Are you a morning person?
When are you the most productive and energetic?
I'm a morning person | 12 | |
Im best during the midday | 12 | |
Im an evening/night person | 53 | |
I hate the entire day! | 16 | |
I'm alive and ready 24/7! | 3 | |
Other | 3 |
Ask Your Question today
When are you the most productive and energetic?
I'm a morning person | 12 | |
Im best during the midday | 12 | |
Im an evening/night person | 53 | |
I hate the entire day! | 16 | |
I'm alive and ready 24/7! | 3 | |
Other | 3 |
In the mornings I'm not even a person. I'm a zombie groping around for the coffee machine.
I'm most energetic in the morning and late at night. The middle of day should be siesta time for everybody, imo.
can be, if i don't have to work in the morning -I enjoy working out, running.. doing shit. But if I have to actually go to work before the noon it's gonna be a disaster.
I don't like nights too much, so the only reason i stay up late is video games, other than that -it's dark and boring.
I'm only a morning person after i get out of bed, i mean i completely despise getting out of bed at 4am but when I do, I FEEL SO ALIVE AND GREAT!!
I am a morning person. However I have the ablility to stay up to like 8am without crashing. then going to bed and waking up like three hours later and being fine. One day I will die from a hart attack, but until then i will say YAY ME!
Early mornings are for sleeping. I don't get anything done until about 11am.
I have always been an early-bird. I had a night shift job quite a while back, and absolutely hated it...
It depends completely. Life forces me into certain patterns that aren't the best for me so, although I might be most productive at 4am, it's difficult to tell because I might be asleep or suffering insomnia.
Something very interesting that I've just noticed, by the way. When I'm off work for a couple of weeks, I have never suffered insomnia in the second week. When I've let my body (rather than work) dictate when I sleep and don't sleep, I return to a rather healthy cycle. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe my body does want to be awake at night, and trying to force it to sleep is not what it needs.
In terms of a standard working day, my most productive time is about 4pm. And if I stay at work late, it continues until about midnight, then tails off again.