Are black people superior to white people?

Because of the recent black lives matter situation, and among other things of their past e.g slavery.
i get the feeling that, because White people have done such things then they are being made to feel inferior.

Thats Racist 39
Yes 14
No 41
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Comments ( 29 )
  • jethro

    I never owned a slave and no black person in the US ever picked cotton. They need to get over this slavery thing. I have no guilt over something I never had any hand in. Anymore than I feel guilt for what my German ancestors might have done to the Jews during WWII.

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    • walkingdildo

      There are still people with highly racist views who want to and successfully prevent black's from achieving anything in life.

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    • Breeana

      What do you mean might have done? The holocost was definitely real. And African Americans "my ancestors" Were slaves and picking cotton was something some of them had to do and no one is going to get over anything until there is change and equality. I've been trying really hard to be civil and calm throughout everything but this comment and bullsh*t like it are pushing me over my breaking point. How tf do you expect a whole race of people to just forgive and forget injustice that was done to our people for over 300 YEARS especially when we're STILL being treated like sh*t. I am brought to tears every night by the realization that people rationalize the injustice that is going on and it honestly scares me to my core. You know for a fact if you had the opportunity to trade lives with an African American in the US there's no way in hell you would do it because you know the injustice we face on a daily basis. You know it, you see it, and you don't want it for yourself so why sit by and let it happen to others.

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      • jethro

        First of all I didn't deny the Holocaust, only that if any of my ancestors had a hand in it, it would have been none of my cause. Not all Germans were Nazis you know. I am sorry that you MAY have had an ancestor that was a slave. If they were, then it was not as a result of my or my family's actions. As a family we were not even in the US until after the civil war. We did not have or trade in slavery and I am not going to take the heat for any of it. Black on black atrocities goes on to this day and you as a race are doing nothing to stop it. Slavery is STILL a big business in Africa today and you are not stopping it. (Millions of Africans continue to live as slaves. The transatlantic slave-trade was officially abolished more than two centuries ago, but more than six million people in Africa continue to live under slave-like conditions, many of them in the sub-Saharan region.)If you, as a people, don't respect your own race why should I lose any sleep over it. If you don't like what is happening to the black people then do something to stop the atrocities caused by your own race. Don't point your finger at me and say it is my fault. Most of the injustice brought upon the blacks is caused by your own people, not mine. Are there injustices brought upon white people, you bet your ass there are. But we don't cry my that great, great, great granddaddy was a such and such and the whole world owes me because of it. Get over the past, because you can't do anything about that. Try doing something about the future other than complaining about it on a website like this. You know it is easier to steer a moving car. So get off your ass and motivate your race to stop killing themselves or being baby making machines and to take responsibility for their own actions. When you don't present yourselves to the world as a race of thugs then perhaps you will be moving in the right direction.

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        • cinderfloof

          That was racist, dude. You can have that opinion and refuse to be guilty, but its completely wrong to call an entire race of people "baby making machines".
          You are also criticizing her for complaining, but what are you doing?

          Onto debating! I don't agree with your opinion but its not completely wrong either. I will admit that. You do know why exactly people believe white people are at fault though, right? Things weren't equal until the 1960s. Just three generations ago their people weren't allowed respectable education or fair opportunity. Education is the key to wealth, and without it they were dirt poor. Thus, African Americans moved into poor areas with subpar education and the circle continues. You know what comes for being poor? Violence, Drugs, and Gangs. It's a cycle that will be infinitely difficult to beak. Even if you manage to get a 4.0 in your shitty school and go to college, who will pay for it? Your school is so bad that you're not prepared for university and without an inhuman amount of grit, you drop out. Most poor people stay poor. It's not rocket science.

          That being said, I don't believe white people today should be blamed. They can't control what their ancestors did. You should still remember that one person cannot step up and change an entire culture of people, though. All any African American can do is thrive to be an example of excellence, to break the circle for their family and perhaps show someone else that it's possible.

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  • mysistersshadow

    No ethnicity is inherently superior to any other. Ppl that believe they are are the racist ones.

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  • MrBucket73

    We've been to the moon..they still carry spears butt naked. Nuff said.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Black people asserting their right to life is not an attack on us as individual white people. It's a massive stretch to jump from that to "black people are saying they're superior to white people!!!". Where?

    Very few black people are saying that, and if/when they are, they sound as fucking asinine as white supremacists do.

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  • Azaman

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  • Farty_fartface

    Have blacks ever created a successful civilization that isn't third world?

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    • walkingdildo

      Uh, Ancient Egypt? Kingdom of Kush, Mali, who had the richest king who ever lived. Shall I go on?

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      • Farty_fartface

        Egyptians aren't black. America and Europe doesn't suppress Africa anymore and hasn't done so for a long time. Africa suppresses it's own progress. Right now in Africa today there are more people kept as slaves than were ever exported to the colonies.

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        • walkingdildo

          "Egyptians aren't black"

          You're right, AREn't. You should have paid attention in history class. The Arabization of Egypt did not occur until the advent of Islam in the 7th century. Before that it was black African. The facial features of the sarcophaguses and busts in the tombs make that clear, along with DNA sampling. Arabs were not conquering north Africa between 4,000 and 1,200 BC.

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          • Farty_fartface

            You weren't alive in the 7th century. This fact negates your argument.

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    • sega31098


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  • Kookulainamus

    The black man is athletically superior to whites and Asians. However, all people of African descent are bad at math. Middle class black kids do fine with reading because their language pronunciation matches the phonics they are learning. Ghetto blacks never learn to read properly.

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    • Farty_fartface

      Black people cannot organize on a grand scale. This sad fact is their downfall.

      Assuming otherwise is dangerous. Western civilization will learn in time.

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      • walkingdildo

        Western civilization ultimately depends on Ancient Egypt, whose writing system is the source of Paleo Hebrew, and the Hebrews would not have written if it weren't for hieroglyphics. These people went on, due to wealthy trade with Ethiopia and other African nations, to be a successful kingdom and from this kingdom arose Christianity, who returned the favour by enslaving Africans, meanwhile the modern rule of law and culture of Western nations is largely based on Christianity.

        Suppression of Africans by Europe and America is no reflection of the capacity of black Africans to create new civilizations.

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        • Kookulainamus

          Egyptians are Arabs. They are racially different from Africans south of the Sahara. Yes it is true that African males from the central and southern parts of the continent cannot organize or work in any meaningful way. Their thought process is completely ego- centric. They can only be hostile aggressive soldiers good at killing enemies.

          Only the black women can build communities.

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          • walkingdildo

            "Egyptians are Arabs"

            They were not 4,000 years ago. In fact, the Arabization of Egypt did not occur until the advent of Islam, ie in the 7th century.

            Northern Africa was Black African until then. The Greeks took over culturally in the 4th century BCE with the Ptolemaic kingdom, but it was still largely black African.

            Your ramble is not only racist (and I mean that in the actual sense of the term race) but utterly ignorant.

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            • Kookulainamus

              Sounds like you are talking out of your ass. The Black African hypothesis is merely plausible, not probable. Click this link

              Don't be a loser. Give all of us some credible references to substantiate that pre-Ptolemaic Egypt was definitely black African, if you want the benefit of the doubt.

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  • wonderfulsubterfuge

    That depends what you mean by superior. If (average) strength and musical instinct are some of your criteria, then maybe they are.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Cats are superior to humans!

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  • OhIsee

    Yes sometimes then sometimes Whites are.

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  • _Jesus_

    Nope. Nope nope nopety nope

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  • Yes and no, I suppose. Define "superior."

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Nobody is responsible for anything they had nothing to do with. I have dark hair. So had Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Does that mean I'm inferior to blond people? Of course not. That sort of reasoning is absurd.

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