Are italians, spaniards, greeks and portuguese white?
Yeah, are people from those countries really white?
Yes | 26 | |
No | 8 |
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Yeah, are people from those countries really white?
Yes | 26 | |
No | 8 |
Theres a spectrum of white. Such as theres a spectrum of brown and black and red and yellow.
I have no idea. What does "white" even mean? The lines are very blurred these days.
In Spain we have all colors, from fair pale white with blond hair to very dark skin with black hair. Morocco was a Spanish provence so there is a pretty strong Moroccan influence in some parts of the country.
Citizenship does not have a color.
[generally speaking] A white person is someone not born in Africa, Asia, or central/South America.
Ultimately one is the race that they consider themselves to be. My kids are half Mexican and half Italian, and are fair skinned and blue eyed. But they could call themselves HIspanic.
On a census, yes, but its debatable. Lebanese people have fair skin but arent considered white, interesting topic.