Are you afraid of water, and if so why?

So I have always been afraid of water. As a young child I loved David Attenborough documentaries. Almost exclusively the episodes on marine life. Now every time I get into a swimming pool or other large mass of water (which I rarely do), I first have to scouer the area to check that no sharks or "water monsters". I also have to keep a close eye on the under water vents to make sure a moray eel doesn't slide through it and drag me down.
Is this normal? If not it would atleast cheer me up to know other people have the same fear :-s

No. 53
Yes. I am afraid of drowning. 22
Yes. I am afraid of something attacking me. 28
Yes. I don't know why. 5
Other (please specify). 5
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Comments ( 16 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I'm afraid of getting into a pool with too many little rug rats in it and discovering a turd floating in the water and getting sick from e-coli.

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  • mmcrob94

    I'm thirsty

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  • mmcrob94

    Water is scawy

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  • Living_Too_Late

    I'm not afraid of water but I loathe being wet except when I'm in a hot bath. I've not been in the sea or a swimming pool for decades. The period between getting out of them and getting dry is the pits. Sand sticking to you, cold breezes. Don't care much for showers either. Unless you're prepared to boil your head you can guarantee your legs and feet'll get cold. Except for baths and something to make drinks with (I don't drink 'neat' water either) I'll avoid any interaction with water. That it's a necessary evil is its only redeeming feature.

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  • anti-hero

    No, I love it!

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  • Darkoil

    When I was about two I got knocked over by a wave and then for about a month afterwards I cried everytime someone tried to put me in the bath. I like swimming in a pool but I still have certain fears regarding the sea, I wasn't even aware of it until I went on a boat and I found myself panicking.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't like salt water because it makes my skin feel sticky and dry afterwards.

    I don't like swimming because it's boring and pointless and I don't like feeling like I'm in a chemically treated pot of human stew. Hot tubs are worse.

    I don't like rain because it sucks to drive in and Californians drive faster in rain. In addition, it sucks to be cold and wet and most umbrellas I've had don't hold up well in wind.

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    • GeneralFelix

      I hate swimming pools more than anything. I don't like the idea of bathing in the same water as all these dirty looking people. Besides it really freaks me out to be breathing chlorine gas (the same that massacred many of our troops during the first world war.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Ipe, I've never thought of the chlorine that way...

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  • kelili

    When I get in the sea I tend to think about stonefish. When it rains and the lagoon gets muddy they come near.

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    • gummy_jr

      GOOD LORD! I didn't know what a stonefish was so I Googled it... Those are some scary lookin mothafuckers

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      • kelili

        Yeah! My father twice stayed at the hospital because of them. I'm really scared of them because once I've seen a big man crying, no yelling like a baby because he had walked on one.

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        • gummy_jr

          What the hell do they do to you?

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          • kelili

            If you walk on it it stings you and release its venom in your feet. It can be fatal. It's the most venomous fish known. You have to get help very quickly. A friend of mine who got stung some seven months ago still experience pain in her foot when she walks on long distances.

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            • gummy_jr

              Ugly and dangerous... Like Rosie O'Donnel

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    • GeneralFelix

      Well where I live there aren't any stonefish luckily, though I did once see a massive compass jellyfish (like half a meter diameter massive) on the beach, which may have contributed to my phobia.

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