Are they still intrusive thoughts if i do wanna act on some of them

For legal reasons, this is a jokey joke haha so funny.

Intrusive thoughts are those irrational thoughts that go against your own morals and that pop up in your brain randomly. They are usually very disturbing and you can even feel sick when you think about them. You can get scared bc you think that they might reflect a deeper desire when in reality they are so disturbing bc you would never do such a thing.

I do have those, like i have had them for a long time, i wouldn't act on some of them, like of course i wouldn't have intercourse with a cousin or something that's disgusting to me.

But sometimes i am just so fucking angry. At everything. At everyone. I struggle so much everyday to keep living and stuff and i am openly admitting how utterly bitter and jealous i am of people who have everything. When i see an older person walking down the street, just having a nice normal day, going at a cafe and spending time how they want to. Being who they want to be and they can afford everything they want, while i can't catch a fucking break and i still can't do good enough to get anything at all. It's so maddening, that i sometimes have this thoughts of just, k word them u know. And it's so random. I don't want to do it cause like idk their life maybe they are not as happy as they seem but.


When i see someone who has it all being unconsiderate and minimizing other's struggles. Being mean and having zero fucking empathy for anyone else. Making things harder for everyone else while living comfortably and not giving a fuck.

It makes my blood BOIL.

And i am smart enough to not make anything that would put me in jail. Im not trying to ruin my life (more lol). But i know not even that "deep down", that if there were no consequences, I would totally off some people.

Are those intrusive thoughts too? Even if i wish to act on them sometimes?

(I repeat, i won't do it, im not dumb)

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Comments ( 2 )
  • bigbudchonger

    Your explanation of intrusive thoughts at the start is on point, but your later explanation of your example thought later isn't an intrusive thought. I have intrusive thought ocd btw. You never want to act on them, that's the propblem, that's why they're intrusive. No part of you likes them. It's like when you go on an image messaging board and someone's just spaming you with shit you don't like.

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  • Tinybird

    I just don't get why things to do with intercourse are seen as worse or more disturbing than murdering people.
    But yeah tbh I also have fantasies of murdering people that make me angry. Who doesn't? But to me it's more of a "humorous coping mechanism" than a serious one that I actually give much thought. I also hate people who get treated good while I get treated bad for the same or similar reasons. I hold a lot of resentment to them.

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