Are these fears somewhat normal?

Okay so I have a couple fears that are often reflected in dreams(but that's a different topic). I just wanted to see if these are normal.
1. I am terrified of snails. I have had horrible dreams where they attack me. I used to really like snails and now I don't. I can't really explain why. Anyone else?

2. I am afraid of outer space. The whole thing scares me. Firstly I'm afraid of loosing or damaging my helmet and then running out of air. Second I can't get my head around the whole concept of infinite space. I can't really explain this one, space just doesn't make sense to me.

3. jellyfish scare the pants off me. They are creepy and I can't get away from them fast enough. In fact sea creatures much like jellyfish scare me as well (octo-pi, sea slugs, ect.)

and last:

4. I am scared of driving. I am scared of getting lost and just the idea of driving scares me. (a note here, whenever I play driving type video games I usually fail at them)

Voting Results
56% Normal
Based on 27 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • EccentricWeird

    I hope a jellyfish-snail hybrid eats your brains while you're driving a spaceship.

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  • mountain-man82

    Its normal. Technically space is not infinite though. The universe is constanty expanding, and unfortunately will one day extend out so far that it rips itself apart. Thats one of the things they teach in astronomy 110 in college.

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  • mrkrule

    I don't really get the snails or jellyfish (not that I would want to encounter either), but I am also afraid of space and would never want to go up there. Also, my best friend is afraid of driving and never even got her permit, so I don't think it's that unusual, but let me tell you I get lost all the time and have no sense of direction and I'm still ok.

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  • Shimmers

    Relax, you sound like me!

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  • webelo1234

    Don't listen to them. Your fears are perfectly normal, you should see my post on the future. I think its the very first one in fears

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  • chp317

    I can relate to the Driving thing, getting lost and Everything, but the rest, well is just a bit too strange.

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  • green_boogers

    Germs are everywhere. They are out to get you.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I assume you're not fond of Jello.

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