Are you an organ donor? why or why not?

I say when I die—Im done with my organs! Let someone else have them? How do i become organ donor?

No 18
Not sure 4
Yes 22
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Comments ( 40 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    good luck with this liver

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Once your dead it won't matter to you what happens to them. It could make a big difference for someone else though. No possible downsides and a big potential upside. Seems like a simple descion to me.

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  • That reminds me that I need to sign up to be an organ donor. Why wouldn't I? My organs could save somebody's life. Maybe somebody with a lot more to live for than I ever did. Maybe a kid with their whole life ahead of them.

    Seems ridiculous to prevent that possibility on some whim.

    Also, I eat Planters peanuts and Quakers oatmeal to keep my heart healthy. S'all good.

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  • CozmoWank

    I met this girl in a bar.
    Next thing I know I'm waking up in a hotel bathtub filled with ice and a big incision on my side. Next to me is a cell phone & a note to call 911.

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    • legthief

      Hey, free ice. That's a pretty sweet deal!

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  • CountessDouche

    Yes, organ & tissue plus I'm on the bone marrow registry. If you're American, you can sign up when you get your driver's license. Also, you can inform your family members as they will decide on donation in the event of brain death/death.

    I can not think of one justifiable reason not to be a donor. It's selfish not to.

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    • charli.m


      Idk if I'm a bone marrow donor though. It was a long time ago that I signed up and it was pretty much just a "sure have everything I'm not gonna be there" kinda thing.

      I do need to give blood, though. I've never done that and there's absolutely no reason for me not to.

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      • CountessDouche

        I have no idea how your bone marrow registry works here. In America, you submit a blood sample, which they put in a database so you come up for further tests if you initially match someone & there's a bunch of forms because the actual donation would be painful/invasive.

        I still have to figure out how to do all that shit here. My organs have some miles on em, but still.

        Oh just looked it up. I guess they just do cheek swabs now. I joined a long ass time ago

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        • charli.m

          Huh. Weird.

          I think it's on your license here, as well as independently. Derp'll know. I forget how I signed up I just know I did. I think we got a form in the mail? I can't remember. Is a long time ago.

          Never concerned once when I had surgery that they'd let me die so they could harvest my organs. Fuckin socialised medicine eh?

          Edit. I'm a tard. You're talking about the marrow. Duh.

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          • CountessDouche

            Yeah 4 the marrow hahaha. They put you in a database to check for matches first since it's a living donation.

            Dude, that conspiracy shit...ugh. as if any dr would risk a massive malpractice suit to murder patients that they personally deal with for anon recipients. There are tons of safeguards to prevent stuff like that happening, but it'll still be super fun to see all of the organ theif comments roll in when the fox news brigade of finding Nemo seagulls wakes up.


            Oh! Talked to one of those people IRL, and they told me this:

            "If I get in a serious accident, I plan on stabbing all my organs with a rusty spike so the doctors can't steal them"

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            • charli.m

              Jesus christ.

              That's so smart. Then you're definitely dead. Their loss is society's gain, I guess.

    's fairly prevalent on IIN, for reasons I'm sure you can imagine. Hah.

              So. Much. Ignorance.

              Don't get em started about the death panels social medicine has...

              (Ignoring that that is essentially what US health insurance is...)


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  • WeirdFromTheSouth

    No it gives doctors an incentive to allow you to die in their hospital. They make lots of money off your organs. A person at work had an accident and doctors asked his family to allow them to harvest his organs, because they said there was no chance he will live, but the family said no, and he made a full recovery. Saw him at work today. Hes a truck driver.

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    • Tealights

      I heard horror stories about this too. I've noticed that when I got my license in my teens, DMV would pressure me hard to get on the organ donor list to the point they would make me feel bad, but my family was like, "No. Doctors will help you less once they know you're on that list," yet the older I get the less they bother me about it. lol

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    • RoseIsabella

      I used to know a guy like that a few years back.

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      • WeirdFromTheSouth

        The hospital makes like 40 million off of a heart alone. Why would anyone be an organ donor I have no idea. I got my whole family to get off the organ donor list. I think its terrible.

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  • Ellenna

    I'm listed as an organ donor and have been for decades but I doubt if any of my organs will be any use to anyone, except I have been told even old wrinkly skin can be used for skin grafts.

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    • BleedingPain

      Dont know how healthy or unhealthy you are, but maybe your organs will be donated to researchers if they are no longer good for someone else.

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      • Ellenna

        Yep, I'm in the process of arranging for my body to go to a university medical faculty for research purposes and when they've finished with it, they'll do the cremation and give my ashes to my daughter.

        I have heart disease and emphysema so those organs wouldn't be any good, but as far as I know my liver is ok. Corneas: not sure if they're any good after cataract removal.

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    • mauzi

      never thought of it before but they must use organ donors for face transplants too, crazy thought !!

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      • Ellenna

        Anyone would have to be desperate to want my 73 year old face, but I guess if you didn't have one at all it'd be better than nothing.

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  • brutus

    I don't like ppl too much, so no. If there was a way to transplant human organs to animals, i would gladly sign up for that.

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      That's really immature.

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      • brutus

        Perhaps thats how you will perceive me...... But its much more than immaturity on my part.

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      • Not really. Seems like a legit point of view.

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  • WeirdpPersonFromTheSouth

    No it gives doctors an incentive to allow you to die in their hospital. They make lots of money off your organs. A person at work had an accident and doctors asked his family to allow them to harvest his organs, because they said there was no chance he will live, but the family said no, and he made a full recovery. Saw him at work today. Hes a truck driver.

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  • WeirdpPersonFromTheSouth

    No it gives doctors an incentive to allow you to die in their hospital. They make lots of money off your organs. A person at work had an accident and doctors asked his family to allow them to harvest his organs, because they said there was no chance he will live, but the family said no, and he made a full recovery. Saw him at work today. Hes a truck driver.

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  • Na... Simple thing is, I aint getting a organ transplant if I need it so fuck em then, you aint getting my body parts

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  • Ummitsstillme

    No way. If you're ever in an accident and its 50/50 whether you will survive or not your life becomes secondary to harvesting your parts if you give permission on your drivers license.

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  • TenFootDick

    No, I've heard that in some hospitals, the doctors will intentionally fuck up your treatment so you die and they can get your organs. Because then the doctors who "harvest" them can sell them for a massive profit of up to a million dollars or more per person that they do this to.

    And sometimes, they harvest them from people who could actually survive. Sometimes, the person who they are harvesting the organs from has literally been moving on the operating table, writhing in pain during the procedure. Some have even attempted to push the doctor's scalpel away to stop the procedure, but these doctors will then STRAP THE PATIENT DOWN and begin cutting out their organs anyways.

    The media doesn't talk about it because they don't want to piss off the powerful corporations involved in this industry, but I learned the truth about this industry from some videos I watched on YouTube made by whistleblowers who were speaking out about this. There are multiple videos on this, and they looked highly credible. It's really despicable that the powers that be allow this to go on, and I'm not a donor and would never receive an organ transplant after learning of the evil that goes on in this 'business'.

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  • perfectxsilence

    No I'm not for so many reasons but I think it's great that some are. I just personally wouldn't.

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  • Bratz

    I'm a cancer survivor so I'm not allowed to be an organ donor

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  • Lestat565

    After I’m dead I don’t and can’t care what anyone does to or with my body. If the people want to use my organs they can.

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  • If I cant use em, maybe someone else can.

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  • curious-bunny

    Heck no. I dont want my parts in wines sick person gross. 8 want my body to feed plants and animals

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  • raisinbran

    I donated my foreskin as a baby.

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    • Lol, naw. You're a discharge leaker like the alleged majority of this site. I read your comment a while a ago. You took off your sweater in public, and some asswipe catcalled you because it looked like you were stripping.

      I'd bet that comment was one of your few genuine ones. That's right, little miss raisinbran- you're being watched.

      You'd better eat your cereal with one eye open. Actually, scratch that; just eat it with both eyes open like a normal person.

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      • raisinbran

        I vaguely remember that comment but it was a very long time ago. Yes, I was catcalled and I am still traumatized by it.

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        • Dadadadada! Dadadadada!

          Deedeeda! TraumA!

          You think that wasn't your daaayyy
          But there's always a bright raayyy

          Trauma rhymes with drama, 'cause they have points in common
          Called out on the street, for bein' a womon

          Trauma is pain
          But it's more than a stain
          Whadda'ya know? We're rhymin' with gain

          Though my brain be a shart
          I know what forms a callus on the heart
          Leather trauma keeps it from tearing apart

          *dIsC sCRaTCHes sharPly* *Ed Sheeran cuts in*
          "Tell you the truth I hate- what didn't kill me never made me stronger at all."

          Insensitivity reveals me as a cunt
          Profile says I'm blunt

          In more ways than one
          Peeps that aren't sharp are dumb

          Dick with a dingdong
          TrAuMA SoNg!

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      • SwickDinging

        Discharge leaker lol. I'm Gunna start using that phrase

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    I drunk to much and I have a past of popping pills so I think my organs are beyond fucked up.

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