Are these reactions to possible dying normal?
I've had a very strong feeling for about 6 months that I won't live much longer, which is possible with my heart condition.
I'm puzzled and hurt by the reactions I've received when I've tried to talk to people about it: my sister immediately told me I was talking myself into it and changed the subject; my nieces who've been like daughters to me seemed to ignore what I said and subsequently accused me of doing something I hadn't done and very nastily cut off all contact (and then one of them died unexpectedly, but that's another sad story) and finally a long term friend didn't respond to my email and has ignored subsequent emails about other things.
I'd been planning to tell my daughter but I'm wondering if it's worthwhile telling anyone after these responses.
Feedback please! e
I have chest pain right now, as I often do, so this could by the final heart attack and I'll never see any responses: weird, eh?