Are people born gay/lesbian??

Well yeah I was having this discussion with friends at school and she believed that people were born gay/lesbian and I disagreed with this statement.

I feel that actually everyone is born asexual because when you're that young then you're really not attracted to anyone yet. You might be more keen towards people with softer faces instead of harsher, scary looking ones but you're not sexually attracted to them. Then when the baby gets older thats when he/she notices what couples are 'meant' to look like and learns how to find someone 'good looking'.

So overall I'm saying that you're born with no interest in anyone and then, later on in life, you obtain a sexual orientation.

So what do you think

Born Gay/Lesbian 482
Hmm...Your idea isn't bad. Born Asexual 160
Born Straight! Then certain circumstances/the media lead you to be gay 219
I don't know 97
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Comments ( 52 )
  • bananaface

    I think people are usually born with their sexual preference but it's kind of dormant, and then when we become teenagers and begin to get lots of hormones, then we become sexually attracted to people.

    But I disagree that people learn how to find someone god looking, I think it's just personal preference. Because no matter how many times people tell me Megan Fox is attractive, it won't change the fact that to me, she isn't.

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  • disthing

    I understand your idea, but because we don't go through puberty in the womb, doesn't mean nature has no part in our sexual development. Your logic is the equivalent of saying male-pattern-baldness is nurture over nature because the guy wasn't bald when he was 8. Or that grey hair is nurture over nature because the person wasn't grey when they were younger. Hereditary diseases can develop later on in life, but that doesn't mean they aren't down to the genes more than the environment.

    Also if you look at the wider animal kingdom we're a part of, heterosexuality is as prevalent amongst species who don't live in packs or communities - those that don't have access to the view of "what a couple should look like". If your theory were true, one would expect as much homosexuality as heterosexuality amongst species that are 'loners'. Also, most animals don't have sex education, which suggests a large part of what drives them to have sex and choose a sexual partner is instinct that isn't acquired but inherent. Which points to nature having some part in sexuality.

    There is no conclusive proof to what extent nature or nurture shape our sexuality yet, only theory. But rational thought suggests to me at least that the idea it's only down to nurture makes no sense. So I don't agree with you.

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  • Hmmaybe

    Your born with a tendency towards a certain sexuality. Then the soicety in which you live and your experiences decide your actual sexuality which is not determined until puberty.

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    • Totally agreed!

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  • Hmmaybe

    I'm in a similar situation here. Life would be nicer and a lot easier if I were straight, but I don't mind being bisexual and I'm never bullied about it even though I'm out.

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  • dwe

    Please don't flame me or tear me a new ass, I'm not saying I believe in all this stuff, I'm just throwing these theories into the mix for discussion purposes. There is a theory that chemicals in plastics create an "estrogen effect" which effects developing children's brains and makes them more "female". Estrogen is one of the main hormones associated with feminine sexual development. This theory says that young boys are becoming more female by drinking and eating out of plastic containers and therefore develop a homosexual proclivity. Another theory is that pregnant mothers drinking water from PVC piping in the home and eating and drinking out of plastic containers (juice boxes, drinks, storage containers, etc) are digesting synthetic estrogen that effects the development of the male fetus to become more female. So in this case the male child is born gay. The use of plastic to contain our food has grown exponentially in the last 20 years (replacing glass and paper products) and may be a major factor in the apparent surge of male homosexuality in recent years. Women are exposed to more estrogen too, which makes them more female, but may also harm their reproductive system and increase their chance of breast cancer due to the unusual levels of the hormone. Some scientists suggest that the ingestion of other chemicals in plastics effects female embryo development to be more male-like, and therefore homosexual. Here are some links if you want to know more - enjoy!

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    • Hmmaybe

      Ummm. One flaw in the theory. There was no plastic in Ancient Greece, and all the men were bisexual.

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    • Oh wow! That theory sounds really odd yet cool at the same time.

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      • admirer

        To dreadfully sum up Kinsey's theory; everyone's bisexual. Always have been. Always will be.
        Some people are drastically attracted to one sex more than the other, some mildly, some are right smack in the middle.
        The insistence of this not being true is purely denial, usually stemmed from social pressures supported & in some ways created by religious dogma.
        Whether you believe that sort of thing or not is irrelevant, but as a rule of thumb; if you do your damnedest to be exactly what you are even when you feel that little sting of embarrassment (that's that social pressure fucking with you) you'll never be wrong or untrue to yourself & your desires.
        And that sting? The more you practice not giving a fuck about what others think & just please yourself, the less that sting will matter to you & the less you're going to feel it, until it simply won't be there anymore.

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  • Lynxikat

    You're idea's sort of interesting, actually... I never really thought about it like that. I'm not sure if I believe in it or not, but it's definitely interesting.

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  • Rufus

    Heterosexuality is too ubiquitous for me to believe that we are all born without a genetically based preference. And there's the fact that two people of the same sex cannot reproduce.

    As for homosexuality, I believe it can have both genetic and psychological backgrounds, sometimes, but not always simultaneously.

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  • LCD

    Lady Gaga's hit "We were born straight!"

    I can't understand one thing, why gay folks behave as if they are insulted by their sexuality?

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  • Well I guess it could be born... but in the end you develop your sexuality in your teenage yrs!
    I was rlly just into humans 'til I was 14/15 and found out I'm also into animals... so I think it might be inherit through your parents but it will develop in you teenage yrs! It's also possible that you just develop your sexuality in your teenage yrs!

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    • FourAMandstillgoin

      Thats when our bdains start to form properly, gay men have similar brain structures to hetero females so its not really a choice unless you can change the amojnt of white and grey matter in your brain along with hemisphere arrangement placement.

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      • I never said it was a choice but the ambience influences the development of an own sexuality! I do not say you have a choice but you might have^^

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        • FourAMandstillgoin

          You can choose who to sleep with not who ur attracted to unless youre bi.

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  • PurpleDurple

    Just a question...
    Were you born with an extra chromosome?

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  • ChubbyBunny11

    Sexuality isn't a choice.
    But I can't say you are really 'born with it'.
    I'd say It develops when you hit puberty, but thats not true since with my own personal experiences. I was always attracted to my 'girl friends' as a kid. I always said I wanted to marry my best friend. We grew up to be more like sisters though. xD
    Anyways, you cant choose who you fall in love with, as cliche as that saying is becoming.

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  • openmind4u

    I did not wake up and choose what I like. Was not given that chance. Good thing I like it all! Cuz,I'm a bit of everything..yet I'm not completly anything. Weird

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  • dom180

    According to Freud, all boys are born wanting to have sex with their mum, and all girls are born wanting to have sex with their dad.

    Freud smoked a lot of weed.

    Nobody knows really, and neither does it matter, if we are born with what they have or if we develop it later on. Personally, I hope that we don't find out, because that would change people's perception of sexuality if we knew or not who to "blame", for want of a better word.

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    • FourAMandstillgoin

      He was also attracted to his own mother. So lets take his theories with a pinch os salt. besides theories of sexuality before the 1970s usually suggest homosexuality is a mental illness.

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  • Winter.Finale

    "Born this way" :D ♪♫

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  • lisac1919

    actually you learn about your own sexuality when you learn that you have a different organ that the opposite gender.

    Sigmond Freud talked about how boys develop their sexuality because they are disgusted by the vagina (because it looks like a mutilated penis) and live in fear of losing their penis...later on it becomes more about how subconsciously he is 'claiming' his mother and wants to steal her away from the father.

    for girls when they realise the other gender has a penis she becomes jelous and thats the basis of her sexuality. then later on it becomes looking up to the dad as the protector

    it does kind of make sense in a frightening way, but im not sure if i agree with freuds theory BUT i dont think i agree with yours...because if you think about when you were a baby or a young kid; you dont know what sex is, you dont even know what type of organ other people have down there, you are obvserving how your mother and father are treating you and eachother. babies and young poeple's sexuality is a very complicated thing because they dont have their hormones and bodies fully developed yet. its not as easy as just coming up with a theory, its very scientific. i even read that BEFORE genders discover that the 2 different sex organs that there are different stages of sexuality including anal and oral (obviously not with the same same definitions we would think of...more like when babies like to put things in their mouths or when kids become kind of obsessed with poop)

    that why i think to turn gay, something has to be wrong because its not natural. i believe it is a mental disease that you develop because of a dysfunctional family. For example if you lived with a woman who 'wore the pants' in the family, maybe you would start to hate your penis. That sounds silly but at such a young age, ALL you know about sexuality is the fact that girls and boys have different 'thingys', you dont know what theyre used for, you just know that that is the difference between boys and girls and thats how you identify yourself.

    what happens when your younger has a lot to do with sexuality...its like the butterfly effect. when youre older your sexuality only develops slightly like when you figure out you like some fetish or something, but when youre a kid its everything, its what you like and dont like, its how your treated, its how you feel about yourself...that all turns into sexuality.

    because of it was something with genes and dna, gays would slowly die out since they dont contribute anything to humanity. and thats how nature works even if it doesnt sound so nice.

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  • Rick_Bawls

    Some people might be born with gay propensities, but not all of them. Some people really do turn gay although it may not be a conscious choice - some men who were molested as children become so screwed up in the head that they turn gay as adults.

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  • devilonyourshoulder1

    If you want to know the truth by fact, it is proven those who have sexual preference to the same gender are born that way. In other words you cannot technically choose to be Lesbian or Gay, though you can choose to be bisexual. A lot of times in the operating room if a newborn has two sexual parts, they will remove one without giving notice to the parents. They often remove the wrong part, so that person may grow up to have preferences to the same gender, but have the wrong sexual organ. It could be a male with more feminine characteristics or a female with more male characteristics. It can't be helped, and isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    The more scientific way:
    When something goes wrong with genetics, it may cause the brain's chemical imbalance, causing different feelings, attractions, emotions, etc.

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  • skyeracrystal28

    I believe we're born straight. It's just my opinion so please no nasty replies or hateful comments. I don't judge anybody. Your sexual orientation is your own business.

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  • ThatGuyFromThatPlace

    Genetic variation is one part of it, another is your mothers resistance to testosterone.

    It's even been proven that in families where most births are male, the youngest out of the siblings is more likely to turn out gay due to the mothers body gradually building resistance to the testosterone her infant introduces during gestation.

    Needless to say; A lot of fundamentalists can and will pour a lot of money into finding a cure for "the gay".

    It's all a moral issue caused by religion anyway, the Greeks and Romans were fine with it. Wasn't until christianity took the scene, that it was labeled immoral.

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  • Jerson

    I think some people are born gay or lesbians. Because there are boys or girls who are different from other kids. "why" ... Explain me how a 5 years old boy play with barbies with girly stuffs and not play any boys sports...... You guys don't know how hard it is to know that you are different from other boys, and that they make fun of you and not understanding why. Well that was my real story. At the age of seven I felt the nearby attraction by other child and I realize I was gay. That's why I say that some people are born gay or lesbians.

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  • littlelulu1999

    Many gay/lesbian individuals feel they are born with their preferences.

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  • AshleyG495

    We are not born gay. That is fact. If anything, we are born heterosexual because of our primal urge to mate with the opposite sex and reproduce our species. Therefor, you are born straight, but environmental factor turn some people gay. I'm sorry if i offended anyone but that's just the way things are.

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  • pambambam

    you choose if you feel comfterble being
    attracted to that sex. its selection.

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    • flipflapflop

      Oh the ignorance...

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  • tanned.chick

    i don't think people are born bi/gay . I think as people get older they become influenced by things surrounding them, some people such as i , get curios about new ideas some tend to stick to their new interests other like me try it and stay straight :) x

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  • Jkhency2762

    I used to feel I was straight, but girls brainwashed me to like guys too in a way. Tell your friend that at least

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  • Bonnabell

    Depends on situation everyone is different. Can not say its black or white or your being close minded. Some could be born that way some could be for other reasons.

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  • YngPoly

    I just put born asexual. That is not true though, everyone is born bisexual. I say this as a guy who was gay and decided to become bi. When I was younger I was gay because of subconscious programming. When I turned 16 I understood I could become bi or straight if I wanted to. I didn't want to so I stayed gay until recent.

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  • I think you are born gay, straight or other. I know many gay people that knew from a very early age (the youngest was 4 I think) that they were different. I think that your enviorment has nothing to do with your sexuality. Many gay people were brought up in families that don't accept homosexuality; and I have yet to meet a gay person that was raised by gay parents.

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  • admirer

    I didn't vote because the options were lacking but I wanted to comment anyway.
    I think Kinsey had it right.
    Most people would do themselves some good to read up on him.

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  • There is actually a gay gene, this was discovered several years ago. But I believe it could be nuture not just nature that makes a person gay.

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  • Theadage

    I think you're born with a certain preference, that hasn't cemented yet ( I don't mean literally from birth, that's ridiculous ). In my case, at the age of 5 I preferred to play with *wink* girl-friends, than guy-friends.

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  • nietnormal

    Gender is a much more complicated thing than Boy/girl. Modern western culture has a very narrow view of gender. In ancient civilizations and in many parts of the world gender has been defined in a large range of different ways. You can be a boy girl, or anything in between IMHO, and whatever you are can like anything else, this would be all made by your genes at birth and a combination of your upbringing and culture.

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  • In my experience, it seems like some people are born totally straight or gay. I think that a lot of people fall somewhere in between though, so in some cases it could be more or less of a choice. It's what you're comfortable with I guess. I'm pan so i wouldnt really know.

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  • Sillygoose

    They are definately born that way. I don't particularly have a logical reason why, I've just always felt that way about the specific subject. It's exquisite, i must say ;)

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  • Chiapett360

    I believe that every one has tendencies. There are tendencies to be an alcoholic, tendencies to smoke drugs, tendencies to view pornography, tendencies to seek out sex, as well as homosexual tendencies.
    God created us this way to test us to make sure we are dedicated to the ultimate goal of living with him again in heaven.
    It is our responsibility to rise above these tendencies when we are faced with temptation to choose not to act out on our tendencies that we have.
    Marriage and sexual relationships are designed to be between a man and a woman. Marriage was not just something invented by someone, it was designed by god and Adam and Eve were the first ones on earth to be bound in marriage and marriage has been practiced ever since

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  • I think that yeah, people are born asexual but they are still destined to be attracted to a certain sex. So basically, they are born gay/lesbian or bisexual or trans or whatever . It just doesn't show itself until the person realizes it . :$ does that make sense ? lol

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  • BoredGuy

    if there is a gay gene(or something of the type) the yes, they are working on it, time will tell..

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  • alishwag

    I wish i knew.. although i'm straight sometimes i worry about someone close to me.....

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  • FourAMandstillgoin

    Brain structure, its true our brain structures while were young is similar but genetics dictates how we grow and therefore dictates how our brain structure grows. Straight male brains are different from straight females and often how gay men happen is when a woman may pass down her brain structure or sexual preference tl her son through genetic patterning. what im saying is true ylu can look this up yourself if you like.

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  • soverytrue

    there are more and more lesbians today than ever before, and it is very disgusting. then again, these type of women are filthy diseased infested no good pigs now. how could god create such garbage like them? half these animals belong in the sewer. that is what they are, filthy animals. it is filthy pigs like them, that are now making it very hard for us straight men that are looking to meet a decent woman today. hey wait, did i say a decent woman? where the hell are they now? these women without a doubt were dropped on their heads when they were born, and this has been the result today.

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    • Maybe it is hard for you to meet a woman because you are a prejudice uneducated wanker.

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      • soverytrue

        to smegmaeater, you are a low life piece of garbage.

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  • magical_unicorns

    I believe that people are born straight, and later turn out however they are. I was born and always have been straight until around a year ago. And it was a difficult decision, but I realized I like males and females. And that's ok. So I think you aren't born with it, but develop it. :D

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