Are you a liberal or a conservative?
Liberal | 45 | |
Conservative | 30 | |
other (comment what it is) | 18 |
Ask Your Question today
Liberal | 45 | |
Conservative | 30 | |
other (comment what it is) | 18 |
I consider myself independent but lean more towards the conservative side.
I'm not sure just yet.
I like trump. But I also have to consider who is going to be facing Hilary and would come out on top.
The democratic vote is split right now. Bernie is not going to get the democratic nomination. All these young people that would have voted for him are simply going to vote for Hilary because she's not a republican, etc. It has to be someone that can beat her and also win young voters. I don't know if we have anyone that can truthfully do that. I'm honestly starting to think that snake Hilary will be the next president even though where she needs to be is prison.
Rand paul would fail miserably to hillary clinton, thats why he is like 0% in the polls
He has a temper problem, is an isolationist, spends all his time worrying about relatively less important issues
Make America Great Again
Id rather have trump than clinton. But these days its about choosing the lesser of two evils. No real substantial change will happen no matter which person and party you choose. Hopefully someday.. politicians need to wear leather jackets with their corporate sponsors patched on them.
You do realize that Trump is self funding right? He has no corporate sponsors, no big donors, no establishment help, no hidden agenda, nothing. Its just him and some carefully picked people helping him to run his campaign. This is basically the first time this has ever really happened on a big scale in presidential politics
My first choice was rand paul and i know he has no chance now. My second choice is the trumpinator, and my third choice is anyone who is running against clinton because she is a shady lying bag of dicks. I am just tired of politicians using security as a ruse to take away our rights to privacy and whatnot. In that sense i do not trust any politician.
Maybe He also Has this Idea that he has no one to answer to as well, which is just as dangerous...............
I'm somewhere in the middle but leaning more towards the conservative side. Mostly because I hate extremes.
as for extremes...everything has to be looked at individually and look ahead to the possibilities it may bring about, everything in moderation has throughout history shown to be very prudent, because remember we do not live in a perfect world....look at what happened in I think it was Yellowstone National Park , in I believe 1915 the federal government took the wolves out and for the next 60 years it went to hell so in 1975 they put 2 wolf packs back in and now it is becoming the beautiful park it originally was....that is only one example.
right now we have professional politicians , we need to get away from that more it has become really all about them and not so much about the people. politicians will ly and deceive people to get what THEY want and that came out of the ME generation a while back. the conservatives are mainly about money and keeping things the same, Liberals are about forcing to much change and don't really look at the consequences of their actions in the future and they think only they should have the money to take care of everyone according to their beliefs as to what is best (the only way to balance a teeter totter (remember in school?) is in the middle) Wanting to Hug ISIS so they drop their weapons and not kill you is a fools way of thinking, because in reality its NOT going to happen. you have to understand that Liberals were part of the Libertarians but more extreme in some views and went underground after Woodrow Wilson who was one of the first, but came back up through the Hippy movement in the 60's. extremes on both sides will not help anyone only hurt sooner or later....
I'm a radical moderate who is pro-choice when it comes to abortions and guns.
I don't hold to any party line. I am radically against unrestricted immigration and think all illegals should be deported without a moment's hesitation. I don't think they have any right to our legal, health care or social welfare systems.
On the other hand, the Patriot Act is an abomination of governmental abuse under the guise of 'security'.
'Poor' people who drive to social services in a Mercedes/Lexus/etc. should lose those services for life.
I don't think someone who isn't willing to take the first job that they are offered, that they could get by on, should get any social welfare help. It may not allow them to have the newest and best, but nobody is owed that anyway.
We need a complete reset in Washington in my opinion. Congress cannot be trusted. We need some new blood. Our system was never created with "career politicians" in mind. Like i said they all need to wear leather jackets with patches of all of their corporate sponsors.
I completely agree. It's the 'professional' politicians who are destroying and corrupting the system.
As for new blood; who? How?
I certainly don't have the answers. I hope this generation does or by the time they are my age I fear they may live in a very repressive and controlling society.
The only way to change is going to have to take radical steps. Just recently i heard about a local militia blocking a federal building or something. That is a good example. We cannot just sit and complain and be half assed and passive anymore. We need to take our country back from these disconnected selfish bastards. Its the only way or the future you described is going to be inevitable. We need to stay armed and strong and fight for our rights to party. Its the only way. Give me liberty or give me death.
Take our country back is right! So if you want it RIGHT, don't be on the LEFT!! These frickin crazy liberals who want everything handed to them totally irritate me. Bernie Sanders...what a frickin clown. If people are rich because they worked hard why should they have to hand everything to someone who never worked...or just pumps out bastard babies so they can stay home and raise moochers like themselves. I wish liberals would get out of our country. Go somewhere else and maybe you'll want to cvome back here and work for a living instead of sponging off the hard work of other people.,
Well let's see. The Republican Party claims to be conservative and religious. However they carry a bible in one hand and a gun in the this Conservative or Liberal? Donald Trump and Ted Cruz claim to be conservative but they are extravagant and disrespectful. What's Conservative about that? They have made their position clear that 67% of the people in the U.S. don't matter. Only the rich are worthy. Hmmmm..... Borrow from the poor and give to the rich.
So, in my opinion, I don't think either party represents accurately the LABELS that have been tagged to them.
Frankly both parties suck in my opinion.
I just state im conservative. However the test I took said Im a pure centrist. Meaning I am smack dab in the middle. I believe that circumstance determines the ruling.
I on this subject Ilike being a fence sitter ...I look at what is presented by both and decide what would be good for me. there are somethings that both could come to together on and it would be great for everyone. they need to remember 2 things I raised my daughters with " to much of anything is not necessarily good even love" and " just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should".