Are cat people masochists?

Think about it. Cat people will actively instigate their cats in order to get scratched. Once they get scratched, they shiver with pleasure and take thousands of pictures because why? Well it's because they're masochists and they love to bleed and they love pain. Cat people also take pride in being bitches to their cats and proudly proclaim their cats "own them" and proudly post all of their scratches and scars in 26 different angles. They all circle jerk about how sexy it is when their cats dominate and harass them.
Here is a prime example of a bunch of redditers jacking off to their cat scratches:

And another example of cat people orgasming to their cats' dominance:

Yes, it REALLY turns me on when my cat attacks me and breaks my stuff! 11
Yes, cat lovers are masochistic and psychotic freaks. 4
Some cat people are like that but not a lot. 6
I never try to make my cat hurt me. Nor do I do anything you mentioned 36
I'm not a cat lover, but what the hell are you talking about? 15
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Driedroses-is-a-fat-bitch

    stfu you fucking idiot go back to reddit fag

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  • ogrelord

    wtf? my mum has a cat and he's never scratched or broken anything. he's just a lazy fat sausage who lays in the sun all day or tries to fuck the neighbours cat (no one wants him though because he gets rejected all the time)

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    • you_go_glen_coco

      Haha! Is your "mother`s cat" really you? :P

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      • ogrelord

        ooo you cheeky mango

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm bipetual, and to be honest I never try to deliberately tease or annoy my cat or any other animal. My cat has never scratched me. We're just not into that weird, stupid bullshit. He is into drinking the milk right out of my cereal bowl, and I let him do it, because we got it like that. That's how we do.

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  • maskofsanity

    Go back under your rock!

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  • you_go_glen_coco

    I don't like cats because cats don't like me. I like dogs. I like big dogs. I wish somebody could breed a big Pug.

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