As a fat person....
As a fat person are you worried about statistics showing that you'll probably live a shorter life?
Yes I am | 13 | |
No I'm not | 17 |
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As a fat person are you worried about statistics showing that you'll probably live a shorter life?
Yes I am | 13 | |
No I'm not | 17 |
I'm technically not fat, but oh I'd like to be below 17% body fat!!!! I seem to sit right at 20%. Fine, whatev's.
Look, if you're weight stable, you can very well be healthy and live a nice long life. If you're just fat all over, that can be healthy. I've seen stories of people that undergo gastric bypass, lose tons of weight, and what happens to them? They become nutritionally deficient with underactive hormones. Obviously, weight loss for these people is in their best interest, but they have to be managed for life through routine bloodwork. Serious! If you're a stable weight, you're better off staying put as you are. That's actually likely healthier than aiming to drop pounds that your set point will fight to regain. Forget body fat, you want to retain metabolically active muscle tissue.
You want to know what kills people? You want to know what the dumb media ignores reporting to people? STRESS, that's the killer. That's what contributes to greater health risks than people that are fat. Reason? Stress raises cortisol which is inflammatory in the body. You want to go with the flow in life all chilled out. :-)
Live relaxed, aim to eat healthy (eat real food that's not processed to the hilt), walk often, add in some exercise (prevent muscle atrophy), sleep well, have good social support, and lead a balanced life. That's what lends itself to healthy longevity (generally). It's true if you read anything about epidemiology worldwide. If you want, look up the Blue Zones book.
Oh, length of life probably depends more on telomere length of your DNA.
Now, if you're fat from consuming the Standard American Diet consisting of mostly trans-fat infested junk, there's enough evidence on record to show that stuff leads to atherosclerosis. You should quit eating that crap, if you ever eat it. Just switch to eating real food. Look at the French and the Italians. They eat cuisine that is crafted from natural ingredients not manmade.
You left some very important factors out of that list: how about not drinking alcohol to excess, not smoking at all, not being exposed to toxic chemicals in the environment?
I didn't care to read this but it's so long that somewhere it has to have a point or something helpful. So I will thumb this sucker up right here
Yeah, but I'm much more aware of the fact that I've shortened my life expectation considerably by smoking cigarettes for decades, resulting in emphysema.