Are they engaged?

I have been monitoring my ex best friend's girlfriend's accounts for over a year now. I monitor facebook, instagram, and pinterest. I cant see hardly anything on facebook and instagram, but I can see everything on pinterest. I wasn't monitoring that account as much as the other two so I stopped checking for a few weeks. Apparently, two weeks ago, an engagement board was created. This was around the time that the festival at which I would have confronted him was supposed to happen. I saw it on Monday and I was freaked out. A few days later a board called "our dream home" was created. I have subscribed to many people search websites and even created an gmail alert for his name on google. I have checked wedding registries. There is no other visible evidence for engagement except for her pinterest boards. There may be evidence that I can't see because of privacy settings. I want to confirm this so that I will know for sure. I wish i knew how to hack into accounts so I could view her stuff. She is 19 and he's 23. She's still a fucking teenager!!! As I have mentioned in previous posts, I don't want him to use his penis on anyone, but he DOES NOT deserve a teen pussy!!! If they are engaged, I must find out the wedding date so I can crash the wedding. They are from the same home parish, so I know where they will be getting married. I just need a date and a time to show up and talk to him. My main concern for this post is do you think that they are engaged? His girlfriend keeps adding to these boards nearly every day.

Definitely yes 3
possibly, but not enough info 5
no 3
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Comments ( 81 )
  • --


    Get some help!

    No wonder they are an "ex" friend!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You posted about this guy several times already. Your obsession is not normal. Stop monitoring his girlfriend and let this go already. He already has forgotten about you. Your plan to crash their wedding will be pointless and intrusive.

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    • SmokeEverything

      Idk weddings are pretty boring. Might add some entertainment to the mix

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        In my neck of the woods, crashing a wedding is a good way to get beat up by the bride or grooms family. So, yeah it might add entertainment to the mix. XD

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        • SkullsNRoses

          Nice, have you witnessed that?

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            Honestly, not at the weddings I've been to. My family, friends, and coworkers would tell me about the ones they've been to and would mention people crashing it, getting beat up and thrown out. They'd show me vids and pictures too and I'd be looking at them wishing that happened at the ones I went to at that same venue. Weddings are so goddamn boring. XD

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            • SkullsNRoses

              Agreed, I’ve only been to 3 and they were just 4-8 hours of old people I don’t know gushing about couples I don’t care about. Hopefully the next one you go to will have an affray.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Haha monitoring is a great term for your stalking you ‘tard

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    • I've heard that it's not illegal to monitor accounts and do online research. I would only call it stalking if what i was doing was criminal. If it is please explain fully by citing a U.S. law. I am aware that all my searches can be seen by the government, but they will only look at it if it's warrented or someone requests it.

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      • Tommythecaty


        Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, group, or organization.[1] false accusations, defamation, slander and libel. Including monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten, embarrass or harass.[1]

        Cyberstalking is often accompanied by realtime or offline stalking.[2] In many jurisdictions, such as California, both are criminal offenses.[3]

        Says “monitoring” which you made an admission to doing, is illegal in many states of the US so maybe you a stalker!

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        • CrHazardous

          I suppose it depends at what point it goes from monitoring to stalking. Maybe stalking is when you gain access to information that the public doesn't have?
          So if the victims have social media privacy settings tight and you still access. Thats stalking. But if you look at stuff thats only public. Stuff they have specifically set so people can look at it. Then thats not stalking. I'm not sticking up for this. Its not normal. Just getting my head round the definitions.

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          • Tommythecaty

            I’m going out on a limb and saying stalker given the mental ass ranting on the original post.

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        • Thank you for the definiton. I live in Louisiana and their laws mention everything but monitoring. I have not tried to contact them and I have not threatened them. All I'm doing is looking at what is public. It looks like monitoring is not illegal in Louisiana. All the sites I looked at seem to have confirmed this.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            You were threatening to crash the wedding so that makes this cyberstalking according to the definition posted above

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  • Avocadopeople

    This is outrageous. You're not only cyber stalking but you want to confront them and crash their wedding? I can't even understand the reasoning behind it. Firstly he's your ex friend not your ex partner so why the extreme dislike towards him being in a relationship? Why does it even matter? You can dislike him all you want but who cares about who he's dating.

    I hope this is a joke because if it's not, this is extremely scary. You need therapy.

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  • McSorley

    Sheesus almighty, you're one sick stalker freak. Let them be, you loon. Get a dog or something.

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    • SmokeEverything

      I think this guy's better off ruining somebodys wedding day than a dog's entire life

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      • RoseIsabella

        I OP would make a terrible pet owner, because he's so pathetically selfish.

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        • SmokeEverything

          Exactly. I mean I never got married but I imagine it probably sucks to have some nutjob show up and masturbate at your wedding cause you don't deserve teen pussy. But I mean that or this loser getting a dog to yell at all day at least the teenage wedding masturbation has some kind of fucked up comedic value.

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          • RoseIsabella

            This is true, but it think if OP crashed the wedding he would be asked to leave, and or they might call the cops on his ass.

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            • SmokeEverything

              It would go badly yeah but at least one person would laugh

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      • Avocadopeople

        If his dog mated with the neighbor's dog, he'd probably stalk her too

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  • SkullsNRoses

    So much is wrong with this, you plan to “confront him” in person even though you haven’t spoken in a year, want to crash his wedding and hate the idea that he is “using his penis” on someone who isn’t you. None of that is ok.

    The one with the issue is you. Friendship break ups are horribly painful but you are unhealthily obsessed with this man and his girlfriend and torturing yourself by stalking their relationship. You need to block them, get therapy for your pain and obsession and move on from this whole mess before you embarrass yourself further. Tearing yourself away and facing your flaws will hurt but there’s a reason it’s called growing pain.

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  • Boojum

    No straight, emotionally mature man gives a damn what a former male friend might decide to do with his penis, he wouldn't be obsessively interested in a woman the guy is involved with, he wouldn't give a damn about the age of the woman and he certainly wouldn't even consider crashing their wedding and making a scene.

    I can imagine some pathetic mid-teen girl saying and doing the things you admit, but you're an adult - in chronological terms anyway - so it's seriously weird, and maybe even pathological.

    What you say makes it clear you had - and still have - an obsessive crush on this guy, but it also sounds like you're so deep in denial about your sexual orientation and your feelings for him that you can't admit that.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if the guy picked up on your feelings at some level, and that's why you suddenly stopped seeing him and he's made no effort to stay in touch. The evidence is that he's straight - or at least believes that he is enough to marry a woman - so he may well have vanished without notice and ghosted you because he was uncomfortable about having a clingy dude constantly lurking around and giving off gay signals.

    You need to forget about the guy and let the dude live his life as he chooses, and you also need to take a serious look at what all this ridiculous, irrational, obsessive shit is really all about.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Now that I realise OP is a guy this is probably right.

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  • litelander8

    You’re a fucking cunt.

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    • SmokeEverything

      Bout as funny as Allen Funt

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      • litelander8

        Depends on what you’re trying to catch. Gtfoh. That’s code for “get the fuck out of here. If you didn’t know.

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        • SmokeEverything

          I was talking about the OP I got no beef wit you.

          "You're about as funny as alan funt, I hope you die cause you're a fucking cunt" is a song by Anal Cunt.

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          • litelander8


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  • Mammal-lover

    Omg a 4 year difference someone call the cops

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    • SkullsNRoses

      How is this all you got from that? 😂

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      • Mammal-lover

        Honestly I skimmed it and that just seemed like the most ludicrous part so I was like yea this is were I'll comment

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        • SkullsNRoses

          Fair enough, you missed some A* craziness though.

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          • Mammal-lover

            Dang, maybe I'll go back to check it out

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  • RoseIsabella

    You really need to get over this, and stop cyber stalking these people! All of this stalking, or "monitoring" as you call it is doing nothing, but harming you, and making you progressively more, and more mentally ill!

    I hope you are seeing a mental health professional, I really do!

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  • Gabloo

    You should probably stop being so stalker-ish it’s a really creepy vibe. Also if they didn’t tell you this because they don’t want you to know and that it’s none of your business. And if they do want you to know they will tell you or let you know somehow. Also I could’ve sworn that I seen a posting just like this one. You should probably talk to a therapist if you’re dwelling on things like this. I know it could be painful in scenarios but you should probably focus on other things.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Chop off one of your nuts and mail it to them with a tiny message carved into it showing your disdain

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  • XYXY

    I don’t know where you live but stalking is illegal in most civilised countries. I don’t give a fuck whether these 2 people are engaged single married or whatever. I do hope you are convicted under whatever stalking laws exist where you live. Once convicted I hope you are locked up and get the shit kicked out of you by your fellow prisoners on a daily basis for an excessive amount of time. All stalkers are one of the lowest life forms on the planet

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  • bbrown95

    You seem extremely obsessive over their life. If he's an ex friend, why are you so concerned with his life? It's healthiest to move on and focus on making your own life the best it can be. Who cares what those two do? I get if something happened between you two and you're still hurt over it that it can be easy to let him still rent space in your head, but you'll be much happier if you quit prying on those accounts and try to move on from him.

    If he did something to you to hurt you, just know that what comes around usually goes around, even if it's later down the road. You don't need to confront him or crash their wedding, as that will only make you look like a psycho.

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  • PleaseTalkToMe


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    • bbrown95

      You could say the same for the other way around too, honestly, lol. But the real question is: Why do people date manipulative, narcissistic, insecure, sadistic assholes, who also happen to be very ugly inside and out on top of that? I see so many people "fall for" people like this and won't listen to anyone because for whatever reason they think these people are such great catches that they should allow them to treat them like shit. I don't get it.

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      • PleaseTalkToMe

        Ita obvious, they have no self esteem

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  • SmokeEverything

    You havent answered why you guys aren't friends anymore

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    • We became friends in high school and went to college together. I wanted to see him every day at school and I made sure of this by waiting by his classes. He never indicated that he had a problem with it. He quit college about 2 years ago and started dating his girlfriend. Since then I have seen him once. I hosnestly don't have a reason why we aren't friends anymore because he seems to have ghosted me without explination. He seemed happy to see me the one time I saw him last year but since then there has still been no contact or any effort on his part. Either he is hiding his reason or he just forgot about me. He has always been very busy in the summer when is around the last time i had regualr contact with him. He never bothered to let me know that he was quitting and that i wouldn't be seeing him anymore and he never introduced me to his girlfriend. He acted like everything was fine between us. I will always wonder what happened unless he tells me.

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      • CrHazardous

        He probably just wants a quiet life with his girlfriend without a stalker following him everywhere. This is quite normal behaviour.
        If one has a stalker. One would not contact said stalker. Especially trying to keep the stalker and girlfriend away from eachother to not scare off the girlfriend.

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      • XYXY

        This gets worse not only have you been stalking him for over a year as first stated, but this was going on at college as well. Are you sure he didn’t leave college to get away from you, I wouldn’t be surprised. Stalking victims sometimes have to resort to extreme measures to get away from their predator. So basically you are very likely responsible for fucking up his education you selfish evil bitch. I really hope one day you are locked up and they throw away the key

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      • Avocadopeople

        You stalked him at school then too. Waiting outside his classes, wanting to see him every day? Please seriously let it go. I think you would feel a lot better in therapy. You are torturing yourself.

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      • bbrown95

        Unfortunately sometimes you don't get closure in life. It is best to accept that and move on, and not to continue to try to find his whereabouts and confront him. There will be other friends and other guys.

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      • SmokeEverything

        These are all the types of questions that showing up naked intoxicated and uninvited to his wedding will answer for you. If this is someone who ghosted you years ago it wil certainly be a surprise for all! 10/10 would definitely wedding again!

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        • SkullsNRoses

          ... she didn’t say anything about being naked?

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          • SmokeEverything

            Oh I was thinking OP was a dude sorry

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  • Kermitt

    She's your ex!!!

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    • SmokeEverything

      Nah its even better, apparently its an ex-male-platonic friend

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      • Boojum

        I can't see any specific mention of the relationship having been platonic, but I agree that is implied.

        Still, this guy clearly has an obsession-level interest in a former male friend, and in particular he's fixating on the guy having sex with a woman. A man saying of another man, "I don't want him to use his penis on anyone!" shouts repressed homosexual feelings, and that adds another layer of fucked-up to this festering pile of weirdness.

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        • charli.m

          I sincerely doubt the "friend" was even aware of OPs existence. Stalkers are like that...creating relationships in their heads.

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        • SmokeEverything

          It's gonna be a hell of a wedding

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          • CrHazardous

            I actually want an invite to see all this blow up

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    • For those who don't already know from previous posts, she is my former therapist's daughter. I told my therapist all my feelings towards this guy for about two years, nearly everything I mentioned, and then I find out that he has a girlfriend. I looked her up on facebook, only to find that her last name was the same as my therapist and she is friends with her on facebook. I nearly had a panic attack waiting to tell my therapist that her daughter's boyfriend (or future son in law) is the guy that i am obsessed with. My therapist went by her maiden name on her professional card, so I didn't make a connection until i saw it on facebook. I was clinically depressed for a month. We mutually decided to to get a new therapist. She would be at the wedding along with two of my facebook friends. If the announced that they are engaged, I can't help but wonder if my former therapist thought of me and woundered how I would react if i found out.

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      • bbrown95

        May I ask why your ex friend having a girlfriend or possibly getting married bothers you so much? I'm still a bit confused. Do you have romantic feelings for your ex friend? Did you feel threatened by the relationship and that it would get in the way of/replace your friendship, or that your friend would no longer have time for you?

        Are you currently in therapy with a new therapist? I think it would be a really good option for you to help work through this fixation.

        Like I said in another post, I really think you would be much happier and more at peace if you could work towards moving on from them. I know it is much easier said than done, but a good therapist should be able to help. Your thoughts about these people are doing nothing but hurting you.

        I highly suggest blocking their social media so you won't be tempted to look at it (and resist the urge to unblock), and turn off any search engine alerts. Try to find a hobby or something you are very passionate about to focus on and look forward to, or focus on your job, spend time with family and friends, etc. Anything to get your mind off of this and that will allow you to realize that there is more to life than this guy and his girlfriend.

        I wish you the best of luck.

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        • All of the above reasons are true. I feel very threatened because he is the first and only friend i have ever had and i don't want to be replaced. He barely had time for me during the summer or when we were not on school. I am attracted to him and i think this could be because he's my first friend. I have had dreams in which he accidentally posts a dick pic on snapchat and i mastrubate to it and wake up right before orgasm. I don't think i can replace him because it hasn't happened yet. It took me 17 years to get my first friend. I have been seeing a new therapist for over a year and he is the main focus of every session. I have OCD and nonverbal learning disorder. If i was giving off gay signals i would not know it. I can't read any signals that my friend gave me either. I perfer the direct approach but i would have reacted terribly to him leaving me no matter how he did it. I wish i could turn off a switch and forget about all this.

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          • bbrown95

            It's good that you're still in therapy and are able to recognize these issues.

            Making friends is hard. I've only ever had a very small circle my entire life and most of my friends have come and gone (and unfortunately, this is very common; very few friends are lifelong). I know the thought of losing your friend hurts, especially if you also have romantic feelings for him, but there are 7 billion people in the world and many opportunities to meet people and make new friends. The good news is that you've passed high school, which is probably the hardest time in my opinion to make lasting friends. The 20's are not an easy age, either, but people seem nicer than in high school.

            Do you have any hobbies? You could try joining a club or group and meet people with similar interests that way.

            I wish it could be as easy as turning off a switch as well. Unfortunately, it's not, but you will get through this!

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