Arthritis, crohn’s, kidney stones, myopia, before 24
I hate my health and I’m depressed about it. How can you be happy if never feel well at a young age and realize you have a long, miserable way to go.
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I hate my health and I’m depressed about it. How can you be happy if never feel well at a young age and realize you have a long, miserable way to go.
My sister lost her hearing, has chronic migraines, scoliosis, chronic tendonitis in one of her feet, and on rare occasions, prone to seizures. All before she was 27.
My boyfriend has a knee that gives him a lot of pain(he's had two surgeries on it and might need number three in the future), chronic tendonitis in BOTH feet, scoliosis, and he has a very shitty immune system and is physically ill a good chunk of the time. He's been like this before I met him(he's 28).
They still go out, laugh, and have a good time despite it. They sometimes have to stop and take breaks due to being in pain/feeling sick, but they don't let it stop them.
I have everything on your list except myopia. I found I had Crohn's at 24 and I guess it caused the other things. It gets better, bro. New meds for Crohn's are out on the market and they work wonders. Good luck and if you want to talk please pm me.
My best friend died slowly and painfully at age 22 from testicular cancer. It was horrible. He was a great guy.
Someone out there always has it worse than you. I know that doesn't make you feel better though. I don't think anyone can say anything to make you feel better. Sometimes life is just really shitty. Sorry OP, I hope your health improves in any way that it can.
Of course if one does have any kind of health concern or abnormal pain before age 30, the world is like, "You are too young to be hurting".
It is like, "Thanks, good to know your smart ass cares."
I think anyone over 21 is prone to SOME kind of discomfort.
I've had depression, and anxiety for most of my life, at least since the age of nine. I have abdominal pain related to IBS that I initially thought was just bad menstrual cramps since my late teens. I also am very badly nearsighted, and can't see clearly within two feet of my face. I have terrible allergies, and I'm quite prone to chronic sinus infections as well as bronchitis.
I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just please know that you are not alone!