Are you a cat/dog person?
Just for fun. Be honest! Although I'm not sure why you wouldn't be.
I'm a cat person | 91 | |
I'm a dog person | 68 | |
This poll is stupid | 30 |
Ask Your Question today
Just for fun. Be honest! Although I'm not sure why you wouldn't be.
I'm a cat person | 91 | |
I'm a dog person | 68 | |
This poll is stupid | 30 |
Cat person for sure.
I like dogs from a distance, not because I'm scared of them, but I think they are too drooly, stinky and big.
I still love both animals, just prefer cats.
Except for the "love" part, you remind me of my boyfriend. He doesn't like dogs at all, up close OR from a distance.
Too bad though, because I really LOVE dogs. I would get one, but they're really expensive here and we don't have a lot of shelters. So I'm just going to have to wait.
Although I am actually a dog person, I like cats, too. I mean, I love cats, but prefer dogs as pets. I do have a cat despite that, which I "rescued" from my dad. I love her a lot despite being a dog person, I just wish it was possible to walk her the way you walk a dog. :P
I'm bipetual! I just have my one Siamese cat best friend but I would love give him a canine sister. I wonder how noisy life would be with a Siamese and a Shetland Sheepdog together?
This question gets asked practically every week and the really stupid thing is that most OPs never include an option to choose both! I personally think dogs and cats have more common than most people give them credit for. For me to say that I am a dog or cat person without taking into account an animal's personality, temperament and breed is to do a great disservice to the beloved pets I've loved so dearly throughout the course of my life!
I watched the show, but I wasn't really a big fan of it. Now "Hey Arnold!" that was a show that I could get behind.
I like dogs and cats.
But I think cats have more character to them. You tell a dog "Come here". The dog will run at 100mph, headbutt you and start barking. The dog commes instantly. Same situation, the cat would look at you. Think about it and then (probably) come. And the cat walks up calmly to you.
I don't know! I like both. A dog wants more activities. A cat can sit with you and watch a movie.
I'm so happy that cats are in the lead on this post! <3 Many people don't like cats because they think that cats don't really love people, which I don't AT ALL believe. They're sweethearts.
A dog person? Do you have the head of a dog and the body of a man, or vice versa? If you are typing this with paws then I'm very impressed.
I have 3 cats and a pup, I would do what ever it takes to make and keep them Happy cause they make me happy.
I am Both cat n dog Person.