold enough, and I can't imagine how North Dakota and Minnesota got to -35, and parts of Canada got to the -40s. Even way down in Mississippi and Alabama got below freezing into the 20s overnight Tues and Wed. This was one powerful cold vortex which affected all of North America

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