Are conservatives generally better-looking than liberals are?

Dunno if this is true, but I read that some study had been done in America, Finland and Australia, where the participants got to rate the attractiveness of different politicans in respective country. The participants in each country thought the conservative politicians were better-looking, and they weren't told which party they belonged to, so it was a blind-test you could say. Are there any truths to this? Are conservatives generally more handsome than liberals?

Yeah, conservatives are better-looking 22
No, liberals are better-looking 15
They're the same 19
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Comments ( 116 )
  • KholatKhult

    Attraction is definitely based on bias.
    In Russia, what resembles more of the Western “left” side is usually more working class - with being working class usually comes a less polished, more natural, appearance.

    Some of the western Left is more eccentric, dyed hair and piercings and tattoos, and for some people that would make someone ugly. The western Right is usually trying to fit a status quo more.

    Also, what I’ve noticed, the Right is far more strict and uptight about appearance - and they value appearance a lot more. I think a lot of American right-wing women look high maintenance and uptight, the women are hyper feminine and the men are hyper masculine.

    If you base attraction on conventional beauty and effort going into polished appearance - the Right will look better. Honestly I think they all look the same.

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    • litelander8

      Thanks for coming back and telling us about Russia! Hope all is well!

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      • KholatKhult

        Cheers lite 🍻 sweet deal to see you still around !

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    • wigz

      Вы Русский?

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      • KholatKhult

        Born, raised, and thriving 🇷🇺

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    • dude_Jones

      приятно, что ты вернулся

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  • SwickDinging

    Seriously? Who the fuck funded this study?!

    I am struggling to think of a bigger waste of resources.

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    • allialli

      america seems to love wasting money on stupid useless things

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    • BatterMilk

      Will you say the same thing about the US's bloated military budget?

      Where the US spends more than the next 10 biggest countries combined.

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      • Clunk42

        At least that has benefit.

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        • BatterMilk

          America's welfare is warfare.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Strange post. Surely there can be no real answer.

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  • charli.m

    No one in Australia is going to call any of our pollies, on either side, attractive.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Conservatives work out and liberals rely on body positivity to justify their obscene fatness and general lack of personal hygiene

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    • RoseIsabella

      When I read your comment Michael Moore popped into my head which was really unpleasant, because I literally just ate.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        Lol. That guy looks like a walking embolism

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      • Clunk42

        I don't get what your problem is. He's certainly large, and could do to lose a few pounds (I know that's an understatement), but he's not that bad looking.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Dude, I'm just being honest about my opinion, and opinions are inherently subjective.

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          • Clunk42

            I know; I'm just saying that I don't get why you think that. He doesn't look that bad. "I don't get what your problem is" was not trying to insult you; rather, it was saying, "I don't get what your problem [with him] is."

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            • charli.m

              It's pretty clear what her "problem" is, seeing as she literally said it, robot.

              A human would understand why the language you used was construed as aggressive. Robot.

              If you want to fantasise about Michael Moore's farts, have at it. Doesn't mean someone else can't think he's unattractive.

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    • BatterMilk

      I find that hard to believe when the conservatives you're talking about voted in Donald Trump who is obese.

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      • my_life_my_way

        I’m not American

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    • lol truth

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  • candylady

    Two thoughts:

    1.From what you wrote, it sounds like the study was specifically about the attractiveness of the politicians on each side, correct? I don’t think the attractiveness of politicians is an accurate reflection of the attractiveness of the general population that have their political views. At all.

    2.I actually just read a study that people with health problems like diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, etc voted for Trump so much that it was actually a better predictor than even race or education. I thought it was interesting that this popped up on my Twitter feed the same day as this question.

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  • jethro

    Well I don't know about being better looking, but conservatives are not a bunch of obnoxious limp dicks and assholes. That's for sure.

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  • wigz

    I think most politicians look relatively the same. The civilian supporters, definitely the right-wing is chock full of the fattest, nastiest slobs that exist. I live in a very conservative state and I grew up in a conservative area of a liberal state, and I have traveled the US a lot, and unequivocally the conservatives are the most affected by obesity, slovinliness, rotting teeth, complete ignorance of hygiene, etc.

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  • freakyman69

    Libs have movie stars and models but they also got the morbidly obese with bright green hair screaming at the sky.

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    • BatterMilk

      Libs have movie stars and models? If I'm not mistaken Donald Trump's appeared in some movies, and isn't he also obese?

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      • Trichfuzz

        Trump wasn’t always a conservative/right-leaning. That’s why he was in so many movies and the shows in the 90s.

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        • BatterMilk

          It doesn't matter if he was conservative or not he was still a movie star, which is what the right claims the left of having. When the right love movie stars like Ronald Regan, Mel Gibson, Clint Eastwood, and don't forget Donald Trump.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Trump just wanted to be president one way or the other and felt conservatives would be easier to play than liberals with his particular talents so that's where he set up his cult. He cares about neither side.

          He was formerly a registered Democrat, great friends with the Clintons, and is on record saying that Democrats have always better managed the economy, which is statistically true actually.

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          • Trichfuzz

            I agree with you. I’m surprised nobody saw through that.

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    • LloydAsher

      Do liberals have more stars or is it the fact that if you are conservative no production studio wants to take you on? Do you see how much shit chris pratt gets into when he has the audacity to say hes christian?

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      • BatterMilk

        "If you are conservative no production studio wants to take you" Are you serious? If that was the case then Mel Gibson wouldn't have made Hacksaw Ridge. If that was the case then Clint Eastwood wouldn't have made American Sniper. Which are by the way deeply conservative movies. The people who criticized Chris Pratt were a vocal minority, hardly anybody was attacking him for his Christian beliefs.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Women from the Southern states are by far better looking than their North Eastern counterparts. The Midwest and far west are a mixed bag

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    • LloydAsher

      I agree. California is also a mixed bag, so much more makeup usage though.

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  • BatterMilk

    This is what happens When conservatives can't rely on policy to push their agenda. Instead they rely on looks in order to maintain the status quo. Besides, people shouldn't vote on people based on looks, people need to vote on policy.

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    Yes. It's true. The effect isn't as pronounced as the fact that liberals are more intelligent on average, but studies have shown a slight edge in favor of conservatives on this matter.

    It's well-known that having had an easier life increases the odds of becoming a conservative and the thinking is that being better looking sufficiently caters to having a better life so as to produce a tangible disparity here, albeit it incredibly slight.

    Got to say though, taking one look at a Trump rally makes it rather hard to buy, but then they're a different breed altogether. A lot them I'd give like a D a best, maybe a D minus even.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I havent noticed it with politicians very much but I have noticed far left civilian men are definitely on average less attractive than conservative men. So many of them have beta male voices and look like mouth breathers. If you look at the antifa protests all the men are skinny as hell and all the women are fat and the women bark the orders. They look so fragile. Then abunch of corn fed proud boys show up and argue with them but its funny if you just look at the difference in physiques its really funny. Im not making it up search proudboys vs antifa and tell me they arent totally built different

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    • Yeah I've noticed that too. Proud boys and neo-nazis are usually much larger/more muscly than the antifa protestors.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Maybe its their vegan diet or just a lack of testosterone

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  • bigbudchonger

    Supposedly. Each side has their claim with this. Liberals have declared science has said they're more intelligent and conservatives have said something along the lines of general strength and upper body strength are an indicator of conservative ideology. The idea is that the weaker man can relate more on an empathetic level to the plights of the world and thus go liberal. And on the flip side you get a lot of troglodytes at consrervative meet ups. I'm not sure though. I can see both of them being true and none of them being true.

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      It's true. The effect isn't as pronounced as the fact that liberals are more intelligent on average, but studies have shown a slight edge in favor of conservatives on this matter.

      It's well-known that having had an easier life increases the odds of becoming a conservative and the thinking is that being better looking sufficiently caters to having a better life so as to produce a tangible disparity here.

      "The idea is that the weaker man can relate more on an empathetic level to the plights of the world and thus go liberal."

      This isn't true, though, especially as we're talking about women here too. The studies test the intelligence of people as small children, before their intelligence has had a chance to affect their lives much. Then they check in with them as adults and see how they ended up leaning. The genius and near-genius children overwhelmingly go hard left and the particularly dull children are especially likely to be not just conservative but very socially conservative, as in homophobic, etc. Most people are of course pretty close to average but the edge in terms of intelligence is indeed with the left.

      The thinking is actually that diminished cognitive ability in general translates to lower cognitive empathy and the duller children are thus less able to process the plights of others.

      At any rate, both things are true, albeit to different degrees; on average, liberals are more intelligent, and on average, conservatives are better looking.

      All that said, there are still rarer conservative geniuses, liberal morons, conservative trolls, and liberal Greek gods and goddesses.

      Got to say though, taking one look at a Trump rally makes it rather hard to buy, but then they're a different breed altogether.

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah but inteligence does not equal physical attractiveness.

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      • BatterMilk

        That's Donald Trump in a nutshell.

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        • nope because Trump has neither

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          • LloydAsher

            Confidence has its allure. Donald Trump had that in good supply.

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            • wigz

              Donald Trump only appeared confident to marks. Everyone else saw through it.

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  • Neesa

    Seems very unlikely.

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  • Tingles18

    I can't believe it that we're still asking this question. What is it, 2016?

    Not all conservatives are beautiful. Like, have you seen how ugly some conservatives can be? And there are actually more fat unattractive old people in the MAGA cult than young attractive folk.
    And not all liberals are some ugly unkempt people who think that ugliness is just a social construct and that don't care about what they look like. There are many liberals that do not support obesity at all and that take care of their skin and eat healthy etc.

    Cons be advertising stupid things like "Conservative women are prettier than liberal women", but in reality, many conservative women can rather be some old, unattractive and obese karens instead of those supposed "sexy conservative Barbie babes", and many liberals can rather be young, attractive and healthy sized "health nuts" instead of those supposed "fat ugly body positivity activists".

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Judging from the people that I happen to know personally, yes it's true, people on the right are better-looking. The women are more traditionally feminine and the men are more traditionally masculine. Those are traits that I find attractive.

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  • Pretty sure a study was done that showed right leaning people were more likely to be in-shape too. I don't know what it is about left wing people but the further left you go the grosser they choose to be.

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    • wigz,Carolina%2C%20Tennessee%20and%20West%20Virginia.

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    • wigz

      No, not at all, in America anyway. The most conservative states in the US are resoundingly the fattest, poorest AND dumbest and any study you can find confirms this.

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      • I'd have to read the study because my eyebrow is a bit raised on the first one. The study states that conservatives may eat more fatty food but Liberals excessively consume alcohol which can be even worse for calories, and the study abstract doesn't reference obesity like the psychologytoday study suggests but I assume it gets to that in the actual study?
        Maybe you've read it already and can help me out but are most red states above the obesity line or is it just that the few that are among the most obese happen to be a minority of Red States but primarily Red states?

        The education part. I think we both know that not being educated does not mean you're not intelligent. A lot of people pick up trades and we don't know which forms of education are being measured here but I think conflating being "uneducated" with being "dumb" is a mistake.

        Poorest states one I'm just skipping, not for any bad reasons but it's morning for me here. Lol. I'll assume what you said here is true.

        I do have a question though and it may come across as bad faith but I am genuinely curious. You say these factors demonstrate Right wingers to generally be the fattest, poorest, and dumbest but in some articles you sent it's referenced that black people tend be at an even higher percentage of those very things. Using your own studies here would I be free to portray black people as the fattest, poorest AND dumbest?

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        • wigz

          "After controlling for poverty rate, percent African American and Latino populations, educational attainment, and spatial autocorrelation in the error term, we found that higher county-level obesity prevalence rates were associated with higher levels of support for the 2012 Republican Party presidential candidate."

          "Obesity rates vary considerably between states and regions of the country. Mississippi has the highest adult obesity rate in the country at 40.8 percent and Colorado has the lowest at 23.8 percent. Twelve states have adult rates above 35 percent, they are: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia."

          Those are all "red states" with the exception of Michigan which went blue in 2020 but was previously red. Colorado, the lowest, is a blue state.

          Life expectancy lower in red states-

          70% of America's GDP comes from Biden- voting counties-

          Educational attainment by state-

          You're right that education doesn't automatically mean more intelligent but it certainly isn't meaningless either. And you've got to ask why the proportions of educated people are so off, and what the effects are in areas that lack educated professionals.

          Conservatives tend to be more prone to believing conspiracy, being anti-science, reject facts/reality and are very vulnerable to misinformation. Studies had been done that showed a pattern of thinking from a place of fear in conservatives, which you can see, especially in conservative news sources, it's mostly a constant barrage of fear mongering, boogeyman, and self-victimization. Conservatives fear/dislike change so they fight it, even if it might benefit them.

          As to your last question, I'd be perfectly willing to discuss it but I think it would warrant its own thread. It's not exactly a similar thing, since being conservative is a choice but being black isn't, and there's a whole host of issues that come with being black that you just don't have with being conservative.

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          • Soz if I come across short here or there's a few mistakes, I'm just up so I'm essentially sleep-walking. Lol.

            But then there's ones like this,
            But I think we'd have to pay to see either of them properly. Lol.

            If you do have access to the studies you're citing could you help me out a bit and give me a list of Blue states that's obesity rates grew past the 25% mark and which ones sit around 30% upwards from the previous results in 2000? I'm interested to find out why they specifically used the 35% marker to list the Red States.

            Life expectancy list shows that there's barely much change at all either way so I'm not bothered on that one. The changes shown there are going to vary as such every time such a topic is recorded, there's no drastic meaningful change.

            I'd have to see more relevant studies on that topic to be fair. Like, if we're going to compare someone that went off to learn a trade as an apprentice and compare them to someone in something like gender studies, philosophy, psychology, or areas that people typically don't actually go into after the learning stages then I wouldn't feel it correct to claim that person is more intelligent just because they happened to be in education.

            I don't know about the conspiracy and anti-science part, it might be true but we're living in a time where certain people get to decide what is scientifically accurate instead of following it. For example, who decides what is a conspiracy? I bet the same areas you got those conclusions from would never consider the whole "Female oppression" view to be a conspiracy theory, right? Things like that, I'm sure the sources you're got that information on are very charitable towards determining what right wingers would consider conspiracy theories.

            As for conservatives primarily being motivated by fear, this isn't 100% proven to be the case,

            I'd also have to disagree with the representation of fear-mongering being a right wing thing exclusively. Ever since Trump left wing media, to which there is far more, have consistently been fear mongering, giving boogeymen, trying to convince people that Republicans are trying to kill them and that white people are after the good ol' black folk. For Christ sake, the riots haven't stopped for over a year due to it. So I absolutely have to disagree with how you portrayed Republican news as holding the crown for that list, I think we both know they may both do this but the Left-Wing Media has taken it to the extreme. For example, right now they're vilifying a cop for shooting a black girl that was mid-swing with a knife about to kill another girl, that's how bad the fear mongering and self-victimization is on the left right now that they will fear monger over a cop saving a life.

            How would it not necessarily be a similar thing if what you've asserted between Red and Blue states are also the key differences between black people and white people, like schooling, income, etc?
            I also wouldn't say that politics is a "choice", kind of like believing in God isn't a choice, if that makes sense? As in you can't just decide what you believe to be just is actually wrong without any outside factor forcing you to in some way.
            So let's say that Black people are lagging behind in all the same ways Republicans are, how can you justify saying that Republicans are just big stinky dumb dumbs but black people that are even worse by the same measurements you determine Republicans to be big stinky dumb dumbs by aren't infact even bigger stinky dumb dumbs because of other factors? It wouldn't change that they're bigger stinky dumb dumbs than the average Republican only you'd of tried to find a way to justify it, not discredit it?

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            • wigz

              You can download the full study from the "State of Obesity 2020" link, it has maps, graphs, etc. The 12 states over 35% are literally just the most obese states in the US. They happen to be red states as well, with the exception of Michigan. The next level down, 30-35%, is mostly red states. The bluer the state, the less obese it tends to be.

              It's a problem when "red states" are at such disadvantages, don't you think? Health, life expectancy, educational opportunities, jobs are lagging in these areas. I mean, these are plain facts and brushing aside facts or minimizing them doesn't help.

              Regarding conspiracy theories, I can't really think of any left-wing ones that have actually caused major problems, however I can think of several right-wing ones right off the top 0f my head that have. QAnon, the "stolen" 2020 election, the Covid vaccine has a microchip (or will kill you in 6 months, etc),the "birther" movement, Sandy Hook "crisis actors", that's just what I can think of in a few seconds, there's no doubt more. I can't think of any left-wing ones that compare in scale or damage done. Not saying there isn't any, just saying I can't think of any.

              To be honest with you, I hate most media. They're all pretty bad with manipulation, I agree. That said, I do see a big difference in how the outlets peddle stories. With your example of the current story of the cop killing the black girl, to me thats not at all fear mongering, it's outrage porn. Their intent doesn't seem to be to cause fear, it seems to fan the flames of the current anti-police climate. A current example of fear mongering on the right is "the border crisis" narrative. An example of victim mentality could be Tucker Carlson claiming white people are under attack. With conservative news, I notice a constant "boogeyman" threat, whereas on the left, I see more "virtue triggering" (I may be making that term up, it's just what comes to mind so I hope you get what I mean).

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