Are women more attractive if ....
Really easy and kind of "skanky" | 200 | |
Really really cute but shy and quiet | 1531 | |
Outgoing and very hot ~ not cute ~ | 557 |
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Really easy and kind of "skanky" | 200 | |
Really really cute but shy and quiet | 1531 | |
Outgoing and very hot ~ not cute ~ | 557 |
yup everyone hates those loud annoying girls but they're really easy so guys flirt and hit on them
Yes. Shy girls are very attractive. The more macho, overly assertive feminist types really turn me off. Same goes for my friends.
meh.. shy to a certain extent.
girls are lying to themselves if they think they want a 'shy' guy. then, when it comes to sex, they're complaining that their man isn't aggressive enough.
the idea is that girls like 'nerdy'.. on that note, they really don't like 'nerdy' at all, because then they complain that their virginal BF doesn't know how to keep himself going without coming in 2 seconds.
so all in all, we're a ball of mysteries.
I've been deemed to aggressive in bed sometimes lol heres the deal women want a nice guy but also an asshole thats nerdy and shy but not to nerdy or shy they want a good looking guy but not hot but also hot and kinda ugly with a huge dick but also an average size so it doesn't hurt so bad but they also want it to hurt haha they want everything they can't have women fuck who they want men fuck who they can and most women already have the next guy scoped out before they jump ship on ya its a fucked up world we live in n facebook doesn't make it any easier to keep a relationship
haha yup. But you can eventually go TOO shy. You shoudldn't be so sillent 24/7. The guy doesn't want to feel like the girl is a stranger. or wrose, both would feel like strangers.
I am a shy girl who's finally coming out f her shell, so to speak. I have noticed that being shy has caused me to attract some real abusive jerks!
I would like a number 1, a number 2, and a number 3.
Yes, I would like some fries with that.
Yes, I prefer shy girls over those who are more outgoing or loud. I guess that's 'cause I'm also shy, though.
i find shy ,quiet cute girls more attractive cause they seem less attention starved plus there normally much more interesting
Yeah, shy girls all the way. I hate loud and outgoing girls. Call me a douche for categorizing women, but most girls who're loud.. are usually easy or something of the sort (atleast in my experiences). Shy girls are nice, and you seriously have a higher percentage at a successful relationship when dating one.
This can't be true? I've never seen a cute shy girl with a boyfriend at my school. They boys are too busy gawping over the 'hot', 'sexy' outgoing girls with big boobs and short skirts.
lol wtf?? guys like shy girls? LOL I so didn't know that!! At school all the guys seem to go for the loud annoying girls.
Wow, guys find shy girls attractive?
that just made me so much happier :)
I'm quite shy and quiet.
I love the smart, nerdy girls, that wear glasses, rather than contacts, that really have a secret 'wild side' that they only show to certain people. I wish there were more of them!!
I hate how people assume if you're out going you find it easy to say no or be bitchy. I love talking/laughing (not in an attention seeking or rude way, that's just how I am) and because of that no one is afraid to hurt me coz they assume I can take it *sigh*. A lot of the 'shy' girls I've met are quiet, but can sure stand their ground. A lot of the quiet girls who get chased by all the guys know exactly what they're doing. Then again, it can be the other way round. It pisses me off how everything is so stereotyped, even with guys
I gotta go with shy girls. I've dated outgoing and shy ones. The outgoing ones always seem to be easier and flirt with other guys. Not attractive at all when you're dating. I've never been cheated on by a shy girl, they are much nicer.
Everyone who commented is an asshole.
You can't categorize someone in shy or outgoing either... Dumb question...humans suck
This generation of men (oops boys) prefer the shy ones. 10 years back men weren't that way. Either the girls nowadays are too macho/bitchy that hotness doesn't matter anymore or the guys are getting more feminine/timid. Maybe it's both. I wonder how their kids will turn out.
Lol, from all i know. Skanky girls would be the most likely to have STD's :P
skanks get more attention because tehy suck dick thats all there good for is sex, for anything more than that they arent, you wounld want shy girls all the way loud ones are bitches and im pretty sure the more quiet a girl is the more freaky she is -wink- its always the shy ones
I think outgoing women are more attractive but the shy one's are the kind I would have a relationship with....
The "skanky" one's, though attractive, just too easy
shy , sweet, innocent and youthfull = girly and guys LOVE girly ... outgoing and hot is more manly... guys rarely like that unless there momma's boys..... and skanky is just yucky! sounds like a girl whos got vag warts and strong body oder :P
I am very shy so I love the loud girls. My girlfriend pretty much dragged me out on the dance floor in high school and taught me how to dance. It was awesome but I was so shy I was shaking.
That wouldn't be cool at all, for me, dude. I'd hate her for dragging me out onto the dance floor if I didn't like that shit. I fear the loud girls, haha.
glad to see not everyone on here thinks loud girls are skanks, that's very cute :)
(im quiet myself though)
I'm usually very shy except for near my friends. But not on this site. I don't give a f*ck about anything here.
guys like shy girls because they are easier to influence them and have more sex, its the truth. Not to say they dont love them
Im really shy like social phobia shy. I think it makes me seem mean and unapprochable b/c I look like I'm nervous all the time. (which I am when around people I dont know) but I think it depends on the guy to a point but I do know a guy who has a hot but slutty wife and he knows it but is in denial so I dont know what to think of how mean feel about this.
BTW you are on the internet, shy girls win.
The guys who generally like outgoing ones are the ones with slicked back hair, barely any shirts and steroids in their pockets...
a.k.a. Assholes.
Usually shy girls are more sexually repressed- Good for a LT relationship but not for a one night stand; the outgoing, skanky types are more fun in the short term, but bitchy and moody after a while- so it's basically an issue of evaluating your priorities at present...
Over confident people are annoying. I like shy girls, they're more...approachable.
This is like an age poll. Men like hot women(mostly) and boys like cute girls(mostly).
hot and outgoing!!!! confidence is sexy. we are still girly. Shy really really cute girls are like middle school or high school girls. Grow up!
why is everyone associating the word outgoing with 'bitchy' 'overconfident' 'loud' and 'annoying' wtf? way too many socially awkward people in these comments
Guys in general don't like over the top loud women with it comes to Would/wife status. Honest statistics prove that every time. At school, guys are usually looking for a cool date or a fuck buddy, here guys are more willing to put their real feelings and show the reality of things. Most Highschool reunions show that guys who hit up all the hot popular chicks went for a random more reserved woman to marry, leaving everyone shocked. Women who get caught up in this and don't realize that they need to make the guy chase them/view themselves higher end up without any meaningful relationships.
Flirty, confident, not a whore, pretty but can be presentable when she has to be. I want a well balanced woman. That dresses mildly conservative but her cloth still emphasize what shes got. I don't want to be with a tramp. I don't know where that fish has been. Sluts run a higher risk of having an STD.
i happen to know this is bs i used to be shy but i got bullied and teased so i stoped giving a fuck and got more loud and outgoing and funny and now i actally have guys talk to me
Im not exactly shy but im not easy or skanky but im loud as in ill say what others are thinkng. But boys never ask me out.... o.O confused!!! :/
I have a tendency to fall for the outgoing hot girls.. maybe because i'm so shy... opposites attract?
hell yea disco..i love sluts..titties hanging all out..short skirt and blowjobs in the bathroom of the club..
This place is full of Liers!
If shy quiet females are more attractive then why do skanks get all the action?
Skanks attract 10 times more men than shy girls.
(im a guy on my gfs account) i think my preference isnt on there WTF is there something wrong with me?
If a girl is pretty, loving, has a good personality, that's good enough for me
it's a combination of those three but shy has the most votes because the others are things we take into consideration but never actually think about