Are any other animals as insecure as humans?

I'm sure that any animal unlucky enough to be under the will of people are.. My friends dog looks very shifty at times.. Especially if its done a poo. I doubt that in the wild many animals experience guilt as a side effect of pooing.

none, only people are that stupid 27
none, its a natural human characteristic 21
all creatures great and small 45
animals that have contact with people 35
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Comments ( 15 )
  • derker

    I put my cat on the keyboard to give you his answer but he wouldn't fucking type anything but gibberish so I smashed his head into the monitor.

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  • XxArcheryrulesXx

    People are only insecure because their scared that others might judge them. Its a stupid world. People cant go around being themselves in public cuz they get stupid stares from people. Humans are the most insecure animals ever, because of other himans.

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  • dom180

    My dog definitely doesn't get self-concious. He is totally comfortable doing whatever he wants, whoever is watching. It would be impossible to embarrass him, he just looks confused if I try to.

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    • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

      That's only when you're blazed. :P

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  • MacG

    People love to anthropomorphise their pets. But keep in mind that the most advanced primates, besides us, have no more mental capacity than an average human 2 year old. I love animals. I majored in biology. In everything I've ever seen, guilt is beyond them. Anyway, domestic animals have developed over time to be very good at manipulating humans. That's what you're seeing. They're just showing their submissiveness when you seem to be acting all alpha about that poop on the floor or whatever. They don't get it, but they know their place and what they have to do to keep the pack leader from biting.

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    Well when my dog did something wrong she definitely knows it and kind of gave us a worried look. We never ever beat her for doing bad things or anything, she just knew it was wrong. Once she gave Me this look when I walked into the house and I later found that she had got into a package of toilet paper and ripped it all up and it filled the hallway. Haha it was very cute , I miss honey she was such a smart dog <3

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  • Aleks85

    trainable/domesticated animals sure it's possible.

    Most wild animals are completely instinctual so I doubt it.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      That doesn't make sense as ALL animals that have been "domesticated" have wild ancestors.

      As for "completely instinctual," got science? Apparently not. Other (note I say "other" as humans are also animals as well) have culture, planning and abstract ability, and manufacture and use tools. That is NOT "completely instinctual." Humans have for too long ASSumed that we are "special" and "unique" when in fact we are not. We've tried to deny that other animals also have many of the same abilities we have, but to different degrees. And of course the REASON humans came up with these self-serving assumptions is all too clear: if you marginalize another being, you can more easily justify exploitation and abuse (this applies to other humans as well as to other species).

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  • i dont know about guilt but i notice elephants look insecure cause they know they are too big to hide from nasty people

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Other animals can become frightened and go insane, but they can't be 'insecure'. Yhat would require self-awareness, which as far as we know only humans have.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      You just contradicted know that, right?

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      • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

        I don't see it... when?

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    • Baloo

      This is false. I can't say that any animal is known to be "insecure," but many other animals demonstrate self-awareness.

      Among these are elephants, dolphins, magpies, and all great apes.

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      • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

        I mean humans are very self conscious, which allows them to become insecure about themselves. Whereas animals aren't exactly going to be thinking "I wonder if the others think I'm weird" etc.

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        • Baloo

          As of now, we can't really know. It's not like we can just ask them. I wouldn't go one making assumptions, but I will say that, from what I've seen about animal cognition, it seems feasible.

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