Are any of these habits normal?
I've been having problems with these habits for a while now:
1. Whenever I write, I get the urge to check whether the letters are touching the line I'm writing them on. If they're not, I'll keep rewriting that letter until it is, even if it looked worse than when I wrote it the first time.
2. When I eat something like candies or almonds, I HAVE to have an even number of them. I also have to eat them two at a time. Not one, not three... two.
3. When I read a book and want to stop on a page, I have to stop on an even number. If I stop on an odd number, I keep reading until I reach an even-numbered page.
4. I feel the need to keep old magazines I know I'm never going to read again, in case I DO want to read them again one day. I must have at least 100.
5. I have a slightly similar problem with books. I just keep buying and buying books I like from thrift shops, despite the fact that I still have nearly 300 others that I haven't read yet.
6. I feel as if certain things need to be organized precisely. It's like I NEED those colored pencils to be arranged in rainbow order, the book series on my bookshelf NEED to be arranged in chronological order, my perfume and nail polish bottles NEED to be arranged by size and shape.. you get the idea.
7. I keep getting disturbing sexual/violent thoughts in my head that I feel I can't control or get rid of, even if I try.
Sorry I typed so much, but I have a lot of habits that are REALLY annoying and very hard to control.