Are those tulpas?

Let me tell you straight forward: in a fight with a friend, I've accidentally hurt him so much that he died later on that day. That has been two and a half years ago, now he's everywhere and he's telling me that it's all my fault and that I'm a big piece of crap. I mean, what would you do if your friend is mad and wants to seriously harm you because he believes you're a mean psychopath?!

I've read about tulpas and I personally don't believe into Tibetian myths but I'm believed to have a few screws loose so maybe it's me who is wrong here.
It's just he's not the only strange thing in my life.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Ellenna

    You are delusional and probably your guilt about your friend's death is causing these particular delusions.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What other strange things do you have in your life?

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    • Imagine you're sitting in between an official SingStar battle round that never seems to end but instead of beautiful and funny singing they whisper, talk and shout insults, rant about stupid conspiracies and so on. Sitting in that room you may wonder how their faces are slowly melting away turning into indescribable weird and horrifying starring grimaces. If you leave the room the doors are never leading where you want them to. And while you are looking for the right door people are starring and mocking with their wires leading their movements. A great amount of them are controlled by these wires, also a great part of them don't even know. And there's this one man who follows me everywhere I go. He has been inside my home once, it crept me the shit out. He once stared at me while I wanted to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and he just silently stood on the other end of my bed.
      A good friend whom I trust told me there's no man but that something felt wrong when I experienced the presence of the man. He felt sick each time, even without me indicating.

      I've got sort of a sense of what of all this is real or not real and was taught to ask myself if there's proof for my experience, if any other perspective supports it and if I'm overreacting.
      My life still remains a paranormal psychothriller.

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