Are these fears somewhat normal?
Okay so I have a couple fears that are often reflected in dreams(but that's a different topic). I just wanted to see if these are normal.
1. I am terrified of snails. I have had horrible dreams where they attack me. I used to really like snails and now I don't. I can't really explain why. Anyone else?
2. I am afraid of outer space. The whole thing scares me. Firstly I'm afraid of loosing or damaging my helmet and then running out of air. Second I can't get my head around the whole concept of infinite space. I can't really explain this one, space just doesn't make sense to me.
3. jellyfish scare the pants off me. They are creepy and I can't get away from them fast enough. In fact sea creatures much like jellyfish scare me as well (octo-pi, sea slugs, ect.)
and last:
4. I am scared of driving. I am scared of getting lost and just the idea of driving scares me. (a note here, whenever I play driving type video games I usually fail at them)