Are my fears normal?

So I'm basically immune to most fears. I'm not afraid of things like death or blood or the law, I have 3 solid fears.
1. Emetophobia (fear of throwing up)
2. Phillophobia (fear of love)
3. And autophobia (fear of oneself)

Ever since i got some terrible sickness when i was really little I've been dead afraid of vomiting. I was pretty much heaving up nothing and tearing into my insides while i digested myself.

I've basically avoided love and relationships all together because of repeated betrayal as a child and a really dysfunctional family with divorced parents. I'm also not very good at loving without breaking the other persons heart and that is a link between this fear and the next.

I've always had more than one personality inside and I've done bad things because of it. I have a homicidal side to me and its been there since i was young, hurting things brings me a rush. Although I'm mostly incapable of guilt it has caused consequences that have hurt me severely and it makes me fear myself. The only time I do feel guilt is when I hurt somebody I love over it. Sometimes I get the urge to run forever trying to escape myself, I know it's impossible but as long as I'm running i feel safe.

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 29 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • KingTermite

    No "phobias" are normal. Sorry if that's bad news.

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    • AlmightyGawd

      You are a fucking idiot.

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    • Jerid

      I wouldn't say that "phobias" are "not normal".
      They are the result of disturbances, and sometimes, a way for the person to adapt and survive in the world they live in.

      If one sees people drowning day in and day out - one will, more often than not, acquire a phobia of water, or at least the act of swimming or being submerged under liquids.

      Though, perhaps, I agree that some phobias aren't quite normal. The more obscure ones that normally come as troll posts, but sometimes are real.

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      • KingTermite

        If you'd like to assert that being irrational is normal then, yes, I suppose some are normal. However, phobias being anxiety disorders... well, I'm going to stay with not normal.

        But whatever, the OP reeks of troll anyway so there isn't much reason to pursue this any further.

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        • Jerid

          It really depends on what you mean by normal, Termy.
          A grand portion of humanity has some sort of fear - spiders, bugs, dogs, cats, heights, etc. etc.

          If you put a worm on my body, I will most definitely start to freak out - not because a worm is DANGEROUS - but just because I don't like it, it brings me discomfort. I'd start frantically flailing my arms around trying to get the stupid thing off of me! Almost to tears!

          And that's how many people react to insects. So it's a normal thing to be afraid of certain things. It's the intensity that matters in the end of the day.

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        • AlmightyGawd

          You are a fucking idiot.

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  • Short4Words

    Fear of love might be more common than you think.

    As for your other "personalities," you should look into Carl Jung's shadow self.

    There are many parts of my personality that I don't like or are contrary to what I want or who I want to be. I accept that it's there but it shouldn't define me.

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    • Psychobeth

      I am one person yet i posses myself and defy myself i ask why to myself the motive i know not i fall and im caught all the work of me and who i am yet who they are and they are me.

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      • Short4Words

        Sounds great but it's hard to decipher.

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  • TheDentist

    I can identify with number 2, although it's not a fear for me, just general disinterest in it.

    I too have homosexual...*cough* HOMICIDAL urges, which I why I became a dentist, so I could cause a lot of pain to people without getting a criminal record.

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    • Psychobeth

      Wow new favorite random person.

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