Are there any benefits in death? or is death all bad?

Is there anything good about dying?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Wryladradofft

    It's a pretty good excuse to not have to do things

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  • LloydAsher

    Pretty much all bad for you. Depending how your body is prepared determines how much resources can be recycled from your corpse.

    I'm against being "presentable" for a funeral. Replacing your blood with chemicals to preserve you. Unless you are being paraded across the country or need a two week long funeral. It's not needed in the majority of the population. Not saying there shouldnt be an option but I think people need to realize that preservation isn't the only option for burials.

    Only prep I'd need is some holes in my organs so they deflate, a nice suit or something and a mask. And put me in a stone coffin that I am 100% planning to build myself. Bury me on my property and hopefully I can haunt my own god damn house.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    We dont know how many benefits there are because the after life cant really be proven. But the main earthly benefit is to end suffering. My grandad told me never to do the chemo if you get cancer bad to just die as quick as you can to get it over with. He tried chemo for a week and said fuck that.

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  • Anonnet

    For a serious answer... it's pretty much all bad unless you were being tortured (or old) immediately before it happened, or unless no one would care or be too put out by your passing.

    A lot of death doesn't happen from old age, so there's the issue of who you're leaving behind, how they feel about it, and how exactly you died. It's usually not preferred for someone else to die just because you did. Plus, even if it was old age, there's the matter of *what* you're leaving behind. You could have people fighting to the death over your millions and millions of dollars. Obviously, you're not going to care about any of this stuff. You're dead! If there's any last thoughts or afterlife, though, you may have some lingering regrets.

    Of course, death is something that has to happen, so it's not totally without benefits. People get to move on from you (or not, in which case you solidify your place in history as the person you were when you died), you get to release all of your physical assets to people you care about, and you're no longer taking up resources that could go to your progeny.

    Even lacking all of that, you are also pretty much freed of all of your problems, which is pretty cool. Just remember that your death isn't occurring in a vacuum.

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  • profanity

    There are no downsides, just eternal peace.

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    • LloydAsher

      Or fire

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  • raisinbran

    There's no downside, it's all good.

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  • malaparte

    All the annoying people in your life have an expiration date.

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  • notmyrealname123

    depends on how you lived. heaven = good,
    hell = bad
    what answer were you expecting?
    and yes,
    suicide = hell

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  • Ligeia

    No one currently alive would know lol

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  • Somenormie

    Your body rotting in the grave and you're asleep indefinitely.

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  • megadriver

    Only upside I can think of is eternal peace... but isn't anything eternal bad in a way? Won't eternal peace be really boring?

    Life is nice and we should all try to make the best of it and enjoy as much of it as we can. And this is coming from someone with self-hate issues.

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  • 89pounds

    it’s great you don’t even need to worry about your funeral your family can pay or you can just not have one and rot all alone or something

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It is neutral.

    Death is the only guarantee in life. I hope for eternal sleep.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    If the person that died has burdened me, harassed me, or was trying to mess up my life then their death is quite beneficial to me. XD

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if it wasnt for dead squirrels id starve to death

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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      So you're the the one that's been eating up all the dead squirrels on the sidewalk. Selfish bastard.

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