Are you religious or non-religious?

Just curious to see which there are more of here.

Religious 17
Non-religious 26
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Comments ( 20 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Something smart built all this shit. But some of the dogma in the bible seems to be extra and written by men. But theres no way to know for sure.

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    • But what created the thing that created us though?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        It gets murky the further you kick the can down the road in any religion or theory on how we got here. There's no way to know. I used to think about that a lot and gave up on it.

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    • bigbudchonger

      Weirdguy, you have a good take a lot of the times man.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I appreciate it

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  • mafioso

    I think, that people need to believe in something. I personally believe in aliens/energy maybe even god (but one, which people attached multiple names).

    I also think that world would be so much better without religions.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet


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  • i812who

    Organized religion is the biggest crime against society there is. Its evil and stupid and you have to be a real lemming to believe it and practice it.Religion is for weak minded people who cannot think in a logical way.They depend on a God or outside fantasy forces to live their lives because they cannot take responsibility for what IS in reality.

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  • profanity

    Devout atheist.

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  • Somenormie

    I am non religious but I'll still study stuff about faith and have respect faiths.

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  • Ligeia

    Viva Christo Rey

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  • Dot123

    I am a full on believer in the ancient astronaut theory. It's more of a new age beliefs.

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  • theoptimisticscholar

    Both, as our perception or acquisition of truth is not without its resultant religious trappings of the formation of a worldview and our actions and responses to the things and/or realities which arise from it or seemingly or actually become apparent as a result of it.
    Our sense of spirituality is but an extension of our summation of truth as it pertains both to us individually and to the rest of reality which lies beyond our individual self.
    We are all both in a sense, whether we tend to admit and acknowledge it or not.

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  • allialli

    Is it considered religious if I'm buddhist? It is an atheistic religion. I guess it is a religion, so it would probably make me religious... I'll just put religious.

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  • Anonnet

    Stated religious, but I'm more pseudo-religious. I was raised protestant with bible stories and going to church, which we only stopped doing after my older brother rebelled against it. I probably would have followed him into Atheism (or Agnosticism, I forgot which he was), but he told me a long time ago, and I'm paraphrasing, "Believing in God doesn't make you dumb; some of the most intelligent philosophers are Christians."

    That said, even though I still identify as a Christian, I'm too lazy to attend church, I haven't read most of the bible, and I'm not spiritual. I believe in being a good person, and I also believe that there is something after death. I like to imagine that the things I enjoy most about Earth would basically be what heaven is, but the bible's description of the place makes it sound like... church, but bigger.

    Now that I think about it, I guess you could boil my religious lean down to "be a good person and trust that that suffices."

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  • KholatKhult

    I grew up with no religion whatsoever, though my dad was Jewish. My parents kept religion away and were basically anti-theists and anti-religion
    Don’t think I’ve ever really thought about god or religion. In a way I kinda wish I was atleast made aware of what others think, I know nothing about spirituality
    Russia is having like a spiritual revolution or something right now but I think I missed that bus lmao

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  • bbrown95


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  • kikilizzo

    I'm spiritual

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  • bigbudchonger

    Religous, but I half believe. I still believe in stuff like evolution and disbelieve in things like Noah's Ark.

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  • hidden.hands


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