Are my thoughts at church weird?
When I go to church (which is about once every 3 months) i cant help but to think about impure thoughts like sex. I always feel so bad about it but i just cant stop! Is this normal?
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When I go to church (which is about once every 3 months) i cant help but to think about impure thoughts like sex. I always feel so bad about it but i just cant stop! Is this normal?
I think this is the 'don't imagine an elephant' scenario. It's one of the most taboo things you can do at church, therefore it's nearly impossible not to do it! :)
Haha! This happens to me too. Then as I'm thinking about these thoughts while I'm in church, I stop myself for like a couple seconds(on and off), left feeling really guilty. And I always wonder if anyone can tell I'm thinking about somethuing dirty too.
Sex is not impure. If it was, who would be here? Sex is life, and we all desire life. No, most of us do, and sometimes a lot of us wonder about it. Church? That is just a building, or a bunch of people, and most of them are prudes, especially the preachers that get up in the pulpit and denounce sex. By the way, research the meaning of pulpit, if you want an interesting surprise. And do you know what that big old church steeple actually represents? Or those arched double doors? Suggest you read "Sex Symbolism in Religion" by J.B. Hannay, available from Health Research. BTW, I am an ordained minister, tho not an orthodox one.
ha... I don't want to sound "religious" or whatever, but as a born again Christian, I believe that satan is trying to distract you from what God is trying to tell you while in church. Whenever I start thinking about bad stuff in church, I remember James 4:7. "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
Humans naturally want to go against rules--the fact that you aren't suppose to think sexual acts in church makes it practically impossible for anyone to abide.
There is a solution. Just don't go to church.
But on a serious note thinking about sex is part of being human. I'm sure whatever god you believe in knows you mean well and that you can't help thinking these things.
well its so easy to fall asleep in church and that is the 1st thing that pops in to my head most of the time i fall a sleep so yeah normal
Yes it's normal. If God didn't want you to have sexual thoughts, then why would he make sex feel good?
I'm serious here k. But it's satan. I've done that too. Fight satan, rebuke him in the name of God, his son & in the blood of Christ.
Tell your pastor & or have people pray over you. You don't have to tell them what it is.
Hope this helps
I always feel bad too. I get mad @ myself too. LIke why can't i control this Im @ church for goodness sakes.
Okay, you only feel guilty because we have been raised since birth to think sex is wrong and anything of that nature is. Masturbation is frowned upon though recent studies have shown that it is natural and healthy for a child to explore their bodies. There's nothing wrong with sex if you have protection. The only thing that is making it bad is our society. Sex is amazing. Sex makes you feel good and if you orgasm, you will release endorphins. Therefore, don't feel guilty. Christians tend to frown upon everything that makes people happy. Remember, the people who say sex is bad are also the same people that believe women are inferior. I'm a female and I've yet to meet a male that can best me.
I still go to church, unfortunately. It is soooo boring! I sit there on the pew and try not to fall asleep, because when I do I wake up with an awful neck-ache. I hate churches and I hate preachers, and I am an ordained minister! Well, that's nothing, anyone can get ordained for little or no money. It did not cost me anything, but the stamp and envelope to send for it.
I think the ones who go off to college and study for four years really know the truth - that it is ALL a bunch of shit (lies, falsehood, nonsense, myths), but they keep their mouths shut and preach what they are told to... for the money. Anybody who sits down and reads the Bible with an open-mind ought to be able to figure out that that is NOT "God's Holy Word". Unfortunately, I have to keep pretending that I believe that. Sometimes I just feel like yelling out in the middle of the sermon - "BULLSHIT!" Or at least "Bushwah!"
It's totally normal to think about exactly what you don't want to think about.
It happens really often if you have OCD, because part of your mind is always going to be thinking about it.
Of course! There are lots of how chicks at church! That's where lost Christians find people to have sex with! Lol