Are you afraid of death?

Are you afraid of death? We all know we're gonna go some time...

No 22
Yes 16
Other (please explain) 3
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Comments ( 20 )
  • CreativeMinds69

    Edit: Yeah... kinda went too far with this one. But hey, if you read this, congrats! You win absolutely nothing for doing so but at least you get a pat on the back so yeah! Enjoy reading this absurdly long paragraph about my answer to this question.

    It's not that I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of not living the life I wanted to live. We'll all die someday. Hell, with every second that passes we are slowly dying. No day is promised to us. But I can't live today as the last day because I expect there to be a tomorrow. That, and if it were my last day, think of the people I could kill, sleep with, etc. If I were to live one of my days as the last, I'd be heading to prison. And come to find out my last day was behind bars. Or in the shower. Or outside. Any the point is, don't be afraid of death, be cautious of it and make sure to achieve that dream that you've had since you were a wee lad or lass. (Unless you're just a boring sack of meat that has no vision or purpose in life.)

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  • my_life_my_way

    I’m afraid of dying of a disease (but not that fake pandemic) that leaves slowly deteriorating and just waiting to die

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    • Rocketrain

      Why lot's of Americans (I'm assuming you are from USA, keep saying pandemic, covid-19 is a hoax or fake. And based on what

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      • my_life_my_way

        I’m British and I don’t think it’s a hoax in that I’m not saying the virus isn’t real, just that it has an extremely low mortality rate and that it’s been blown way out of proportion as an excuse to increase control on the masses

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  • miss_jass06

    Yes, but I'm more afraid of dying than death itself. I believe there's nothing after we die, so I won't know that I'm dead. The thought of being gone forever is quite scary though, but everyone has to face it one day.

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    • BLAh81

      I feel the same way.

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  • mathewdavis133

    Nah, after being depressed and suicidal I don't really have any worries about death anymore.

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    • BLAh81

      Glad to hear that your depression and suicidal feelings have also brought something positive.

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  • Iforgotmyuser

    “Why should i fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?”

    - Epicurus

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  • destructionofproperty

    yea i am. at least dying prematurely. i know it would devastate my family and i don't want that.

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  • thelurkerspeaks

    Since I've gotten into the past lives/life between life stuff, not as much as I used to. The act of dying is still a bit scary, but we come out on the other side just fine, I believe. I have too many stories of family members that have claimed some sort of communication from the dead to think that our souls don't exist and won't go anywhere. My brother has had dreams about our mom, and oddly enough, my cousin went to a medium and said that our mom said the same thing that my brother said that she said in a dream. I had a coworker that lost her husband, and her and the kids all had the same dream and all said that he looked the same in the dream (he died bald but had a head full of hair in the dream).

    I had a friend that I'd talk spiritual stuff with, we didn't talk much on the phone but he called me with so much joy one evening, playing some Tribe Called Quest and had no real purpose for calling. He passed that night from a heart attack. Some yrs later he visited me in a dream basically like "Yeah, you know I died but here I am in front of you."

    I've never had a dream like that.

    I think we get to the other side and realize that death isn't as big of a deal as we make it, from that perspective at least.

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    Death? Not at all. We all die, why fear death? I think more people are afraid of the act of dying, not wanting to be in pain while they're dying, for example.

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  • Billy24

    At the ens of the day It's going to happen at some point and there is nothing anybody can do about it so what is the point?

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  • I'm kinda afraid of not being proud of my life more or less. I feel like as I die I'll sort of think about a lot of things. If I die tomorrow I don't think I'd be too proud

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    • CreativeMinds69

      You're likely to die with diarrhea while wearing a clown costume jerking off to 3D furry tentacle futa porn whilst sing Never Gonna Give You Up. Not wishing that on you but it could happen.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    No because there is nothing we can do about it so what's the point?

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  • RoseIsabella

    For the most part I'm not especially afraid of death, but I have my moments. I'm more afraid of losing my loved ones than actually dying myself.

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  • Tinybird


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  • Somenormie

    No, why would I be?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Yes but I rarely think about it.

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