Are you allowed to go in a hindu temple if you're catholic?

My boyfriend is Indian he wants to start going to temple but am I really allowed? Does anyone know?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Hindu's allow it.

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  • Clunk42

    This is a very non-specific question, so I'll have to give a broad answer.

    Yes, except when you aren't.

    See, it's a broad answer. To get into more specifics, there are a variety of things to the situation:

    Are you participating in religious rituals? If yes, then it is a sin.

    Are you weak in your faith (that is, could you be converted in that place)? You have to be honest with yourself on this one. If yes, then it is a sin.

    Those are just two broad points, but there's a lot more nuance to it than that, despite what a certain non-Catholic who has commented before me is trying to tell you.

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  • Sunshinegirl

    You might want to be careful. Some observances of theirs
    include nudity. Not joking.
    So if your Catholic beliefs permit your seeing nudity, you're attending would not be a problem.

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    • Seriously??

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      • Sunshinegirl

        Yes. This video is not the event I went to but it is sort of like the one I went to with my friend (she is Indian)
        here is the US in a temple courtyard. I was a little surprised, but it was interesting.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    No dont go if you're catholic its a sin

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    • lolman787

      why is it a sin?

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      • Sunshinegirl

        This is why

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        If you really want to know ask a priest or a preacher you wont find that info on google. Google sets their algorithm to push the narrative of being all inclusive. So it will always tell you this is ok. Any time you ask it a question it gives you the PC answer.

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