Are men better than women or is it the other way 'round?

I personally think men are FAR superior. First off they think practically while women think mostly emotionally. It's no wonder that most inventors were men (even if women were more valorized at the time most things were invented, I still think men would be the ones to invent things.)

Secondly, when men don't liek each other they'll either cleary state that or just fight it out. Women, on the other hand, will pretend they like the person, but insult them behind their back or make complex little schemes to fuck up with their life.

And it's not that women are more fragile and useless, it's that they were CREATED to be like that (thus rendering them inferior). Women originally exist to have kids. That's it. Then guys gave them other functions like taking care of the kids, cooking etc. But men were made to hunt, fight and lead.

I know that without women there would be no children and we'd be extinct, but that's the only way women were created to contribute. So, even thoguh we couldn't lvie properly without women, men are (orginally, before feminism and all that shit) much more useful in society.

By the way, I'm a girl, but I strongly wish I weren't and I'm disgusted with myself when I actually find some pleasure in doing girly things (which is rare, but happens.)

I believe in equality of genders 43
Men are better 30
Women are better 17
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Comments ( 64 )
  • Captain_Kegstand

    I worked as a roofer for a while. If you haven't done it, it is extremely hot, and backbreaking that only the most determined guys can do. There was a woman on my crew that nobody thought would make it, and that woman was absolutely amazing, surpassing the skill and speed of almost every guy on my crew! This is only one isolated example that I have seen of women being able to succeed and exceed in a mans workplace.

    Women can do anything a man can do, the difference is gender roles and how we develop because of how we are treated in our environment.

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    • It's not the fact that women can never do a man's job, it's the fact that most women can't. There are definetly isolated cases in which women do better than a lot of men in a man's job, but that is only one isolated case. ANd like you said, almost every guy, not every guy, so there were a few still better than her. I would like to know if she had more training than the others, though, because that is a biggy.

      I still believe men are better due to the fact that without man's inventions, women wouldn't be able to do nearly as much work or hardship as men do because they can't rely on technology to do a lot of the work.

      Kind of like how women had to take over work in society when the men went to war. They done enough to make society run by, but they still weren't able to do the ammount men done at the same job due to lack of technology and more hard work from the individuals needed.

      The difference between the male and female contribution is that female contribution in intelligence is them learning what is already learned to keep society running the way it is, not challenging the already known facts, where as male intelligence is that including challenging the known fact, expanding the facts, and instead of just working towards keeping society how it is, their intelligence is towards changing society instead of keeping it as it is; progressing it.

      I don't believe women can do anything a man can do. Yes, roofing is hard work, and I respect that one woman for challenging herself and doing amazingly in a man's work area, but one single incident does not equal to the whole gender being able to do the same. For example, I don't believe women would be able to cope with doing the whole mining workforce area, in which you have to dig down, shaking hands with the devil, knowing that there is a chance everything can cave in on you at any time.

      I personally am a bit skeptical about that woman working there doing great. I don't know if she was doing the same type of work as the other males or doing the lesser part of the job that needed done but was still easier, and/or if she was getting more help, and the physical effort if she needed help aswell. Although, I was not there, so I can't exactly challenge it, just state that I am a bit iffy that I can't get all the details and full truth.

      I have to agree with the last part, we do develop how we are treated due to the enviroment. Feminist said that "women don't do better than men in maths and science because they are told they aren't as good at those things (enviroment)", regardless of their being a science study that shows they are better at those things due to having more gray matter that maths and science would be improved with in the brain. Regardless of that, I will get back on point. Males are constantly shown on mainstream media and on the internet that they aren't as good at women at education, they do worse in tests, less males finnish school, more males drop out, males are criminals, and so on. If enviroment is something that effects humans in that manner, which I agree it does, it shows that males are more so the victims of enviroment than females are. For example, it is acceptable to say things like "women are better at college than males", yet a teacher was fired for saying men are better at math (which is a fact due to more gray matter being in the male brain", regardless of that, he was fired, while people are allowed to claim females being better at education, which if gives the enviroment as "women are better feel" which would end up effecting male performance.

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    • But regardless of what they do now, what do you think men and women were created for? Don't you think they originally had different purposes in the world? Otherwise why are they different?

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        The statement that men are far superior to women, is mutually exclusive to the argument that we were made for different things. Human kind has been around for a long time, gender roles can change.

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        • Well, I'm not stupid enough to say men and women play different roles in today's society, but I'm saying it shouldn't be like that because men were originally made to be superior (and think, even though they're not necessarily favored in society, they are, psychologically speaking.)

          But you didn't answer my question. What do you think men and women were made for and why are they different?

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  • suckhole

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  • dom180

    Men and women weren't "made" or "created" to do anything. Gender roles are a result of the pressures of society, not because men and women were "made that way". That's just a hugely reductionist and simplified view.

    Also, you're a woman. Remember that the grass is always greener on the other side. For example:

    "First off they think practically while women think mostly emotionally"

    Bullshit. A lot of women do think practically, and a lot of men don't. You're making sweeping generalisations. Also, who's to say that thinking emotionally is worse or better in any case?

    "when men don't liek each other they'll either cleary state that or just fight it out"

    Bullshit. We are bitchy and manipulative too. This stereotype of men just isn't true in my experience and I've never understood why people seem to believe it. And fighting because you don't like someone doesn't make a person superior, it makes them inferior.

    "men are (orginally, before feminism and all that shit) much more useful in society."

    So you're saying after women's rights movements women were equally useful?

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    • So just because I prefer 'the other lawn' it automatically makes my opinion invalid?

      Okay, honey, I AM generalising because that's the only way to discuss that sort of thing. Do you want me to say that 'men are GENERALLY better than women'? Does that make it better?

      Well, I've never met any 'bitchy and manipulative' men. Like I told bananaface, being manipualtive might be "more effective, but more fucked up as well. It's not only more obsessive (as it requires more planning) but I truly don't understand how that reliefs someone's anger. But anyway, fighting or arguing puts both people on a similar situation so they can properly show their abilities and be a proper winner or loser, while the female way of hating is terribly unfair.

      I know that one guy might be super skinny and weak and the other a boxer so that's not exactly 'same level', but if they were on the exact same level there wouldn't be need for fights.

      But then when women plan something subtle, the intended victim is probably not doing the same, or is plotting something else entirely to get her vengeance and I don't see how that's even useful."

      Besides, you're probably saying that fighting is inferior because it's an instinctive, 'animal' thing, but that's what humans are, animals. So it could be considered 'better' to act like animals than to try and pretend that's not what we are (but that's not the reason I think fighting is better.)

      And anyway, it's not necessarily about fighting but about not being false and just letting your opinions about people clear.

      Yes, I'm saying "after women's rights movements women were equally useful" or at least almost equally useful, I can't deny that.

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      • dom180

        Firstly, I'm a guy :)

        Of course men can be manipulative, I see it all the time. I don't think the male "way of hating" is any better. It's more simplistic, and I fail to see how a fight is a fair way of deciding a dispute. The strongest person wins 90% of the time, but stronger doesn't equal right. If the super skinny guy was in the right, and then got the shit kicked out of him by the pro boxer, I don't see how that is fair.

        I think that not fighting is a much better way if solving anything. I still think the "female way" is childish, but there's no reason why it's "worse".

        At the end of the day, there's no reason why a woman can't slap some bitch who's annoying her, which is exactly a fight, which seems to be what you'd like. Nobody is stopping that happening.

        Really, I just believe fighting is too simplistic. The person in the right has no higher chance of winning. It's why I think fighting is just as childish as manipulative behaviour, it doesn't solve the problem fairly.

        Also, you could argue that it's a woman's natural instinct to behave in a "bitchy and manipulative" way as opposed to a straight fight. Which I know isn't your main point, but I thought I'd throw it in :)

        On the issue of just letting your opinions clear, I don't think men do that. Men bottle anything up if they think it will make people perceive them as "not manly". For some reason, it is considered manly to let out emotions like anger and hate, but not manly to let out feelings of pain and sadness. It's why being a gut isn't so great, only being able to let out some emotions is rubbish.

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        • 'Kay, maybe you're right - and maybe I'm not really sticking to the point - about the 'ways of hating'. What I meant by it all was that usually men will let it clear who they like and who they don't while women will a lot of time pretend they like someone they don't. I believe men only do that when there's a personal objetive behind it.

          But we're not talking sadness and pain, we're talking anger and hate ;) And either way, feeling those things IS weak.

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          • dom180

            That's true, and the way a lot of women behave in that situation is foolish and I've never understood it. Maybe I feel less strongly compared to you because as a guy I've been on the other end of the female manipulation stick less frequently, and on the other end of the male stick (wow "male stick" sounded dirty ;) ) fairly often.

            As a separate point but one I very, very strongly believe: I think anger and hate make you weak, not pain and sadness. But I think that's the crux of why we think differently ;) And we're talking not about JUST anger and hate, but men and women in general which encompasses it all (albeit with anger and hate as an example).

            This is a good discussion, I think :)

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            • Bitch, please, I'm too socially irrelevant to have people wasting their time with schemes to break me.

              Anyway, anger and hate aren't necessarily caused by other people and sadness and pain are. I think not being affected by other people is what makes someone strong. I mean, if you receive a compliment and wanna feel happy because of that it's fine, but you should be able to choose what affects you and what doesn't.

              I know we're talking about genders in general, but my argument about ways of hating was only about hate and anger.

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    • Gasmasker

      I agree. So many people use gender roles in ancient society "before feminism and all that shit" (or even worse, the Genesis story of the Garden of Eden) as their argument against gender equality. Yeah, I've seen plenty of guys who are gossips, and I, for one, am a girl who likes to punch my problems in the face.

      Thank you for existing. I like to know that there are people out there, of either gender, who know that people don't work in percentages!

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  • nightmare28

    Some men refer to their women as their other half, I refer to mine as my better half.

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    • May I ask why, exactly?

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      • nightmare28

        Yes you may.

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        • YouKnowWho

          Then I shall: why, exactly?

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          • nightmare28

            I always believed that the right woman will make you, the wrong woman will break you. Since I met my woman life took a sharp turn for the better.

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            • Sounds quite silly, but each to his own.

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  • howaminotmyself

    When will people learn that neither gender is superior. It is a tired argument and distracts you from actually being a good person. They both have negative and positive traits. One isn't better than the other, just different. With different ways of contributing.

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  • There's a good test....if you filled a room with 50 of the worlds smartest people, would there be more men or women?

    Men. Infact the 50 highest IQ's ever recorded were ALL men.

    Fill a room with 50 of the worlds fittest people, would there be more men or women?


    So it's actually fact that men are superior, not an opinion but a provable fact. Not trying to hate or be sexist but logically speaking men are superior.

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    • Gasmasker

      I hate to be an idiotic woman and question your words, but how does anything you said prove this "fact"?

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      • Pointing out a poor choice of words doesn't make you a less idiotic woman if that's what you're trying to say.

        It's self explanatory enough, so read it again bitch, then get back to the kitchen.

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        • Gasmasker

          People don't work in percentages, and I don't work in a kitchen.

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          • "People don't work in percentages"

            Oh dear, this is why you need to stick to the kitchen.

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            • Gasmasker

              Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?

              I've heard people of both genders say dumber things. And I don't work in a fucking kitchen.

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  • xoxochick

    Women are equal to men sure women can't do everything that men can but men can't do everything that women can. Being disgusted with yourself is flat out ridiculous.

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  • Lunamoon

    you are an absolute idiot and I don't know what made you disgusted with your own gender but you may be transgender and not know it but everything you said was idiotic. You need to stop believing you are inferior and actually try doing shit! Then you will see that that is not true. I have beaten the shit out of a grown man before (granted he was trying to rape me) but my point is if you put limits on yourself you WILL end up weak and useless. Grow up and stop whining you are just making excuses because you are too lazy to try. Also fun fact the two highest recorded IQ scores were from females.

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  • TheGasManCometh

    Strong, intelligent women can be every bit as capable as men, and in many cases far more so. If you were one of them, you would fully participate in the world, knowing that you are at a disadvantage - not because you are female, but because of the blatant (yet still often unnoticed, incredibly) and increasing sexism that causes warped views such as yours.

    Yes, legal rights have changed, and many people think the problem has been 'solved' (that's you, ItDuz), but in fact it has been made worse by men resorting to some pretty dirty tactics (e.g. abusive pornography, rape jokes and calling sexuality liberated women 'sluts') in order to continue 'winning' the gender war - a war which ought not to and need not be fought at all! Women are also to blame, believing the nonsense and physically starving and mutilating their bodies because they think that's what men want. And that's just in 'Western' countries (particularly the US, but the UK is also pretty bad) - in places like Iran and Saudi Arabia, men are so scared of women becoming their equals (or betters) they force them to wear burkas and deny them any semblance of equal rights.

    Still think sexism and sex discrimination isn't a problem? The very fact people have so many debates like these ought to be enough, even if you're ignorant or in denial of the realities.

    That'll do for now - though I could easily go on; I haven't even mentioned sexuality...

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  • TheGasManCometh

    Whoever you are, you disgust me - so much, I won't waste my time pointing out why everything you've said is wrong - not just incorrect, but WRONG. I truly hope you eventually learn to disregard your gender and just be the best human being you can be.

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    • YouKnowWho

      Duuude, nothing's wrong and nothing's incorrect. Nothing's right either, so just chill.

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      • TheGasManCometh

        Heh - ok, I'll chill. But my blood was boiling there for a moment.. Besides, if nothing is wrong, nothing is right, and nothing is incorrect - then what's the point of any of this? And she is SO WRONG (oops there I go again)

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        • YouKnowWho

          There is no point. But then what's the point of life? We're just doing pointless stuff in our pointless lives. Pointlessception.

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          • TheGasManCometh

            You sound like a broken pencil...
            The point (for me, maybe it will work for you too) is to be happy and enjoy life - and one of the things that makes me UNhappy is knowing that there are so many people out there who are miserable just because of their gender, and how they think it means they ought to look and act. I wish there were more women out there strong enough to be (among other things)... strong!

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  • Gasmasker

    Equality. Sorry. Gender is just a thing.

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    • Okay, if genders are equal, why are they different from each other? If whatever created us wanted equality it would have made only one gender.

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  • I have to agree, not too sure as individuals in this enviroment, though. I think if males were educated more in ways that play in to their best methods of learning, they would definetly show superiority is most cases over women, if not all.
    To this day most complex sciences and inventions are still being made by men, and most inventions in general still are getting invented and made by men, which puts the whole "we were descriminated against, which is why we invented less" argument down.

    The second paragraph is quite accurate, although some men do be backstabbers and insult behind other men's back, etc, they don't do it nearly as much as women do. I don't know about fighting, but they'll make it blattantly obvious that they don't like the person instead of pretending to, then calling names behind the person's back.

    I agree with the third paragraph. Although that was the primary function women had at the beginning, and in our primal state the only thing women could do was collect small foods and look after children, men were to lead, hunt, and create. To this day, if men did not invent so much technology that makes work so much easier by a hundred, then women would barely have any function in the workforce. I still strongly believe that women rely completely on technology to come anywhere near the ammount of function in the workforce as men have. Although I don't think women shouldn't be allowed to work, men's technology does most of the work, but women use such technology to get the job done. I don't think women are useless, but technology is the main thing that makes them able to come anywhere close to the same level of work men do in the workforce.

    I think the whole women's movement has done more negatives than positives for society. I agree women were being treated badly without their rights, although not as unfairly badly as modern feminism likes to spread, but badly non the less. I think women should still get their basic rights not to be hit unless meritted, but since women have had their "freedom" today's young just keeps getting worse and worse due to unstable families in which before women were able to just fall pregnant with anyone with support from goverment left and right, it was more stable.

    What I dislike is that when women think having half of the reproduction purpose needed equals to being equal all together...It doesn't work like that. If men can do more than women than women can do more than men, then it shows that. And I don't know what women are talking about "We weren't allowed to invent back then", because even back then there were female inventers.

    I don't think you should be disgusted by yourself for being female. Aslong as you realize the reasons why your gender are able to do certain things due to male inventions, and so on is enough to see you as a respectable woman. There is no need to feel disgusted with yourself, and doing girly things doesn't deserve self disgust, either. Aslong as you believe well justified statements you have made here, hobies that involve girly things shouldn't disgust you.

    Believe me, you are one of the types of females that don't deserve any disgust aimed at you.

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    • Truly flattered to find out we have similar opinions on something (I mean, you're famous, lol).

      And you're saying I should settle for being inferior? And for having natural behaviors I don't agree with?

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      • You aren't going to be inferior to all men, you'll obviously be superior to a lot of men in today's world, no dubt, just like there are women far smarter than me. I just think that the male gender as a group is superior to the female gender as a group.

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        • TheGasManCometh

          You think because women have been 'given their rights' that they're no longer discriminated against? Wake up, sexism is rife, and getting worse, not better! You can't undo thousands of years worth of social conditioning and forced gender roles just by saying "women have equal rights" - and the fact that women like you (who are obviously otherwise intelligent) don't get that is extremely sad.

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          • In no way is sexism towards women getting worse. Women have all sorts of opportunities, and they have far more choices to choose from in life than men. We have gotten so much in to equality that we allow women jobs that men would do better in such as law enforcement, fire department, and the military, that we put peoples lives at risk by allowing women that aren't as strong as men to do.

            Sexism towards men is growing far more rapidly than sexism for women.
            These women have not been part of those thousands of years, and in no way are they expected to act like those women, nor do they.

            I'm not a female, I am male.

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          • Are you talking to me or to ItDuz?

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            • TheGasManCometh

              Both of you! ItDuz wrote something about discrimination being a thing of the past, so mainly her I guess - unless you share that erroneous view? Your original post just makes me sad, now the rage has subsided.

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  • BluntsRolled

    Is this It Duz?

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    • Nope. I was looking through the comments to see how many people would think it's me, so far you're the only one. I'm going to comment after I read the comments.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        Lolz i thought it was you at first too.

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      • BluntsRolled

        I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thought it was you though. Nobody just wanted to say it. *shrugs*

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