Are there any doctors out there
For about a week now I've been experiencing some pain in my chest. Yes I am a cigarette smoker, but not a very heavy one. I typically only go through a pack a week. It started out as a cough which only lasted for a day. About two days later, I had a slight sore feeling in the right side of my chest, I couldn't tell if it was my chest muscle or my lung. It lingered for a few days, and stupidly, I smoked a few cigarettes over these couple days. I then started experiencing shortness of breath. It's not extremely difficult to breathe, but it is a bit more laboring than usual. Theres been a slight pain in my other lung from time to time. I've been feeling sort of feverish, but I still have a good bit of stamina. I also have not really been coughing that much, and there is no urge to cough. Mainly just the breathing is the issue.
As of today, nothing has really changed, except the soreness in my initial right front side has moved to the side of my ribs and is more of a sharp pain when I take a deep breath
Anyone have any ideas? I'm probably going to see a doctor soon, but I'm worried about what they'll tell me. As for smoking I'm seriously thinking about quitting because now I'm really worried there's something wrong with me.