Are you meant for eachother? (it's a quiz)

Hey, my "normal" friends! You've got a crush, right! Mm-hm! And so do I. But do you think they like you back? Mm-hm! Thought so! So here is the quiz of compatibility!! Yay!

So to take this quiz, Just answer any of these questions and write your answer letters on the comment box, and I'll try to reply ASAP (unless if I'm busy).
Here we go!

Your crush walks past you in the hall and greets you. What do you say?

A) Hello, (name)! It's wonderful to see you!
B) Hey, dude/dudette! What's up?!
C) Uh... hi! *blushes and walks away quickly*
D) ...I am not going to even greet you right now! HMPH!
E) Why did you go out with him/her when I was available?! Bwahahahaha! *sob*
F) *trying to act cute* Konnichiwa desu~ (*in your mind* least I tried...)

Your crush wants to do a project or study with you. Where do you do it?

A)My house! I can't wait for him/her to meet my parents! (Me: ...I thought you were doing a project or studying...)
B) His/her house. I wanna see their secret life!
C) Under a tree! Huddled and snuggled up together!
D) In. My. Dreams! (Me: Ah what?! You should totally go for it!)
E) At the new yogurt place! Mmm... That would be fun! (Me: Don't you have work, again?)

Are you a ♂Male or ♀Female?


Do you catch them looking and smiling at you even when you're not making contact?

A) Yes! I think they like what they see! Mwoomwoomwoo! *poses in the mirror*
B) Yeah... Is there something funny about me?!
C) Naw... Or do they?
D) No. I know they're focusing on something else...

Are they taken?

A) Yes and I'll KILL his/her partner!
B) Yah... Off to go look for another one...
C) No! I can totally be theirs!
D) No, but he/she just broke up with some other person. I don't think it's tne right time...
E) I don't know...

How many things do you have in common?

A) Uh... a couple of stuff I guess...
B) Ten! I counted!
C) Kajillions! We're the same person!
D) We're total opposites. (Me: Don't opposites attract?)
E) I don't know...

What's your personality?

A) Funny
B) Educated and Smart
C) Nerdy, Geeky, etc.
D) A Total Gamer
E) Polite and Generous
F) Discourteous and troublesome
G) Quiet and Mysterious
H) Happy
I) Miserable
J) Cute and Bubbly
K) Serious

What's their personality?

(the same as the last question)

Do you know your love life in the future with them?

A) Yeah, got it planned out!
B) No...
C) I'll let the future brong it to me!

Alright! Hope you get good results!

I'll try it. 21
Nah, sorry. I already got a lover... 14
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Comments ( 74 )
  • Aliceee93

    This seems confusing, can I not just ask my crush outright if he likes me?

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    • VirgilManly

      Give him a note for him to check and return.

      I like-like you,
      Do you like-like me?

      *That's the mature way of handling things.

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      • Aliceee93

        I'll just give him a few winks ;)

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        • VirgilManly

          ::Wheezing followed by chest pains and smilling::
          : )

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    • Pika-girl

      Well yes you can, but it's like risking it. What if you tell him, and he actually doesn't think that way. He may avoid you for a while to think about it. But there are some specific hints if a guy likes you. When he shows those hints, it would be the perfect time to say it, but he may need to rethink it for a bit before he also gives out a straight answer.


      Girl: I need to speak with you.
      Boy: Yeah, what did you need?
      G: I felt this for a while now and... I love you.
      B: *stunned* Um... I need some time to think.


      G: Hi! I haven't seen you for a while... What's going on?
      B: I thought about it now and I think: the same (love)/that we should stay as friends (reject).

      Or you can talk to his friends about what he thinks about you. If they say that he truthfully has a crush on you, so and tell him that you love him back! If not and you are still trying to get him, try to build your relationship.

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      • Aliceee93

        Ohhh I seeee :)

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        • Pika-girl

          M-hm! I hope this helped! ^¬^

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  • disthing

    My results:


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    • Pika-girl

      Oh! That's something my crush would say if he dislikes something... Okay.

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      • disthing

        I always knew you had a thing for me, Pika-girl.

        Is it because when I laugh I sound like Raichu?

        Or is it because of my rare pokeballs?

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        • Pika-girl

          Sorry, I didn't get a present for you, so I don't have a thibg for you. Someone else... Not on this site.

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          • disthing

            Damn, it's that guy from Team Rocket, isn't it?

            Every time...

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            • Pika-girl

              Naw... Not him... But I'm a Blue and Red fangirl (Tee hee hee)!

              Uh... It's a real person - a close friend of mine. We met when we were THIIIIIIISSSS tiny! Great friend. Until one day, I FELT SOMETHING! Something that was new to me! Did I love them? No, how could I? But the next day, I couldn't focus at all. I was waiting for lunch, so we could chat n' stuff! I always start with my normal greeting: Aw why'd you see? I was stalking you! Wait. No, that's not it. It's: HHHHIIIIIIIIIIII!!! I ran up to them in the cold wind. He saw me "blushing": Are you blushing?
              Me: Naw. I ran here and it's super cold...
              Him: Awww! Do you like someone??
              Me: No! ...You're blushing yourself, too!
              Him: I-It's not like I like anyone!
              (SILENT PAUSE)
              His friend came and said in his funny little voice: Hey, guys! Wanna be Siffs and defeat the Jedis (big obssession)? Or at least walk around?
              Him: Uh... Yah, sure. I could walk... Bye!
              They quickly went away.
              I walked up to my friends, who were talking about oranges.

              A few months later: I saw them in the class the day before Spring Break. They were helping clearing out the cabinets, and asked me if I could join clean. I took the offer and decided to help. I found this manga girl that I drew and said: Our (my friends and I had a project that the girl was in) girl was in here the whole time!
              Him: OUR girl?!
              Me: Yah! Looks like she's cheating on us!
              Him: I'M CHEATING ON YOU?! We're not even in a relationship right now!
              Me: Right now? ...Well, anyway, I didn't mean it like that. I said 'she', not 'you'. (After that I remembered what he said) So... if we're not in a relationship, we're not even friends...
              Him: No! Well, yes we aren't friends! But... more?
              Me: (Don't wanna think crazy) ...B-b-b-b....BEST FRIENDS???
              Him: ...Uh... O-oh! Yah, y-you got it! ... ... ...
              Me: ... ... ...?
              Him: ... ... Uh... Let's just clean.
              Me: Uh, sure!

              We have dances at school. There is one for Spring.

              A slow song was playing.
              The DJ (P.E. teacher): Get into dance positions!
              The Softball teacher: Hey! You two should dance!
              Us: ... ...Huh? (We were dance partners for P.E.)
              Soft.: Ask her for her hand.
              Him: *holds out hand to me*
              Me: (I want to take it... No... Ah!) I randomly put a glowstick into his hand! (Aw, shoes! Whaddid I do??)
              Him: *waits until Soft. was gone* *randomly hugs me with an awkward emotion*
              Us: (We just waited until the song was over... Maybe next year...)

              And some of my schoolgirl crush stories.

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  • Riddler

    Are you kidding me?

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  • worriedgirlhere


    My personality: BCDEG

    Their personality: BCEG


    I actually enjoyed doing this. Thanks for the cool quiz/poll!

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    • Pika-girl

      Well, it seems you have very similar personalities, but you do not know about your crush's life that much... Try to get to know them.

      And you are very welcome for this quiz! Thank you for enjoying it!

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  • KeddersPrincess

    "Are the taken?" Where's the I'll kill the guy in question choice? If I can't have him, no one can >:)

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    • Pika-girl

      Sorry... I'm forgetting to put in a lot of stuff this time! But that WOULD be a great choice! Mweeheeheehee!

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  • gummy_jr

    This makes me think of an anime girl. I am not an anime girl. I will talk to my crush like a normal person and let the relationship grow over time.

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    • Pika-girl


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  • Satanic_Cereal

    To above commenters, I think she's posting this for entertainment. You don't need to be jerks about it, just because you don't want to play the game/ take the survey. yeah I know, we all judge social norms of how you're supposed to behave, and date- and there is no joking around about that, nor playing fictional games... bla bla bla. Maybe even my bad attitude doesn't fit here. Rock on, OP.

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    • Satanic_Cereal

      I wasn't referring to KeddarsPrincess or Shuggy-Chan (the comments above mine), but the replies before them.

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      • Pika-girl

        Eh, that's alright! I'm fine with these comments... I was just stupid to forget to put the "Please no rude comments" thing that I always add! Hehe...

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  • Pika-girl

    Hi there! I'm so sorry about the length... And I hope it's accurate because I put lots of effort into it!

    Alrighty then! Enjoy!

    Do you want to see my results?:

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    • Shackleford96

      I'm not taking the test, but i like your post and the enthusiasm you have too. I hope this gets approved :)

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      • Pika-girl

        Aw, thanks! Yeah, I thought about this quiz thing way back until I decided that I should submit it today. I knew that about no one thought of this idea, so I decided to see what would happen... And hopefully it's successful! Thank you again!

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  • mystlyn


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    • Pika-girl

      Cool! Everything's gonna be awesome! I'm totally like you and my relationship's building! Woo-hoo!

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  • You are too dang adorable haha
    b,c,a ish

    tis but a general thingy

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    • Pika-girl

      Ooh! So similar! And good choices! I think if you just go to it, it'll work! Sorry, the comment/result's so late... Hehe... I got too distracted by Creepypasta...

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    • shuggy-chan

      so when are we getting yogurt then? =DDD

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      • Is it creepy if I checked what yours was too XD vacation to the sagebrushy state and we will go to sweet frog! I swear, like 5 frozen yogurt places popped up at once here

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        • shuggy-chan

          haha im too nose, i want to see people stuff, but the yogurt place was my 2nd choice.

          And thats all a fellas gotta do to get a date, then i totally will =P

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          • Its not a good sign when you hear a dogs tummy gurgling :/ I think he will get the poops tonight.

            And yep, that's all a fella has to do haha just drive a lot

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            • shuggy-chan

              yeah, but it be still worth it. and awwww better rub that doggy's belly

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  • Satanic_Cereal

    I'm playing this with no one in mind. I'd be thrilled if you told me what me what kind of person I'd be compatible with, if you want to. Or what kind of person I should get a crush on...

    B E B, Skip question #4, #5, #6.
    Personality = G,
    skip question # 8,

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    • Pika-girl

      Just friends. You are very casual around them and act as if you are best friends. At least they are comfortable with you, but do not know all your secrets.

      You would be compatible with a friendly and social person.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't care for this silly question, but I like you, so I won't say anything mean. How's that for any answer?

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    • Pika-girl

      Aw, thank you! You're so polite!

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      • RoseIsabella

        You're very welcome!

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  • geek_god_101

    Let's hope for compatibility. Here we go:


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    • Pika-girl

      Man, same as Shuggy... You two both got 1/2 probabilities... Ah, just read the comment I replied to him.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Fine " i'll take a stab at it, just for you Pika


    Personality (ABCDEFGHIJK)


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    • Aliceee93

      Yeh shuggah try and build up our relationship!

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      • shuggy-chan

        cheeky, i was just answering in general, i dont have a crush currently, at least not on that lives near me

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        • Aliceee93

          I know I'm kiddddding you. :P

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    • Pika-girl

      Alright! I got it:

      They may like you, but not love you. And like I always say: Try to build up your relationship. If they love you back, AWESOME!!

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  • lolol555


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