Are you worried about your posts and secrets on iin?
Are you worried about your secrets on this site? That people around you might read it and know about it?
Because it can happen really easy.
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Yes | 17 |
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Are you worried about your secrets on this site? That people around you might read it and know about it?
Because it can happen really easy.
No | 40 | |
Yes | 17 |
if you woulda asked me this anytime between before the last 2 months, and after 4 months of me joining, I would've given you a paranoid and anxious yes. But now I dont care. it's strange. Whatever this is... I'm liking it muchly
I'm not worried. Most of the people I wouldn't want finding out about the stuff I confessed to on here have zero interest in sites like this. They enjoy the more popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
You guys use wifi, internet at public places, cable internet etc? Well I just feel you guys deserve to know that this site doesn't use any encryption methods so all the traffic and passwords are transferred in clear text. So anybody on same network as you, if they take even slight interest in hacking can get your username and password within a second you log in here.
Yes you guys do use fake names but if your email id contains real name then it will point to you again. I feel you deserve to know because some people share some real personal information here.
You mean people might find out I gave my Best friend a blowjob even though we're both straight OM *dramatic pause *G!
yup all they have to do is be on same network and wait for you to login here.
I use keyloggers, there is no need to be paranoid. I don't even run an AV, IPS, IDS, or a FW cause I know how to use a computer. All sites are blocked in my host files, I know what sites I access, I know what I download. All text is scrambled, my IP jumps five servers before reaching the client I am connecting to. All executions and modifications are monitored locally and logged, as well as any abnormal behaviours. I monitor disc activity, boot times, and hardware latency. Any program is captured so there are never any traces left over when I am done with it, one off things I compress into a portable version. No one can access or see my computer as only a few networking protocols are active just enough for data transmissions to work for my needs and any sniffing packets will see "awsdsfsdsfde" so no I don't care. Now if they just ask what I am doing I will be like, just replying to this guy on IIN. He thinks their world will end by going online.
Someone will just need any of those 5 IP jumps. Just by posing as either of those IP address, all your traffic will go through hackers network. Your internet will just work fine and you will never know that your traffic is being sniffed.
Unless you use something to detect any incoming traffic for suspicious activity. Best thing you can do is use VPN.
And no, traffic of this site goes in clear text, and the scrambled text you see might just be gzip compression which is just commonly used to reduce server traffic.
Which could be any network, is relative. If the data being sent is spoofed, it will be spoofed through the whole chain until you choose otherwise which then they have to hack the site you're entering data into.
I agree a vpn can be a great way to dead end someone if you can block the host connection from being detected. I don't do so as I am not doing any thing illegal.
Which is fine I don't give out my bank card too people, do you think because facebook has encryption their security is any better? Again relative, with the right knowledge either site is hacked just as easy. Facebook all I need is an I-phone to gain access to any ones profile, or a basic script used to spam people which you can manipulate to exploit e-mail addresses. So clear text or not, no data transmitted is secure once stored on media. Which is what you're doing using the net logging your life into the ether. So unless you're not using it irresponsibly you're not going to have problems. You don't want people to see you nude don't log it, you don't want people to know you kissed your cousin don't log it. you don't want people to steal your money don't post your personal information on forums. What's the big deal?
Are you like Bill Gates or that Google guy, what if people find out I look at porn! OMG I'm gunna go kill myself now.
I'm not really worried, I try to be true to myself, and straightforward with others wherever I go, but only God knows all my secrets.
None of my questions show up on my profile, so if they did at least they won't find those without me showing them.
I don't care too much if anyone found out what I've been posting on here; I'm still "hiding" it from most people but I wouldn't be too bothered.
No, everyone I know IRL inhabits a world which has zero overlap with the likes of IIN. And only a few of my friends and relatives are more than just superficially computer literate.
Plus, most of what I post here is either so generic, or it comes from somewhere so deep and hidden inside of me, that it wouldn't be personally identifiable anyhow.
Nah. In a perfect world everything would be out in the open anyway. Some things could be awkward to explain to some people maybe, but it would be a relief, after all...although I can't see myself giving a shit about someone who snoops on my stuff because because they're nosy and want to try to pull up dirt on me or something. They'd clearly be in the wrong and I wouldn't stunt them. Thanks for the heads up tho.
they might figger out what an urbane manhattanite penthouse dweller i is
Eventually, everybody finds out all the trash about everybody else. The truth will come out eventually, it's not a big deal.