Are their any guys who don't fear rejection from women? iin?

I would like to hear about guys who are not afraid of rejection from a woman. Like once he gets turn down he'll say "Oh well it's her lost" cause life moves on it's not the end of the world.

If not too many woman are afraid of being rejected from guys compared to guys being timid, does that make females have a better reputation to where their gender is more superior?

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74% Normal
Based on 35 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • megadriver

    Yeah. I'm like that. So one turned me down. The next one - won't :D
    Why should I get bummed down by that. Why should I ruin my day, cause some bimbo rejected me?
    Women aren't affraid of being rejected as much, cause it's common for the man to make the first move. As in, the man goes and asks for her. So all she has to do is look pretty and judge. :D
    If one ain't willing to do the "coco jambo" with you. Chances are, several others will be willing.
    (PS: Sorry for any mistakes. This was written after quite a lot of beer...)

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  • ssj4gotenks

    No fear, but doubt, definitely. Do I end it after having put so much effort into the relationship? Then it's time for the pro/cons weighing game.

    There is no superior gender, only superior traits. For example, men are generally stronger physically. Women can endure more pain.

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  • Aub

    I'm a woman and I'm terrified of rejection. Whether or not someone fears rejection is not really based on gender it just depends on the way the individual thinks. Also if someone fears rejection that doesn't necessarily mean that they're inferior. It's generally a normal reaction.

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  • watermelonninja

    Have you heard of William Levy?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Anyone who cares is a moron. You can not force someone to love you. Stalking, asking multiple time, and killing yourself over it will do nothing. So you have to except that some girls are just not going to like you. If she says new try someone else or go home and play the field again tomorrow.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    It's easy for women to be judgemental about this when you know you've got a supply of men waiting in line to be with you while for us men being turned down often means prolonged loneliness for so many weeks/months/years more and have to buildup game, strategies, etc from scratch somewhere else, after our self-esteem just took another blow. After a while the fear to burn yourself with the hot plate again kicks in...

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  • Xunroos'E

    I don't really like people, so it's a bit upsetting to be turned down, but it's not the end of the world and i'd rather be alone then with someone who doesn't like me.

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  • Roger_Maxson

    I'm not afraid of rejection at all, its the afterwards that scares me. Girls are always like "We can't be friends anymore" and then they go and tell their friends how they just rejected me, that is what scares me

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