Are people "brainwashed" for choosing religion over science?

People choose to believe science because it seems logical because of evidence. Evidence - that's the thing isn't it? People think that science is always right, so if someone doesn't believe in it and chooses religion, then they are considered "uneducated." Well guess what, religion does have evidence, and that evidence is historical texts such as the Bible, Quran (or "Koran"), etc. Why can't those be considered evidence? Were they not written by people who experienced, saw, and felt God? One might argue that the people who wrote it had no interpretation of the world like science does, but science doesn't truly interpret the world either. Science is a set of beliefs on the small factors that make up the world and beyond, but isn't it all a set of ideas based on what they believe is evidence? It's illogical to say religion OR science is logical. Neither of them are logical. Is it logical to say a supreme being made two humans from dust and a rib to reproduce and create the world's population? No. Is it logical to say that apes somehow developed human emotions, feelings, and physical features over time? Not at all. But that's what they are; beliefs. To call someone uneducated and ignorant for being religious is just hypocritical and therefore, meaningless. By the way, no-one can say science is always right, considering scientists haven't even been able to explain what gravity really is yet.
People are not brainwashed, uneducated or ignorant for being religious. Science is a set of beliefs itself. If science is validated, why not religion?

That was what I thought. Now, what do you think? Are people really brainwashed for choosing religion/cultures over science?

No, it's THEIR own beliefs. 29
Yes, they're totally brainwashed. 58
Other (comment below) 8
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Comments ( 19 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It does not seem like you know enough about science OR religion to make any claims about it.

    Evidence of evolution does follow a logical train of thought. The biggest problem that some people have accepting evolution is the presentation - monkeys suddenly turned into humans. Evolution is a slow process of random trial to error to elimination to trial to success to propagation - all fueled through both random mutations which sometimes happen to result in adaptations to dynamic environments making survival necessary.

    You can see the evidence when you look at a simple bacterium. If a person uses anti-biotics for an extended period of time, often, bacteria learn to adapt and overcome the treatment and become untreatable, super bacteria. Micro-evolution which provides credence to the idea of evolution overall.

    The only "belief" here is belief in what is empirical, testable and falsifiable. Scientific fact and theory is held to an actual, real-world and measurable standard and when the standard is not met, the hypothesis is rejected or changed until the standard is met. If the scientist does not admit fault, despite being caught, not only is his "doctrine" thrown out but he is rejected from the scientific community.

    There is little archaeological evidence of the vast majority of what is written in the Bible or any other religious text. Although there are bits and pieces of certain texts that are ahead of their time scientifically (the Quran had pregnancy separated into three trimesters and an accurate prediction of tidal activity before the rest of their society at large did), that is hardly justification to call those texts "divine truth".

    In addition to that, God is not a testable concept. Most religions only have the most general view of what "God" is. Rarely has a religion thrown out doctrine and manuscripts upon realization of their error. In fact, religion generally REINFORCES whatever belief that science or society states is flawed. There is little change or progress and when challenged, they tend to tell the challenger that it is THEIR responsibility to provide proof that their religious beliefs are wrong. The burden of proof, however, is on the claimant.

    Religion is based on faith and psychologically engineered so that knowing less is more faith and more faith makes you a better follower. Science is based on empirical evidence.

    My only qualm with religion is that it can easily outwit individuals who think more emotionally than academically. Evolution can be a difficult concept to learn where I could explain creation in two sentences. People tend to believe that simpler means better and adds truth value and there's no possible way to debate with a person about the truth of evolution when they don't have the education to understand what the hell you're saying.

    Religion puts you in a situation where you're with a group of like-minded individuals and discouraged from seeking answers and information elsewhere. It provides a false sense of security for people who see it necessary to live their daily lives. Religion alone is not responsible for brainwashing, fear of the unknown is.

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    • Plastiek

      That was an amazing read. Thank you kind sir.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If I wrote a book that included every story and tale of extraterrestrial abductions by those that were abducted, would you believe all the stories? "Why can't those be considered evidence? Were they not written by people who experienced, saw, and felt" the extraterrestrials and their abductions? Wouldn't you feel the fool to believe it just because some folks wrote it down? You would no more know the veracity of those writers than you do the writers of the biblical stories and tales.
    Most biblical scholars state emphatically, that the stories and tales in the bible are NOT literal stories and tales, but metaphors for concepts and ideals. Are you saying they know not of what they speak? That their lives of investigation and research are for nothing because you have figured out the truth?

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  • Unimportant

    Most of the fairy tales from these "holy" scriptures were written WELL after they - supposedly - happened. Furthermore, they condradict all or most of the laws of physics that do actually work universally. No, that does not qualify as evidence.

    This is a book, which is the word of God! How do I know this? Well, it says so in the book itself!

    This is an epistemological black hole. To put any value to it is just... well... You think of a term.

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  • VeganKiller365

    Religion causes so many problems in this world but I guess the ancient humans had to believe in something to make life worth it huh? But if we had to have ONE religion in the world I would pick Buddhism

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    • kawaiigurl

      buddhism is great because its not even really a religion. its a way to go about living life.

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  • bellatrice

    Of course not. And you don't need to listen to those science nutjobs and their insane gravity crapola. It's not real. Everything they say is unreal.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Nice try.

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  • ۩۞۩

    You are a very confused individual. I do not think you will ever be able to comprehend scientific thought.

    आपण एक अतिशय गोंधळून व्यक्ती आहेत. मी तुम्हाला वैज्ञानिक विचार अंतर्भाव करण्यात सक्षम आहेत वाटत नाही.

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  • zoffix

    You don't "believe" in the fruits of science, you understand them. And holy books aren't evidence, they are claims. You wouldn't propose that Harry Potter books are evidence of wizards, would you?

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  • Lollypopsandcupcakes

    Good speech. I personally think you should write a book on it. You see, religion and science has separated the world. And the thing about using the word science is wrong. It's absolutely ridiculous that people who don't believe in god would say religion is stupid, as being atheist is a 'religion' in which there is no god.

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  • seekelp

    "Science is a set of beliefs itself. If science is validated, why not religion?"

    Because science is repeatable. Religion is less so.

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  • I do believe society is brainwashed, not only by religion, but many other things we do as well. It is sad that people are so easily led by others although I have never understood why they are that way.

    Religious texts are not evidence at all. Just because somebody wrote something does not make it true.

    Science is not perfect either, but it is theories based off of the best attempt we can currently make by doing tests and following logical patterns. Scientific philosophy is constantly changing due to updated information.

    Nobody can possibly be certain of the answers but I recommend basing what you believe off of what you experience in your own perception.

    Everyone's experience of life is different from each other and therefore perhaps everyone's answers are different. Instead of following other peoples beliefs we should each decide for ourselves.

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  • dameda

    I love how atheists think they know what people think and vote they are brainwashed. I think atheists are the most arrogant people you can find on earth.

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  • inappropriate11

    I chose other because it's the other way around. Recently my father has been digging in some conspiracy stuff, which i really wish he wouldn't, but he found some quite interesting stuff. First is the theory about HARP, I would provide links, but i don't currently have access to youtube, but I'm pretty sure you can find a shit load of stuff. This machine can control the weather. Yea it sounds like some lunatic made it up, but it has scientific evidence to back it up. The machine pulses energy into the atmosphere which can cause drastic changes in weather. This part isn't important, but what is, is the fact that it emits the same wave length that our brains do. So suspicion rises that it's not just used for the weather. Also there are certain tones. These tones were used by ancient monks and priest. These tones somehow have the power to rise your mood, make you feel joy, and even heal you from the inside out. But these tones can to be used to lower your spirits.

    Now I'm not exactly saying I believe in this, I'm still lost on weather control.

    Also, how would a religion brainwash you ;P

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  • Riddler

    Choosing religion over science yeah probably but having a religion and believing in science no.

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  • Spankz

    I'm just going to leave this here :)

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  • animaguskid

    I feel like a lot of people are bashing on religion so I just want to point out that religion actually instills some very positive values in people. And why does religion have to contradict science anyway? I personally don't take the stories in the bible literally and I don't see why anyone would. Historically religion gets a bad rep and really it's just that before science and education were widespread religion was just a tool used to control populations. People will always look for an easy means of controlling others. It's something people have always done and will continue to go on doing. Religion itself isn't bad because of how people have used it. Christianity talks about forgiveness, love and peace.

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  • knjne1

    Religion has consistently changed in the face of science. Science is unwavering in the face of religion.

    The Cathloc church was certain the sun revolves around the earth, people with epilepsy were possessed by demons, ect...
    So certain that anyone who disagreed were ridiculed and/or imprisoned.

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