Are men scared of men iin?

I think girls are scared being alone with strange men. But are men scared of some men at times too? Is it normal to ask?

As if! 7
All the time. 11
Only when alone at night. 18
Great question! 17
Mind your own business! 5
Other. 11
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Comments ( 26 )
  • ScooterNyne

    You have to be cautious around any people you don't know. Men and Women alike.

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  • dom180

    If there's good reason to be, like he was bigger than me and clearly looking to batter someone. I would have a hard time believing anyone who said they weren't at all scared by someone who wanted to put them in hospital and could. Just being alone in a room with a guy who is acting completely normally and non-aggressively wouldn't scare me at all though.

    Regardless of how common it is... I'm not sure if I think it's normal for a girl to be scared of a completely normal acting male stranger either, unless she's had a past experience which informs the fear.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Man with gun= yes.
    Man without gun= no.

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    • notmyfirstaccount

      What about a knife though? Or a bow and arrow?

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  • Anime7

    I'm "afraid" of other men like I'm afraid of strangers. If they're bigger than me, especially if the person is bigger than me, I wouldn't feel comfortable being near them. Of course circumstances are a factor, like where I am and what time of day it is when I encounter this person. If he gives off a friendly demeanor and clearly means well then I can let my guard down. It doesn't matter the gender. The stranger could be a girl for all I care. I simply feel uneasy around people I don't know. But afraid isn't the right word to describe it though, I don't fear strangers, but if they look like a bruiser then I will be more attentive to their movements even though I doubt that they would pick a fight.

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  • Mr-Myrtos

    Of course there are!
    Guys are easily intimidated by another guy's size and muscles or even guys with a strong personality.
    Afraid of the boss or any other upper hierarchy guy, this can led to perverse situations.
    I educate my son to avoid as much ass possible any situation leading to things he can not control and be more intelligent and observant to better assess the environments.
    In school its easy to get a fight. He mustn't pay attention to the most common insults. He must be clever.
    I don't like to know him missed up in a fight even if I'm sure he might win since he is a quite strong boy for his age. The gym made him big and strong.
    To fight is primitive and shows weakness, not strings.
    Fortunately I live in a society that condemns and punishes severely this kind of thing.
    There is far more to this. Some humans they feel superior to others for the most unthinkable things.

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  • Holzman_67

    Hmm hard to answer. Some strange men intrigue me and some unnerve me. Aggressive, unpredictable types definitely unnerve me.

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  • Like Dom said. It doesn't make sense to be scared of men simply because they are men, but if "anyone", not just men, were being aggressive in nature, it is normal to feel cautious of them.

    I don't see why females claim to be scared of males for no reason...Statistically they're least likely to be attacked.

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    • Statistics don't lie.

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      • What do you mean by that?

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      • Freedom_

        Of course they don't. People lie about them.

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        • Don't be silly.

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    • Freedom_

      Because the media portrays women as helpless targets...

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      • And men as wild animals lacking in empathy. Two portrayals not justified.

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        • Freedom_

          True, true.

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      • There is nothing worse than a drunk woman.

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        • Freedom_

          How about a drunk man bum?

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          • Both suck equally in different ways. I don't touch the fire water and usually stay away from people who indulge in it. I can't say that I am entirely innocent though. I have had on and off problems with dissociative drugs to self medicate PTSD type problems.

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  • CreamPuffs

    But if they are scared of men, does that mean they are scared of themselves?


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  • iflex4lyfe

    I'm a guy and if someone wants a fight I'll ask them to swing first, thus making them too nervous to give a good hit. Never had a serious punch if I ask to be hit first.

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  • thegypsysailor

    To be afraid of someone is to believe they mean you harm. Why would you allow yourself to fall into that situation? Other than as a victim of crime, wouldn't it be best not to antagonize someone who could do you harm?
    Situational awareness is something everybody should learn.

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  • ruthlessvigilante


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