Are snakes good or bad pets?

I have a pet Kingsnake and I love him to death.
I think snakes are awesome and cute (at least the non-deadly kind.), but I know for a fact that not many people are too fond of them.

What do you think of snakes?

I hate them and kill all I can. 2
They scare me. 7
Indifferent. 13
I love them and have my own! 15
But, they're evil! Remember Adam and Eve! 0
They're okay, but not my favorite. 19
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Holzman_67

    they make better poets

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  • mrkrule

    I like snakes, but they don't seem like very interesting or affectionate pets. Plus you have to feed them live food, I ain't about that.

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    • Actually, you DON'T have to feed them live food.
      It's safer to feed them frozen food, once it's thawed out of course.

      Feeding them live food is risky because their food may injury the snake if the snake doesn't want to feed at the time.

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  • RyanDeao

    would of voted loved snakes but don't have any

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    • Why don't you get a snake if you love them?
      Course, the prices for snakes are a bit high.
      I bought my Kingsnake at around $60, and that was just for him alone! The extra stuff ranked it up to $100!

      You could try to catch a wild one, but I wouldn't recommend it, but still.

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  • Ugluk

    Depends. Garter snakes, rat snakes, corn snakes - OK. Rattlesnakes, cobras, taipans - not really. Remember, snakes are unpredictable by human standards. they may attack and bite for no reason we understand. they may not be poisonous but they sure can give a huge and infected bite.

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  • ParadiseLost1323

    Snakes are lovely. I have one.

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  • Mr-Myrtos

    I know a couple of snake lovers and owners. Both get offended when other do not like them. They behave like a father or a mother facing someone not in a mood to stand their screaming child. Because they love their child they think everyone must like them as well. Never understood!
    In fact snakes are not my cup of tea. Some can be very beautiful like any other animal but in the wild.
    Most wild animals should never come out from the wild.
    Some is nice to have them nicely kept in Zoo. At least enough for people to have the chance to see how they are.
    Is not everyone that as the chance to travel in Africa or other places to see all of them.

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  • lc1988

    I've never had a snake nor had a friend with one...can they bond to you like other pets? I know they probably don't cuddle but do they know who you are or is it just feeding and that's just stare at it in it's tank. I'm not making any sense. Blah

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    • Well, snakes aren't like cats, I mean, they probably won't play or, sleep on your lap, but you can cuddle with snakes, you know, as long as they aren't being grumpy.

      I like to put my pet snake around my neck, and he'll just stay there, looking around and slithering around.

      Oh, and my snake loves warm water, if you pour the water into his dish bowl, he'll quickly go in and swim around, ducking his head under the water and what not. It's very cute.

      Of course, each snake has it's own personality,
      for example, there's this other king snake at a pet store (a banana king snake, or something.) and appearently it's very defensive and bites. That's the total opposite of my snake.

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      • flawdagirl

        I never knew snakes cuddled. that's pretty cool = )

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  • I like snakes and other reptiles.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I prefer rats to snakes. I'm not particularly interested in animals I can't train who don't give kisses.


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    • My snakes gives little kisses though and they usually tickle, but hey, you like what you like.
      I love cats, so, I can't say that I don't like mammals as well.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I was bracin' myself for tha hit but, right on! :-)

        I've handled snakes before, mostly constrictors. One time a king snake at the pet store pee/pooped on me. I guess it was scared. :-(
        Poor little guy. I think my main issue with snakes is the whole thing about feedin' em rodents. I've had rats and mice as pets in the past. Rats are some of the sweetest pets. Hamsters on the other hand...

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        • I've had hamsters in the past as well, but you know, I was a little kid and didn't really know much about them, so, like a idiot, I mixed the genders in one cage. Yeeeah, not smart.

          That's probably why I'm not too fond of hamsters anymore, bad encounters in the past, but other small animals are okay, like chinchillas look really cute and neat, but sadly they're too much money.

          Oh well.

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