Are the religious inferior?

Is it normal to think of people who believe in god or some higher supreme being as inferior. I look down on them the same way people look down on fat people with skinny parents. People who were once perfectly capable of making logical decisions turned into bumbling idiots. Is this normal?

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 124 votes (66 yes)
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Comments ( 40 )
  • icepeople

    I read all of these comments about religious folks being judgemental and yet everyone of these posts passes judgement; like the pot calling the kettle black.
    Religous people, like all of us, are imperfect. They set a standard for themselves that they sometimes fail to follow. Hasn't all of us? There are some of them who do seem to feel that they are in a way better people than the rest of us because of what they believe, but I find that all of you posters here are doing the same thing.
    I see from your posts that you all love to look down on those who believe in a higher power whether those people do good or bad, yet fail to look at yourselves in the mirror and realise that your posts reflect a tendancy to become the product of your own accusations such as: hypocrasy, passing judgement, feelings of superiority, and yes I dare say, closed-mindedness. In looking for the arrogance in others you all fail to see the arrogance in yourselves. In fact, your might be laughing at me as you read this post and maybe even reply with a lecture about why it is perfectly logical to laugh at me since I am afterall, a bumbling idiot who believes in a God.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      I think moderation enjoys the controversy so lets them trough.

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  • TheIncorrigible

    The basic value of most civilised religions is the same as any right thinking person would espouse. Tolerance and love for all people.

    Your looking down on them is worth nothing. You know as much about where we are going after we shuffle off this mortal coil as they do: Nothing.

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  • cavemanc

    don't be a hater. lots of ppl think they have reason to believe they're superior. unless youre going to cure cancer, bring peace to the middle east, or can run a mile in a mintue, youre the same as everyone else. better get used to it and find a way to contribute. we're all in it together.

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  • If you look down on people then you are just like many religious people who look down on others and judge them. When clearly the Bible says "Judge not lest ye be judged."

    This seriously reminds me of being equivalent to the Nazi's wanting to get rid of the Jews through genocide or racist people who look down on another race other then their own. People are the same wherever you go and you are no different or better than anybody else out there and don't you forget it!!!

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    • princesst76

      All people are equal, Get that into your head and you will be fine.

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      • simonmoto

        havent you heard?

        all people are equal, but some are more equal than others.

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    • jesusman

      i am a very religeous persone and i think believing in God is a very inportant thing and its like what violent said that we should not judge people but the bible also says to remove the speck from your brothers eye you must first remove the plank from your eye and i think that it is wrong for you to look down on any people even if they are fat for God mad us all equal but wene jesus comes again to take his worriors with him we will be higher than every one else the people that follow him

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  • NopeNotNormal

    IMO, anyone who suffers from blind faith isn't quite up to par, if ya know what I'm sayin'.

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  • Riddler


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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Alright so first you are attacking people for not have the same religious belief and than you are attacking fat people. Yeah I hope you get hit by a bus and become unable to move anything below your neck. Than we could see how fucking judgmental you are.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Christianity in the United States has been twisted and perverted by the right wing into something Jesus wouldn't even recognize.

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  • Schythl

    Damn right. I feel the same way. I mean, I'm watching the Pope's outdoor mass on the TV right now, and I just feel so sorry for those mindless people.

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  • Deut.6:5-6

    From the Book of John - Jesus speaking to his disciples about the world's hatred

    18."If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first, 19. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but i have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20. Remember the words I spoke to you, 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. 21. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me. 22. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. 23. He who hates me hates my Father as well. 24. If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason'

    And apparently they still do.

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  • mousieroo

    You're entitled to your own opinion, but you should listen to yourself. You're being as narrow-minded and judgemental as religious nuts who turn people off to religion. Everyone's entitled to believe what they want, as long as they aren't hurting someone else with it.

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  • potroast7654

    This is one of the world's oldest arguments.

    As a Christian, I believe that unless we accept Jesus' gift on the Cross, we are lost. As in, apart from God.

    We all like to think we get to decide what will happen when we die. I don't think that's the case -- I think it's arrogant and foolish to espouse such a theory.

    Thomas A Kempis said (paraphrasing anyway):

    Man proposes, but God disposes.

    Maybe the realization of this is why there are so many death-bed converts. People recall the childhood Sunday School lessons teaching them that all have sinned, and that the wages of sin is death, and the ticket out of said death (hell) is simply to believe in the power of, and to accept the gift of, Christ's blood on the Cross at Calvary.

    That's what I believe.

    In terms of how Christians treat people:

    If they are following Christ's words, they try to treat others well. Jesus said that when we help others, we help Him. There are political implications (EG: Does that mean we're to be a Socialist nation, or was he talking about freely and personally ministering to those in need? You see -- Democrat vs. Republican) but I'm not going into that; needless to say, both major parties in the US try to claim Jesus, which I see as a tribute to His greatness and a condemnation of our motives... IMO, Jesus was apolitical: he transcended politics.

    If you are not a Christian, of course you can still try to emulate Jesus. The first step is something you probably already do: treat others well... like you'd like them to treat you.


    So do Christians suck per se? Obviously not. There are genuinely good Christians and some are bad -- some call themselves Christians but practice none of the Bible's rules. (more specifically, Jesus' rules for living)

    And judging others is wrong. I must give a caveat here: sometimes Christians show concern for others and it is misconstrued as hate. It's maybe a fine line between judgment and concern, sure. Obviously I think the former is wrong while the latter is fine.

    I say all of this knowing fully that I err daily, that I am far (so, so far! LOL!) from perfect.

    But hey -- you could do a whole lot worse than to try to be like Christ. And in the main, most (not quantifiable) Christians, in most situations, would give some effort to "doing the right thing".

    So no... I don't think of Christians as inferior. And to those who look down on us as "stupid" (high IQ here...) or closed-minded -- yes, there are stupid and closed-minded Christians. But the same dubious descriptions could be applied to some members of any group the world has ever known or will ever know.

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    • yungathart

      While your words are a worth read the fact that a "my Gods better than your God" is the reason the world is such a mess. We must love all and never forget all paths of spirituality lead to a common end. Your path may be different from mine but I love you for the Devine is within you.

      You display intellect no doubt and I am certain you love all.

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  • Metalhead85

    Inferior? Dude you sound just like Hilter, what makes you think your so much better? You need to grow up.

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  • hottyhottness

    I am a Christian and I have to say I think it's the Church that makes people like this. They force all these beliefes into our heads but to me if i love God and try to put him first he can't get to pissed off at me.

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  • HarshbutTrue

    Hm, though I understand what you mean, I myself believe there is most certainly a higher being, I just don't truly believe it to be in the image that was MAN MADE.

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  • pepeds

    I know it's wrong, but I have the same feeling. I try not to do it, but I end up doing it. I would for example NEVER date a very religious girl, not because I think she is not gonna be good in bed or anything, but because I think talking to her is gonna be boring

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  • PrincessStella

    Jesus died for us!? Yeah right! We weren't even endangered in the first place! If God is powerful, if God is almighty, then he can come back down to earth, and see us here, he says he loves us and you would want to be with the people you love wouldn't you. If God doesn't make mistakes and i he created every one and everything, then weren't a mistake creating the people that rape children and child abusers and people proving that God 'imself is non-existent and destroying his reputation, i.e, me.

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  • GalacticEgg

    Being spiritual is a natural and healthy thing for a human being; simply because we have literature and technology doesn't mean we are, fundamentally, more "advanced" than our ancestors who did use worship and ritual as part of making themselves into eclectic and well-rounded people.

    It seems that, while religious people have the choice to be narrow and misrepresent their community, narrow-mindedness in atheistic individuals comes by default.

    In short; elitism is quite normal, unfortunately. It is, however, primitive and detrimental to the evolution of society -- history has shown this to be true through the former USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and The People's Republic of China:

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  • jsfdnljn

    there is a difference between belief in God and adherence to some human-designed belief system.

    there are some a-theistic belief systems which make people inferior as well.

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  • chunkybongo's always the same thing. 'Religious people started all the wars...' BULLSHIT!! If the world were nothing but atheists we all would have still slaughtered each other just the same. 'Religious people are retarded...' MORE BULLSHIT! They aren't retarded. I think religious people actually scare non-religious people. Atheists with their big egos can't handle the idea that anybody else would choose to bow down and pray instead of walking around thinking they know everything. As for hypocrites (people who say one thing and do the opposite), you can find those on both sides of the fence! A truly devout religious person would never go around proselytizing (pushing his religion on people).

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  • crazy1331

    I look down on the peasants aswell. If they are stupid enough to follow a jewish fairy tale that has been proven false time and time again, then they deserve to be looked down on. They seem to do it enough to everyone else. Why not give it back? Christians are a virus on this earth spouting their ideals as if it were law. They shove their religion down others throats and if you defy them you will either end up in jail, poor, or dead. They even fight amongst themselves. Christianity is a commercial ploy. Every wednesday and sunday mindless peasants give them money for no f*cking reason! Zombies. They run our government and look where it has put us. They need to be stopped before the destroy all of earth. Take christianity out of the government, their 'god' has no business there. They police us with their false beliefs and even with pure scientific facts presented to them they still hold on to their superstitions. (look at marijuana for example) They keep humans from evolving because they are AFRAID of science. Think of how much more advanced we would be if they werent in charge. Mankind doesnt have a chance if we continue to let them rule us.

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  • Heybroyodogsupman

    Not all people of religion are bumbling idiots but many are humble, kind people. I think you should step back and rethink your generalization of a good portion of the world.

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  • russellnb

    People who have religion are not inferior. Neither are fat people or skinny people or those of other races or nationality. In fact the only really inferior people are those who are prejudice and ignorant.

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  • cmarie123

    Regardless of if it is right or wrong, I kind of feel the same way too. Sorry if that is offensive, but I do.

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  • bearbob

    Religious people are nice because they believe god will judge them on their behaviour. Atheists are nice because they want to be.


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    • eatricekitty

      Religious people are nice because they believe God will judge them on their behavior? They are nice because they know that being nice is right....& they want to live "right." They want to be like their God. ....that quote makes no sense because atheists CHOOSE to be nice, just as a religious person CHOOSES to be nice because they recognize it as right. .there's really no difference. They both make the choice to be nice because they WANT to.

      I for one am spiritual, and I'm not nice because its right by my God (although thats where my ethics & morals stem from). .Im nice because I want to be, because its right..because its natural to me.

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    • SpinLight

      Get real man, without an ultimate source of morality all this good and evil talk is nonsense. You can choose to be "good" but then your living on borrowed ethics that the religious talk about.

      If god doesn't exist, then good and evil don't exist. Take a step back, without God as the source of goodness, our concept of good and evil are chemical misfires in the brain set there by evolution, an ultimately hold no weight. So shut up with your whole holier than though nonsense. You sound like some dumb republican spouting off rhetoric with no comprehenisve logical basis.

      And as for the poster, get over yourself. No one cares if you look down on them. Just because you think you are better than evrybody doesn't mean you are in reality. Just means your the coolest person you know, which must be very lonely. And no one cares. Wh don't you take some time to get to know individuals.

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  • hornsby123

    Certainly look down on the ones that go mental, spaz about in church and bash bibles so hard they destroy them while screaming 'JEESUS THE SAAAAVIOUR PRAISE THA LOOORD'. These are simply animals (of a more basal species for all you evolution fans) that need taking out back and blasting with both barrels. I have to admit I do look down on all to an extent though. How can they see all this evidence of evolution, geology, geography, astronomy etc and yet still believe in a 2000 year old book written by people who believed the earth was flat? Its a scary thought that 80%% of the world are religious.

    Final thought: Religious people are nice because they believe god will judge them on their behaviour. Atheists are nice because they want to be.

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    • scarfface

      hornsby123 i love ur final thought

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  • bearbob

    Religion is a shame. Religion now is no different from when Egyptians worshiped sun gods and such. We look back on that and laugh, but somehow ours is different. Don't get me wrong, I believe the religion was created to for good. For a guiding moral compass so to speak. But think of all of the death and destruction and wars and suffering that have been caused in the name of religion. Think about it. Religion is war and suffering. And I'm sorry, but if there was a god, he left this place along time ago. What god could let so much suffering of all animals go on and exist? No god of mine. I will never worship a god that lets children die, get raped and murdered. God, there is no god. It's stories. Well meaning stories that have gone terrible wrong. Also, god loving people are some of the most hypocritical and evil people around. Always giving some quote from the bible. Get real!

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  • deathrun0

    People who are religeous have no reason to be inferior, they just choose its how they want to conduct themselves and gives them an explanation to something they might want or seek. People who dont believe in religion ofter believe in the Big Bang Theory and evolution, and religeous people can find this idea silly... Personally I believe, a person has a right to believe what they want, and we should accept this, believing in God doesnt affect your ability to do things? So why does it actually matter?

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    • caliban345

      they are infeiror in the sense that they made a councious decision to no longer be open minded. the phrase one closed door opens another is not the case here

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      • carib_kid

        I Think the religious are often happier than others. They have faith and belief in something greater. A goodness that can guide them though despair and pain. Its like your therapist that you pay $150 for.

        hahaha I kid. But seriously, there have been some very talented, smart, and gifted people that are religious. And then we have people like you, who have nothing to show for and look down on people that are NOT like themselves. You are an unhappy person to preoccupy yourself with the lives and beliefs of others. Apparently religion does not limit ones athletic ability, or vocal talents, or policital prowess, or intelligence, etc. So the religious are what...........exactly like you and me...but slightly better off.

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  • Jim_Pfoss

    The religious are inferior by choice. Fat people are cool, however.

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  • JewFish

    If I opened up a watch and showed you the inside; the dozens of cogs and pieces aligned perfectly in order for all the parts to move perfectly in a fluent motion and tell time. And i told you someone dropped these pieces onto the ground and it fell into place as it is you would think that to be a ridiculously illogical and unintelligent conclusion. You would tell me that a mechanism so complicated and fragile would require a watchmaker to carefully put each part together to make it work so fluently.

    By the way the odds of an explosion creating us and perfect environment to sustain us is around 34,000,000 to the 18th power - 1

    And believers claim to be illogical based on facts.

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