As a woman, i am disgusted by men's behavior
Men are a disgrace. Your mothers must be so proud. As a woman, I am utterly repulsed by how men don't know how to act like civilized human beings and their disgusting attitudes towards women. You all say us women are being dramatic, but men rape, beat, catcall, and kill women, and you expect us to be okay with that? I think not. Men are pigs. I tried to give men the benefit of the doubt, but things have just gone too far. Yesterday, I was disrespected by a man. He came up to me and asked how I was doing, then proceeded to call me pretty. That IS catcalling. You all might try to defend him and say that was a compliment, but why am I supposed to take that as a compliment when he not only disrupted my peace, but he was being a creep?? He did that against my consent and made me feel uncomfortable. To think what must've Been going through his head makes me feel sick to my stomach. Also, a car was driving behind me for a while after this incident occurred. That might possibly have been him. Justify that. Women face the issue of men not acting like they have any sense all the time, which is sad. All men ought to be ashamed of themselves. Men, you make me sick! The XY chromosome needs to be removed from existence. Maybe then us women can live in peace!