Are these waters okay to drink?
I live in a student dormitory here for 3 years now and recently I've noticed something weird about the water that I've been drinking here.
There are 2 water dispensers here that take from a jug that gets shipped here daily. One upstairs and downstairs. I've been drinking from them for years now (I fill up my own 1.5L plastic bottle and bring it to my room to drink) and recently I noticed something different.
The water from the upstairs dispenser tasted normal, tasteless like the water I've been drinking for years now, but recently I've noticed a really noticeable chlorine smell (like a pool) that has never appeared before. Usually it doesn't smell at all but recently I can't help but notice the smell.
The water downstairs doesn't have a chlorine smell, but it has a noticeable plastic-y or metallic taste to it. Not really apparent but noticeable especially when I'm done drinking.
Are these water okay to drink or should I just buy new bottles every time?