Are atheist really that hated?

So I am an Atheist, I was raised as one in an urban setting, so people were pretty accepting, but I didn;t tell many people. But now I have moved to a more rural town and I notice there's a lot more prejudice toward atheist; about us haing jesus or what ever and praising satan. I haven't really told anyone that I am an Atheist here... But so yeah do you guys have any prejudice or hated toward Atheist? Or is that just a small town thing.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • dinz

    I guess people in this town are more inclined to use religion as a form of identify or a criteria to decide who one would associate with.

    My advice to you is to remember one thing, respect their choice as you expect them to respect yours.

    Unfortunately there will a minority on both sides who won't except any compromises but NEVER scoop down to their level as it makes you no better than them.

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    • Short4Words

      What this guy said.

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  • Tommythecat.

    What the fuck are you talking about, an atheist is the most popular and common thing you can be. Atheists are the ones who make fun of everyone else lol.

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    • Yffe.Wahs

      Yeah this is completely untrue. I'd point you towards some evidence...but there's absolutely no evidence to support your stance, so you can look for it yourself.

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  • Shily666

    I'm an Atheist too, and that's a normal thing that they say we hate Jesus and worship Satan. However, I live in the south, so it's pretty bad here. I have a few Atheist friends, but they're just not that common where I live. There's literally churches on every corner in my town. It's ridiculous. They're not very fond of us either.

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  • Short4Words

    It's about the opposite where I live and with the people I know. It's easy to start thinking like that when you're surrounded by it.

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  • dom180

    I've never seen hatred against atheists in real life. I've seen religious beliefs disrespected a lot more than atheist beliefs, although I'm sure a lot of people have have the opposite experience.

    Systemic anti-atheist discrimination does exist in many parts of the world, though. In America, 7 states in their constitutions prohibit atheists from taking public office. In some countries, apostasy is a crime and religious freedom is very limited.

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  • Unimportant

    A lot of people assume that I am religious, because I'm a nice person to be around. So, yes, there's a lot of prejudice toward atheists.

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  • Yffe.Wahs

    Atheists get a LOT of shit in the US. Here in the UK, not so much. Depends where you are.

    But worldwide, yes, Atheists are a minority and get a lot of hatred directed at them (us).

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  • YourNeighborhoodWhiteGuy

    The Christian bible is against hate of any kind, including the hate of atheist.

    One who follows the belief will feel sorry that the atheist will not go into an eternal afterlife.

    One who claims to be a part of the faith, but doesn't follow the guidelines will likely hate the atheist and say they're glad you will burn in hell.

    Realistically, nobody should make a belief system into a social clique...

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  • Incomplet

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