Are you worried about overpopulation? explain.

Yes 46
No 35
Other 6
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Comments ( 23 )
  • lc1988

    Yeah I'm pretty worried.

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  • It does, to an extent. If people stopped making children, then perhaps we could focuson expanding by spending out money of people in poverty. We should focus on the people alive rather than bringing new people in to the world to pay for.

    I also have the feeling that if the population gets too big that goverments will try to reduce the population by iffy mean, e.g murder in an unoticable way like poisoning food or water or something.

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    • VougeBabex

      We are made to live and die. God is the creator, without his will, no child would be bore to man.

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      • Preaching to the wrong type of person, sister.

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    • TheMightyOz

      People create wealth, people consume wealth. Poverty is simply matching low consumption with poor production.

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  • Fidgety

    Soylent Green will someday become a documentary.

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  • ChrissySnow

    Overpopulation is a myth. I've learned we are actually facing a global population crash as not enough countries are making enough babies to replace their parents. Only Nigeria and India have a surplus.

    Plus, think on this, if you put everyone on the planet into one place, shoulder to shoulder, we could all fit in Los Angeles

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  • jc25

    I'd rather have 9 billion people and no global warming than GW and 7 billion.

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    As an immediate, pressing issue, no. I'm definitely aware of the threat, though, both present and future.

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  • CarnivalofSoulz

    yes i am. there are people out there starving and dieing every day. eventually a very very lomg time from now we are going to run out of space for these people. what do we do then????

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  • I'm more worried about IMMIGRATION both legal/illegal in the U.S. especially about the fuckin MEXICANS/OTHER SPICKS.

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    • Doyourthang66


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  • Smartasscookie

    Nature will sort that problem out, survival of the fittest! Although just because the problem will eventually sort itself out does not mean it isn't still a worry because along the way there will still be resource shortages/ starvation etc.

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  • blackmesa

    I am not worried at all. The human population has a way of sorting itself out. If there is no food, people die of hunger and disease. If there are not enough resources, nations fight wars. It's pretty simple when you think about it.

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  • myownopinions

    I'm worried to an extent, but I know I won't be as affected when compared to future generations.

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  • suckonthis9

    For an excellent overview of this problem, please watch: How many people can live on planet earth? - BBC Horizon,
    Available at: Top Documentary Films

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  • wigsplitz

    No....why? Starving people will either die or be killed. And won't likely be very reproductive. If it got to a point where we were really looking at serious overpopulation, then we'd also be seeing mass death and loss of reproductivity. This is one reason I frown upon feeding and watering the unfortunate. I'd rather give them condoms and/or bc pills than food. I mean I'm not against charity but there's a limit, and there's an obligation as far as I'm concerned to get 'off' the system and stay off it, once the immediate need is taken care of.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      "I'd rather give them condoms and/or bc pills than food."

      If I had a dollar for every person that has given me a dirty look or self-righteous speech when I have said this in public, I would be able to start this movement.


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      • green_boogers

        I am poor and would rather have free condoms and b/c than free food. I can always kill rats for food.

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  • Sillygoose

    Yes, because with every generation, there are people who are getting stupider.

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    • Sillygoose

      and stupider.

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      • Doyourthang66

        and stupider.

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  • NoraBaker

    No, you are!

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