Are you against pcip?

Cheerio, everyone! I'm the same person who created the poll "Are you protesting the SOPA/PIPA law?". Well, I'm back to wonder if you're against this new bill. PCPI was created by the same guy who tried to create the SOPA bill. SOPA is thankfully dead, but this one is just as bad.

If passed it gives the government:
1. Your full name
2. Your full address
3. All of your cellular and landline phone records, including who you called and when
4. All your IP/network addresses
5. Your credit card information
6. Your BANK ACCOUNT information
7. The government can keep this information for 18 MONTHS.

This man has reworded the SOPA bill and it's more extreme. This is wrong on so many levels!
That being said, Do you or Don't you support this?

Yes, I'm protesting against this. 29
No, I'm for it. 1
WTF?! 8
I don't want to live on this planet anymore! 16
other 4
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Comments ( 23 )
  • I kind of figured this was information the government had, or was capable of getting with a snap of their fingers.... but yeah it sucks, i don't feel so free in the land of the free

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    • Hmmaybe

      You don't feel free? I'm in a different country and so can't do anything about it, but it's still going to affect me!

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    • Avant-Garde

      I haven't felt free in a long time.

      As a child, I think I wasn't aware that or I was just in denial.... It's only recently that I've realized how fucked up this country is.

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  • dom180

    Why does it matter? The government can have as much of my information as they like, I've nothing to fear. I'm a little surprised they don't have access to most of this already! I anticipate a lot of hate for that opinion, though!

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    • Avant-Garde

      It is a bit surprising, but if it's passed, like SOPA, it would destroy the rights of others.
      The main concern is what exactly they would be using/withholding it for?

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      • dom180

        What COULD they use it for? Nothing especially damaging, and if they did there would be enough uproar to stop them. They already know name, address and most probably bank details of everybody. Again, unless you are doing something illegal, there is very little to fear in my view.

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        • Avant-Garde

          What could they use it for?

          One shudders to think!

          I personally don't have anything to fear, really. But who knows with these people?
          Who knows the evils they might try to accomplish?!

          It's an extreme invasion of privacy.

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        • seabird_71

          I kind of feel the same way. I just always assumed that the government already had access to all of this... I don't have anything to hide. I doubt my little activities will bring much attention to myself from the government so because of that I'm not really THAT concerned about it, but it does seem rather overbearing.

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  • drumandpickchick

    I'm pretty sure they know all of that information already.

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  • Glass

    I want to punch the person that makes these bullshit bills in the face. Repeatedly.

    That being said, I'm obviously against PCPI.

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    • Avant-Garde

      That's good to hear:)

      Someone needs to go Bruce Lee on these extremists asses!

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      • Glass

        I know. I'm not a violent person by any means, but this is just ridiculous. There's bound to be a gigantic outcry on the internet against it again, so I'm hoping that will cause its aproval rate to spike down like SOPA. Honestly, why is the government all concerned with internet all the sudden? It's not like things weren't going smoothly before.

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        • Avant-Garde

          I'm not violent either and I hope so too. After all the time the Internet has been around, why would they pick now of all times to try fuck everything up?! I was thinking maybe it had something to do with "2012". I don't why though, but anything is possible....

          Also, would the senate/congresses's information be taken too or would they turn coward and be opt to be excluded? Honestly, this country is going down the loo!

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          • Glass

            I have no idea if it would affect those in the government or not. Guess it's time for some more research on this crap.

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  • bananaface

    Don't they already have access to all of that, and more? Either way, I'm not fussed, if they wanna know who I've been calling, then they'll find out, with or without my permission.

    I'm genuinely surprised that this isn't already around, I mean I can find out most people's address and sometimes more with just a name!!

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    • Avant-Garde

      I'm surprised too. Chances are they probably already have it, but they just want to make an excuse for it with this bill.

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  • Omglmffao123

    ^^ does this apply *

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  • Omglmffao123

    Does apply for Canada too?
    Or is it just in America or w/e?

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    • Avant-Garde

      I don't know. I got my information on tumblr, but the thing didn't say if other countries would be effected or not. I know that if SOPA had been passed the the government was going to spread it's laws on other countries. This was one the reasons that places like Europe were so against it. The weird thing is that for SOPA it had support from "american branches" of companies, like nintendo, Adidas, and nike. There was a ban on tumblr until what I think was april, after the first quarter was up. I haven't worn Adidas since, but I still play nintendo:P That whole bill didn't make any sense, because those companies would've be up the creek if it passed.

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      • Glass

        Gigantic companies can easily use cencorship to their advantage. What's that? There's a better product than yours for a lower price? All you have to do is find some bs reason to file a copyright claim (if I'm remembering right they wouldn't even need to explain a reason), and there goes your lesser known competetor. Make all the smaller competitors disappear, and people will never know any better.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

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  • suckonthis9

    What we need here is a RECALL MECHANISM to get these radical extremists out of any position of power.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Thank You!!!!

      These people are mentally ill....

      I'm tired of them trying to ruin things for everyone else!

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