Are you scared of the ebola outbreak?

I believed it was an extremely small chance of spreading out of Africa but it's now in Europe, in Spain and some scientists suspect it will be in the UK by the end of October, I'm a worrier and I'm extremely worried, I feel sick with concern, are you worried? Should I be worried?

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Based on 65 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • shuggy-chan

    Not really no, it wont be so deadly in first world countries

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  • WeirdMe

    I am pretty sure, 1/3 of all humans will die by ebola in the next 12 month. it will be insane.. i already looking where the best place will be to live

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  • bleach_baby

    I'm worried too. I live in London, and they're giving it three weeks to get here. People can say bleh bleh first world countries, but if lots of people get it the health systems will be overloaded and there will be deaths. It's a killer disease which makes your fucking eyes bleed, of course it is natural to worry. I'm gonna be one of those motherfuckers walking around wearing disposable surgical gloves and refusing to shake anyone's hands, dgaf

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  • CountessDouche

    I suppose it's normal to have concerns about the subject, but I would recommend educating yourself...figuring out exactly when and why you should be scared. I'm personally not too worried about it.

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    • I was only worried when I did research, British government is not planning anything in terms of screening but hospitals are preparing, many reputable scientists think it will be in the UK soon, but then many scientists believed in y2k, I really don't know

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      • RoyRogers

        We have so many jobless and homeless right now... Maybe it would create jobs.

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      • CountessDouche

        Bam! I happened to be online when you asked.

        The current state of the virus is this (and keep in mind that mutation is unlikely because it doesn't exist in the host too long): Ebola is only transmitted via an exchange of bodily fluids, and only once the patient becomes symptomatic. This means that it's unlikely that someone would be carrying the virus and spreading it during incubation. Since it's spread by the exchange of bodily fluids that makes transmission pretty unlikely as long as proper medical protocol is followed. The reason things got out of hand in Africa was mainly due to the fact that hospitals there are not in the best shape and that family members often administer medical treatment to one another. Both of these factors would not be in play if we are talking about somewhere like the UK. Plus, they would have an easier time with quarantines there. So, you are much safer living there. The virus has made it's way to America and is not spreading. I don't see much reason to be too worried about it.

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        • green_boogers

          First world countries are in good shape unless a terrorist induced "surge" occurs that swamps the isolation wards of hospitals. Hopefully, clandestine operations will continually find and destroy that terrorist capability before it crosses borders.

          In the next few years, several million people will die of Ebola in Africa alone.

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          • CountessDouche

            Yeah, but it would be difficult to cause a "surge" with Ebola specifically; it's difficult to spread whilst a patient is asymptomatic.

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  • TimmyTheTurtle

    Idc im just a turtle.

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  • dickwashington

    bird flu swine flu been there done that. the whole idea of an epidemic stopped scaring me awhile ago

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  • PieGoblin^^

    I live in SA! I'm living in the very continent the whole outbreak started in, and I'm not shitting my pants over it. WHY IS EVERYBODY ELSE?!

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  • thegypsysailor

    I really don't think this is the outbreak that will wipe us out, but it may well be a test run by mother nature.
    I have absolutely no doubt that she is getting pretty damn sick of watching us slaughter ourselves for no valid reason, watching us drive so many species into extinction for no good reason and watching us destroy the planet for no reason at all.
    Quite soon, there will be an epidemic that no one will be able to stop and the planet will rejoice at the end of mankind.

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  • anti-hero

    When I goes to gym my muscles plus up more heavier.

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  • youngg5000

    Look,I am an africa(nigeria)and the virus has been contained and we were the people that found a cure for ebola and currently nigeria is ebola free and some african fear not.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Ebola has taken it's first victim in the U.S. The second(?) confirmed Ebola patient was given an experimental drug in Dallas, Texas that did fail him as of yesterday or today.

    It's possible he spread it to a sheriff, who is going to be tested and is being treated for symptoms.

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  • sega31098

    No. The Ebola-affected countries are in a lockdown, and anyone caught with ebola outside gets quarantined immediately.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Why won't they ban travel to and from those countries in Africa?! It's like they are deliberately trying to kill off parts of the population and this liberal mentality that to close off the borders would be essentially "racist" is ridiculous. I'm not scared at this point, but I am worried. I have to keep reminding myself not to touch my mouth, eyes, or nose when I go out. To not pick at my skin, so as to not leave it vulnerable. Maybe, we should all start wearing gas masks.

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    • starbug

      . They aren't banning travel because it could have a negative effect on the economy as well as international relations. Also you have very little chance of getting it, there are more prevalent diseases in the first world country to think about so you are over reacting.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Okay. I hope so.

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  • handsignals

    Seriously though, they have the worlds leading experts working on this.

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  • handsignals

    The virus will mutate and a Zombie Apocalypse will be inevitable and I will walk around saying "stuff" and "thangs" CORAL!

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    • " you've got red on you "

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'm honestly not worried about it.

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  • Darkoil

    Hopefully it will thin the herd a little bit but I don't think we are that lucky do you?

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